Gareth Morgan Welcomes PCE’s Stance on Feral Cats – TOP


Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Dr Jan Wright has today issued a major report highlighting the need for urgent action on the control of feral cats to protect and preserve New Zealand’s unique and diverse birdlife.


Her report comes four years after Dr Gareth Morgan launched a philanthropic campaign to address this very issue which has resulted in numerous local bodies throughout New Zealand putting the eradication of feral cats in their pest control plans.


“To have the Commissioner of the Environment accept and endorse the evidence based issues we have been highlighting all these years is a major victory for commonsense”, says Dr Morgan, “It is proof that while many are uncomfortable about policies that might at first appear radical, speaking out on problems and proposing well thought out solutions can win the hearts and minds of New Zealanders”.


Dr Morgan is confident voters will also engage with The Opportunities Party’s evidence based policy solutions on tax, housing, cannabis, clean water, education and health as the election campaign ramps up.

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