Political Caption Competition



    • I agree.
      Good soldiers, like good cops, follow orders. They must live in dread at what cadre of self serving muppets we next elect.
      The problem here, however, seems to be the fact that SAS soldiers requested they be allowed to murder civilians out of revenge and that, that request was green lighted by Muppet Elect Yankee doodle Psycho Jonky-Stien. That, to me at any rate, suggests that we must be very, very careful whom we next elect. Those who’s greed directed them to ticking the jonky box last election are all dripping in the blood of innocent people now. The lying, fruity, hair tugging, narcissist bully and deviant money fetishist must be losing his gloss by now surely?
      Those of you who pander to politicians who preach money first will be lured into the darkest of places and the reward for that will be a guilty conscience that’ll haunt you until the end of your days. You have been warned.

  1. Because I’M telling the truth.

    I really AM.

    No HONESTLY, I really am telling you the TRUTH.

    I AM telling the truth.

    It’s the fuckin’ TRUTH you commie boneheads…

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