It’s funny we only recognise Australia shafting us when they rob middle class students


I’m useless 

I found it difficult to feel sympathetic towards claims from every media pundit alive in NZ that Australia had suddenly started to shaft us because Kiwi’s were losing their privileges to subsidised tertiary education in Australia.

One well suited Dad was on TV complaining that his two middle class boys would have to loan a small fortune to continue education in Australia.

The country sobbed in unison, Australia was indeed shafting us we all nodded, they were treating us almost as appallingly as the NZ Government treats our own domestic students, oh the humanity!

The reality is that Australia’s derision towards us started long before they cut the educational opportunities of NZs expat middle classes, and it reached a crescendo last year when Australia started forced repatriations of any NZer who had committed a crime.

Suddenly NZ has been flooded with over 600 prisoners, many of whom have no family connections or support networks here in NZ and there is a further 1000 yet to be sent…

Police figures reveal 660 people were removed from Australia between January 1, 2015 and January 19, 2017 under Australian legislation introduced in December 2014, which meant Kiwis who had committed crimes and been sentenced to jail for 12 months or more could be deported.

It is expected up to 1500 will be sent to New Zealand.

…the Australians have exported the rotten fruits of their society to our society simply because the person was born here. Most of those being exported have lived the majority of their lives in Australian culture, their crime is a responsibility of the culture that criminal grew up in, not the birth home of the criminal! 30% of these exports are already reoffending, and they are being placed into our prison system that can barely look after the domestic prisoners we currently have.

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It says something about us as a culture that we only sense Australia is screwing us when they stop middle class education tax breaks, what about when they fucking export a crime wave to our nation?

Is it a different story to tell because NZers hate prisoners and can’t view any discussion about that without acknowledging our own damaged view towards prisons?

How are our poorly performing prisons that the National Government had to recently hide the failure of reoffending stats, going to cope with this sudden influx of Australian criminals who will require even more support to gain a life back into a community they have no connection with?

We should acknowledge that Australia has treated us with contempt and the only true response is to reciprocate the policies.

Less Australians buying up our businesses and land and houses would be a great start.


  1. 100% well stated Martyn.

    Where is the NZ leadership in social issues???

    We need another Nickey Savage here now.

  2. Kiwis are too busy fighting each other, I notice, again and again, hence we make no progress. It is the better off clinging to the Empire and US, sentimentally at least, that hold us back.

  3. “…they were treating us almost as appallingly as the NZ Government treats our own domestic students…”
    Very true, hence the decline in student rolls and the tertiary institutions respond by rationalising their staff and making ludicrous attempts to ‘sex’ up their courses, or just dump the courses altogether. No acknowledgement from those running the tertiary institutions of the social decline, the financial hardship and low morale of our young people. No, they can’t do that because they are in the pockets of their neoliberal masters. This is the great tragedy of education in this country right now, those charged with the education of our young people are in fact destroying the education system from within and thus destroying their futures.

  4. I agree with your suggestions however tgere are further cures;

    1. Mirror Australian immigration policy.

    2. For any person who has left NZ for 5 years or more and not returned AND have accumulated convictions, they will have their claims to and or their NZ passport revoked.

    Australia exporting their own home-grown criminals back here, to me, was an abuse of this country, too far.

    There is NO Anzac spirit.
    We are not best mates
    We are not good friends.
    (For fucktards like Brownlee who suggest otherwise)

    What we are is neighbours, nothing more, of which the larger has become a boorish bully, whose politicians have found putting the boot into Kiwi’s buys them votes. The same Kiwis who give far more than they have ever taken from that arid wasteland.

    We need to get a government here with conviction, strength and dignity, not this bunch of weak kneed real estate salesman who would sell their grandmothers for a quick buck.

    Fuck Australia.

  5. Well, I kind of like Aussies. I’ve been to AU numerous times and have always had fun and been treated well.
    Are we sure this latest AU hates Kiwis thing isn’t some kind of head fuck emanating out of our own cadre of swine? Because otherwise, it doesn’t make sense. It has the smell of deflection on it. I could have said I smell a rat but that’d be disrespectful of rats. Is it a tag team effort to fool us Oiks?
    Politically, we humans have a mind boggling history of being played by those in power. I.e. Narcissists who claw their way gleefully to positions of power then exact that power mercilessly. So, why should this latest round of bewildering shit stirring be any different ? There will be a reason for it and it sure won’t be in the interests of peace, harmony and a fucking great party. Whoop !
    I say, lets become part of AU. Fuck it. Why not? Trying to cling to our feeble sovereignty is embarrassing to say the least and we both slaughtered our indigenous populations for fun and profit so… something in common, other than the Common Wealth. We both have snakes, leeches, rats, spiders and sundry parasites too.
    Same currency, same passports, same fucked white, soulless consumerist, culture that’s gone grey and thinning like an old mans hair so why not?
    Re the Aussies buying up our real estate?
    I have a house for sale? Give me a call?
    Did you know? $94 billion National Debt is a $20K debt for every single one of us. Is now a good time to mention the banks? Our banks are their banks and their banks are the Big Four U$A banks… Just sayin’.

  6. i think Australia are sending a message to NZ economic refugees ” fuck off we are full

    • Why won’t the govt reciprocate and do the same to Australians residing here?Maybe it’s they want to keep up the illusion that NZ is enveloped in some economic utopian powerhouse or more likely they don’t actually know how to be brave or bold …..They actually don’t know how to put the well being of the people before the interests of the elites they serve or the laissez faire Neo liberal belief system they adhere to.Only the system itself is irreplaceable people who do not continue to prosper under the system then become unworthy of even acknowledgment let alone compassion.

  7. Australia is a fascist country owned by corporations.
    It’s freedoms and liberties were surrendered decades ago.
    It’s citizenry is not the problem. There are lots of good people there. Some misguided, but not necessarily bad people. NZ has its share of those people too. (Many of them vote National, and the rest of them believe labour is any different)

    I don’t want NZ to stoop to the level of its oafish neighbour. One because it would be stooping, and two, because I am an an escapee from that boorish, corporate owned prison colony making a better life in a much better country; but still one with a system that has problems, and isn’t quite as far down the path of corporate subversion.
    Fight the government not the people!!

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