Compare NZ Herald coverage of John Key’s war crimes to the Dom Post


Here is the Dom Post coverage of claims that John Key is complicit in war crimes…

…here is the NZ Herald’s coverage, the Newspaper whose Editor wrote Key’s biography, the newspaper who was deeply complicit with Cameron Slater to attack National’s opponents in Dirty Politics and the newspaper that had a journalist pretend to be a PR advisor to smear the young waitress who accused Key of touching her at work…

…this morning the NZ Herald had a story about Justin Bieber dancing sexily with an old woman as a bigger story than Key being complicit in a war crime.

This is why we can’t get accountability in NZ.



  1. The Herald are obsessed with the housing market this year. Now its installment 25 of “flipping” houses. You know, buy and sell in the same day, quick bucks and then some, raise the average price of houses, see a few more people out on the street…..oh hang on that is not mentioned. The Herald also love interactive guides on how you voters who own houses have got rich thanks to the Party.

    It’s fun, completely harmless because YOU are getting richer, its the cure to all our ills, it get rich quick, its reassurance that our Rockstar economy is in rude health but it will all change if you vote out National.

    People being slaughtered by our military, the people we are supposed to protect, the survivors of which became militants, nah, that’s boring thinking type stuff. Anyway its happened in a shit hole country with funny looking non white people who pray to Mecca. Who cares?

  2. We as a people need to be as motivated as we were with the mass demonstrations held over the TTPA.

    If its good enough for Mr Kim Dotcom to have gone through what he did under Keys Prime Ministership and the now proven long list of illegalities and civil abuses , and to seek to have him extradited,… then its good enough to recall John Philip Key from wherever he goes overseas to answer charges of complicity in internationally established war crimes.

    Its that plain and simple.

  3. Well just goes to prove if you relied on the Nat rag for news, you’d be kept in ignorant bliss. Somehow I think that’s the idea. Keep the masses in total ignorance. Either that or feed them misinformation. It’s the creative side of media coming to the fore!

    So best to highlight the useless activities of Justin Bieber, Max Key et al. Much safer territory for government. No tricky questions asked then. No accountability required.

    Well done the Dominion Post for keeping the issue of alleged NZ state sanctioned murder in Afghanistan up front in the headlines.

    • +100 MARY

      ….Key’s biggest regret is not changing the New Zealand flag and not installing a corporate TPPA takeover of New Zealand

  4. On line editions..are they driven by people clicking on stories?? because if they are the ‘good’ people reading the Herald would seem to not give a toss…while those on Stuff, which is usually a tad better, at least have pictures and a back story of the victims.

  5. I’m sad to say, it doesn’t surprise me at all.
    We, the ‘us’s’, are outnumbered millions to one by the ‘ them’s’. Of course the news papers are going to pander to the Right Wing masses, it’s where the money is. I listened with growing alarm at how many simple minded people adore jonky the other day on Campbell Gone National an’ shit dumbasses. They were waxing lyrical about how fab jonky is and of how missed he will be. They’re the grunters and squeakers. The Doris and Brian’s. The Courtney’s and the Jadens. They’re the ones who go to The Warehouse on Monday swooning about some plastic gimmickry then throw it away on Friday moaning about how bored they are now with it. The brain deficit, think-adverse, one-step-at-a timers lest they bump into each other will love it that the “SAS fuckin’ shot shit up… So fuck yeah !”
    It would be a grave mistake to under estimate just how secretly joyous the Moron Class will be at these revelations and the psychologists who plan policy for the monsters who occupy our parliament buildings will easily be able to spin it to them, the Moron Class, so as it serves the Afghani kids right that they got spattered over the ground in front of their terror ridden parents. If Jon and Nicky had, instead, launched a book on how jonky secretly hated rugby you’d be having riots in the streets right now.

  6. It’s pretty obvious that the Herald is a weapon of mass distraction. Interesting to see the ComPost come out swinging against Key though, considering its complicity in smearing activists targeted by Operation 8, and its role in fanning the flames of the Owen Glenn affair at the expense of NZ First (to pick just a couple of examples). Can anyone remember the ComPost’s angle on the Dirty Politics saga?

    The timing of all this is very interesting to me. Nicky Hagar got his computers and files back about a year ago, after the High Court ruled that the Police search of his house was illegal.

    Could it be that the research for this new book was held by the courts in his confiscated files, and that it could have been published much sooner if the cops hadn’t confiscated them? If so, could it be that the NZ Police were knowingly complicit in the suppression of this information, to protect the government of the day from scandal for as long as they could? This is total speculation on my part, a conspiracy theory for which I have no evidence. But the timing sure is interesting.

  7. It’s the same with the “sale” of water to foreign interests. Try finding out anything about the Koha water company.

  8. Unbelievable.

    The editor of the Herald should be sacked. That cover story is similar to Mediawork ‘s Board deciding to dump ‘Campbell Live’ – both disastrous decisions. In the case of ‘Campbell Live’, Mediaworks never recovered from that rush-of-blood to the brain to axe one of the best-branded, most respected journos in the country.

    NZ Herald is heading down the same road to irrelevance.

  9. To me the NZ Herald is part of the John Key Mutual Admiration Society. One cannot write in the Opinion section feedback about certain articles that are quite obviously pro-John Key. Even such stupid Herald journos like Audrey Young would writer articles extolling Key’s virtues. Barry Soper last year wrote such a stupid article that I am sure it was withdrawn from the NZ Herald website due to the feedback it received. Soper referred to David Cunliffe in an article as Martin Luther “I am sorry to be a man” David Cunliffe. I responded to that article with the comment that Soper obviously wants to race John Key to the bottom of the pile. Or more likely that Soper is doing an excellent job at demeaning the National Party and for him to carry on doing so.
    I doubt John Key will have any concerns about his actions back in 2010. He is an American lapdog and would always bend over and spread his rear-end if America asked him to. In other words Key was ALWAYS so obliging with America perhaps because he loves that country more than he hates NZ and NZers. He would always obey his American master even if it meant the loss of civillians in say Afghanistan. Key would probably respond with the usual pathetic political words of ‘oh they(the civillians)are just casualties of war…..”
    John Key is a coward. He always has been and always will be.

  10. Gosh, what is wrong with the Dom POST? Have the editors smokes too much funny stuff last night, or have they lost their “commercial compass”?

    As for the Herald and the rest, yes Justin the Bieber, he is MORE important, as he keeps your young ones excited and motivated. We need exciteable and motivated workers for the shit jobs that are left, so let him do his job, he does it.

    Long live capitalist and MSM dumbing down, it certainly WORKS.

  11. The Herald has a fetish/porn fixation for gross displays of wealth, usually prefixed with superlatives such as ‘super’ or ‘mega’. The Herald usually has (at least once a week) a large pictorial splash of mega yachts, super cars, wealthy homes and suburbs, celebrities, billionaires, rich listers, a listers exclusive schools, top restaurants etc ad nauseum.

  12. Only the Natzki Herald would fail to see the hypocrisy of reporting about harmful effects of the housing bubble, and then in the next section giving speculators a handy how-to guide to making the bubble even bigger.
    What a pack of pricks.

  13. New Zealand is finished and it happened some time ago.

    We began the march to a one party state as soon as the last Labour government fell and our fellow New Zealanders , the 45% who keep voting for the status quo don,t care about their country and the crimes this administration are committing and the deceit being peddled by the propaganda machine.

    MMP has made no difference, we might as well have FFP as we are still governed by a dictatorship we cant get rid of.

    We are now in a right wing fortress and i cant see an escape route anywhere.

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