Political Caption Competition



    • Don’t even try and deny it. Many, many, many desperate young boys and girls would salute her as she sleep walks NZ into WW3.

        • Ekshully
          The best that can be said about this whoahman is that it is one truly ugly specimen. Given the history, and given the outbusts over Metiria T….. given the hypocisy….
          Thete goes one very ugly leopard skin dressed up in Christian Dior and various other ‘brands’, versed in ideological spin and language but wirh fuck all else between its ears than a bit of glitter and glitz (going forward)

          • Arden is not whoahman. Arden is the person you send to kill whoahman.

            The death and decay all over national reek of death and necromancy. The two youngest Barclay and some other fuckwit National MP who got thrown out of a pub for being drunk on power. I mean national are quite clearly bankrupt ideology.

        • There is an interesting story in Underbelly Tale of Two Cities the series about the best pickpocket in Australia in the 50’s and 60’s who could lift 30 wallets an hour back in a time when hard currency was essential. The offending was plain to see for every one in the corporate boxes above who included Police, Academics, Politicians, Wall Street, ect who often looked on in amazement at the poor smucks being swindled.

          Today the 10% of kiwis who own half the wealth and over 60% of new income, they often look on at Paula Bennet in amazement as she and her team raid crown coffers. This behaviour is most noticeable in the way NZ pension system is managed, which isn’t immune from market realities that see the 10% of kiwis who also control much of the pensions system.

          I have some ideas about how to deal with the situation knowing that I am not some one you’d like to see famous. So let’s keep things civil and you put in your one vote.

          I could name those who assisted Benifits rise. We could start with Jenny Shipley and work our way around board members and companies she’s affiliated with.

  1. That “caught unawares moment” when Barclay discovers a new, & very personal, hidey-hole for his recording device.

  2. Meturia smiles and takes a back step , but Bennet screams at reports she was guilty of benefit fraud,how dare anyone challenge her!!thats just for poor people and opposition parties to answer to.

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