National’s $11Billion infrastructure promise as bullshit as their new water standards


Seven Joyce’s announcement of a $11billion infrastructure promise is as bullshit as National’s new water standards. 

The impression is of doing something when they are doing bugger all.

Grant Robertson peels back the numbers…

“This is just playing with numbers. When you peel it all back, what you have is National today only promising to spend an extra $300m a year from the promise made in the half year Budget update.

“In fact, it’s spending nothing new at all in 2018/19.

…National are merely shuffling budgets around and adding them on top of things they’ve already promised to make it look significant.

Soper puts the boot in

They’d already said last December they were going to spend nine billion bucks over the same time, so in reality the announcement essentially was about what they’d already told us they were going to do with an additional billion being tagged on as election lolly this year with another couple of dollops a few years out if they’re reelected.

…but even if you take what is being offered on face value, we are still seeing no vast increase in public transport, we are still seeing no cheapening of the ever gentrified public transport system for students, beneficiaries or the working class, we are seeing no second harbour crossing, no 2 way bridges in Northland, no increased port facilities, no camping ground upgrades, no tourist area toilet upgrades, no new rail upgrades, no train to the airport, no train to the North shore, no school staff upgrades to compensate migration boom.

What we are seeing is most of that money blown on mere catch up on the bloody motorways, we are seeing zero vision.

TDB Recommends

I don’t think this stands up to the tiniest bit of scrutiny and it wonky be enough to appease disgruntled National voters who are thinking of switching to NZ First.


  1. True every word Martyn,

    SS Joyce is just juggling with numbers alright.

    An exercise using plain old mirrors I say.

    SS Joyce “The king of tar seal” loves tar seal as he has been addicted to it for years since this corrupt government have been in power.

    He is now pouring 13 billion into A double lane the Hamilton to Tauranga road just for trucks at our EXTRA TAXES for borrowed Goldman Sachs money again.

    So when he gets thrown out by his arse later this year (care of Winston) he will slink away to his trucking empire partners and contemplate weather he should sell his share of all those trucks now before a new “Rail friendly” Government spearheaded by Winston takes the treasury benches and gets rail working to remove more trucks from our roads and makes them safer as rail is rebuilt to take the load.

    “What we are seeing is most of that money blown on mere catch up on the bloody motorways, we are seeing zero vision.

    I don’t think this stands up to the tiniest bit of scrutiny and it wonky be enough to appease disgruntled National voters who are thinking of switching to NZ First.”

  2. It’s a numbers game. Shunting around numbers and telling everyone in NZ of what spending they(National)intends to do exactly 4 months and 3 weeks out from the next election.
    Here we have it i.e $11billion ‘promised’ for infrastructure over a number of years whilst at the same time this government has instantly allocated over $20billion to the NZ military.
    But enough bullshit and lies spread over a period of time and even people we would consider intelligent would believe them.Last year after one of Bill English’s ‘Budget surpluses’ I was chatting to a woman on the bus.She was so fooled by the political bullshit that she probably took everything a National MP tells her as absolute unquestionable Gospel.
    She was so certain NZers lives had significantly improved thanks to the ‘surplus’. I looked at her and thought “Is this idiot for real???!!!” If the economy is so crash hot then why are so many low income NZers unable to afford a home and are having to live in a vehicle or a garage? One tends to pity the easily fooled because they are exactly what an insecure National government want and depend upon.
    I have lived in Auckland for well over half a century. I have seen changes in Auckland. Some good but most of them like infrastructure planning by both local and central governments are bad.
    Transportation-wise Auckland is completely and utterly stuffed. The problem is now too big and too unfixable. Many government and local body organisatons like the various past Auckland City Councils have often consigned reports of what we have now to the ‘too hard basket’.
    I use public transport to get around Auckland and so I can easily say I have seen what a lack of vision many politicians have. But it’s election time and politicians will make promises that they will have absolutely no intention on keeping once the votes have been made.
    Still this can create a joke of ‘How many National Party MPs can one expect to see catching public transport in peak hour time in Auckland in an election time? Probably none as they are too busy spending over $7000 of OUR(NZ taxpayers)money on booze and other vanity projects.”

