Malcolm Evans – Blame Russia



  1. So very true that USA and EU use the Russian boggy to keep us from looking at what our governments are up to now”””

    Russian bogey is just a diversion, something else.

    • Chris Trotter wrote an article entitled ‘ Battle for the Heartland ‘ about those who conquered and controlled the ‘center of the world ‘ would hold absolute power . And that center is Russia. And though it is a 19th century theory – it has been adhered to by those in the West.

      Battle For The Heartland: Understanding America’s Unrelenting ……/battle-for-the-heartland-understanding-americas-unrelenti…

      That was partially what the Cold War was all about.

      Now they are still trying to play that game against Vladimir Putin.

      Which goes a long way in explaining the hatred against Trump by the neo cons and the globalists and their media.

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