The Daily Blog Open Mic – Tuesday 13th June 2017




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.




  1. This government will steal from anywhere to achieve their ill-gotten gains.

    Think of Ebenezer Scrooge and you are looking at the ugly face of Bull English and Steven Joyce and their Nactional junta.

    But of course they will move to protect their own members as they cut and steal from others, so we need to get rid of these thugs come September for sure.

    Last week the Nactional Government again stole from us all the tax payer again when they took the subsidies off the rural roading network all around NZ and put that money into the “roads of national significance”, (RONs) which is a fancy word for subsidised “truck routes”, they make me sick with their twisted under-underhanded methods of pilfering our taxes for their purposes.

    Article quote: unseal roads cost $1500 per kilometre to maintain – however when logging activity involved maintenance cost increases to $10,000 a kilometre (says Stratford District Council)

    Should logging trucks be forced to pay more to repair the damage they cause on unsealed roads?

    It is a hot topic in some rural communities.

    “The costs certainly go up, so we have to try and find the money from somewhere. Councils throughout the country really are faced with this situation, they will be looking at all the ways they can to try and recover some of those costs, but ultimately they fall back on the ratepayers,” says Mayor of Stratford Neil Volzke.

    The debate has been triggered by an announcement – from the New Zealand Transport Agency – that it is changing the way it funds roading maintenance.

    From next year – it will spend more of it’s budget on nationally significant roads – and less on rural roads.

    We have long seen the Road transport Forum (Truck lobby) complain that we should not subsidise rail but this is now happening as we are being forced to subsidise trucks and not rail now!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Finally National admits that their immigration policy is designed purely as an economy driver, after they have denied it for years.
    The MSM doesn’t seem to have noticed this.
    Hello Mediaworks,…..
    Are you awake……?

    • Eggsectery @Moik the Lefty
      alongside my followup comment not yet published in answer to mysef:

      … and just to be clear:
      If current policies weren’t all about propping up a shoddy private tertiary sector and treating people as commodities and a business opportunity, we wouldn’t have the likes of this:

      or the NZ Herald Story, the link for which has now disappeared entitled following that ghastly Herald website upgrade

      “We’re pressured to ignore cheating and pass incompetent students”

      or Sandra Gray expressing dismay at the very same, or indeed countless stories and investigations undertaken by some of our more competent journalists such as Gerritson and others at RNZ (including a segment on Ryan’s Nine to Noon).
      OR an under-resourced NZQA struggling to keep abreast of the scams.

      Hark at Christine Clark of Teriary Education NZ now crying foul. There are a few genuine providers of course, but there are also a number of charlatans and possibly rogues within their organisations, and the record speaks for itself. She’s right about one thing: “Low
      skilled doesn’t mean low quality”, but that organisaiton should have done more before now to clean the shit up. It’s only now that they see a threat.
      – Inadequate counselling services for young students facing a new culture
      – Inadequate or non-existant moderation in marking
      – Plagiarism
      – Relying on external agencies to ensure the welfare of students
      – Inadequate induction processes
      How else does she explain various closures, let alone NZQA’s belated concerns except that apparently ‘it’s all ok now, and the problems have been fixed’. Let’s not forget, in order for these providers to remain viable, they must be profitable (and quite obviously, the
      record shows profitable at any cost). So please Ms Christine Clark – when you can categorically guarantee that your representatives and agents are not still ‘at it’, and when you take responsibility for ensuring the integrity of your “processes and procedures”, rather than relying on state agencies to clean up your mess afterwards – spare me the faux outrage!

      And although there are a few quality courses now on offer, it in now way makes up for those that have been ripped, lost everything, or for those acting as agents continuing to bullshit in order to clip the ticket and make an earn – often of those who can least afford it.

      IF these rorts hadn’t been promoted by the lying and cheating ticket clippers and people traffickers providing false hope, we wouldn’t have had this:
      or this:

      These are the true victims (amongst MANY others) who’ve been royally ripped. And they wonder why the reluctance for their prized “free-trade” agreements are coming to nought. It has not yet dawned on them that some countries actually care about the welfare of their citizenry.

      BUT BEFORE we think all these rorts are limited to the private tertiary education sector, they are not!
      AND BEFORE we start branding immigrants from any background with labels like “low value” and “unskilled” or “low skilled” – even worse the Brandis/Dutton/Cormann/Morrison cabal doing their best to reintroduce the White Australia Policy with labels like “ECONOMIC MIGRANT”, or “queue jumper”, let’s remember we (Australia and NZ) have our own set of those ‘economic migrants’.
      Because the rorts have gone on now for so long, with wages driven down and expertise in various sectors having been lost overseas, it’s no surprise Kiwis opted to go to OZ to earn ‘big money’ in the mines or in construction. And now the downturn, they’re coming home. Are
      these ‘economic migrant’ ambitions only the Divine Right of the WASP or the ‘noble savage’?

      Under this government, IT’S ALL BEEN ABOUT THE MONEY!!!
      Were that not the case, we’d not have had a Thiel ffs! Or what I think they describe as “churn” – or as one or two legitimate immigration lawyers/consultants (with a concern for basic human rights) described as “Flushing the pool”. Bring them here using whatever promises are necessary, fleece, then rinse, and start all over again.

      And if we were smart, we’d allow a reasonable number who’ve been here 6 or 7 years, and who now possess the expertise and experience in various sectors (BECAUSE THIS GOVERNMENT has treated its own citizens with contempt), to remain and pass on their experience to NZ’s unemployed ….. BUT WITH DECENT, LIVEABLE WAGES AND CONDITIONS.
      We could strike an even balance in numbers by getting rid of the exploiters and ticket clippers who’ve provided absolutely no ‘value’ to NZ society other than enriching themselves by way of exploitation.

      Again, I suspect (and hope) there’s more to come.

      What I didn’t say of course is that we could probably get rid of the ticket clippers and exploiters, UP the refugee intake, and still come out with a negative gain in immigrant numbers. In fact I’m fucking sure of it!

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