  3. It’s a numbers game. Shunting around numbers and telling everyone in NZ of what spending they(National)intends to do exactly 4 months and 3 weeks out from the next election.
    Here we have it i.e $11billion ‘promised’ for infrastructure over a number of years whilst at the same time this government has instantly allocated over $20billion to the NZ military.
    But enough bullshit and lies spread over a period of time and even people we would consider intelligent would believe them.Last year after one of Bill English’s ‘Budget surpluses’ I was chatting to a woman on the bus.She was so fooled by the political bullshit that she probably took everything a National MP tells her as absolute unquestionable Gospel.
    She was so certain NZers lives had significantly improved thanks to the ‘surplus’. I looked at her and thought “Is this idiot for real???!!!” If the economy is so crash hot then why are so many low income NZers unable to afford a home and are having to live in a vehicle or a garage? One tends to pity the easily fooled because they are exactly what an insecure National government want and depend upon.
    I have lived in Auckland for well over half a century. I have seen changes in Auckland. Some good but most of them like infrastructure planning by both local and central governments are bad.
    Transportation-wise Auckland is completely and utterly stuffed. The problem is now too big and too unfixable. Many government and local body organisatons like the various past Auckland City Councils have often consigned reports of what we have now to the ‘too hard basket’.
    I use public transport to get around Auckland and so I can easily say I have seen what a lack of vision many politicians have. But it’s election time and politicians will make promises that they will have absolutely no intention on keeping once the votes have been made.
    Still this can create a joke of ‘How many National Party MPs can one expect to see catching public transport in peak hour time in Auckland in an election time? Probably none as they are too busy spending over $7000 of OUR(NZ taxpayers)money on booze and other vanity projects.”

      • I would agree 100% if young Kiwi’s have stopped doing OE but I don’t think they have.
        As it’s impossible to know what number who are leaving on OE I guess you interpret the figures as you will.

        • Given Barry Soper has always been pro rightwing governments, I find his comments damning. But as you say, you will interpret them as you will.

      • If you are a kiwi living in Australia why would you come back here to take a massive pay cut and be forced to live in your car or van and listen to Joyce and English bullshit about how wonderful it all is.

  4. Well, everybody seemed to be against Muldoon’s ‘think big’ infrastructure spend, yet we still enjoy the power generated by Muldoon’s spend on hydroelectric plants. New Zealand is getting bigger and the government needs to think much bigger.

    National have/are missing out on taking advantage of cheap interest rates to fund a huge infrastructure build. Instead economic growth has occurred by inflating house prices through increased scarcity. Home owners can then borrow against/spend their equity to expand the economy through consumer spending.

    In no way is this gentrification because housing stock is getting worse and infrastructure is falling behind. This is economic cannibalism … the delusion that interest rates will stay low and property only goes up is now ingrained. People however could easily find themselves in negative equity with mountains of personal debt.

    New Zealand may have a low debt to GDP but unfortunately we have one of the highest personal debt ratios in the world. National’s infrastructure spend announcement was weak and as the cities become less desirable to live in … well, good luck selling that shack you borrowed a million dollars for.

    When prices become ludicrous compared to incomes, people just move or become ‘battery tenants’ – sardined together handing over most of their earnings. Even ‘battery tenants’ eventually wake up and move. Eventually due to living costs the guy flipping burgers at McDonald’s is demanding a starting rate of $40 and shops of all kinds start closing because of high rents – nobody wants to live in a city like that, let alone pay a million for the ‘privilege’.

  5. Monopoly with the same dosh, shifting some cash from A to B, and making themselves look cool and smart, and the MSM, void of resources to investigate matters in detail, falls for it, and the goal is achieved.

    Propaganda of the highest calibre, that is what we get presented.

  6. National is a loot-and-pollute-and-lie-about-it-all party. Always has been. Always will be.

  7. […] The infrastructure simply can’t handle the students, the work visas, the new migrants and the millions of tourists. House prices will be stable but the infrastructure underinvestment is obvious, and that will turn the middle classes towards Labour as the infrastructure party. National’s announcement last week of $11billion infrastructure budget turned out to be a mix o… […]

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