The Daily Blog Open Mic – Saturday 4th March 2017




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.




  1. Am I alone or does anybody else think it a shame that just as that “broad church” – (the left) are beginning to get their shit together, the once was a reasonable social media venue for expression of views, opinions, truths (and trolls) has increasingly got its knickers in a twist and is now merely an outlet for quite a few comfy people to exercise their egos. Granted there are quite a few (many) whose views I concur with, but Christ!! Weka weka weka, Polly want a Creka, OFF TOPIC! Ya vol Herr Kommandant/Frauleine!; give me evidence for your view and opinion! Banned!; I’m the worlds best programmer; …….
    They may ekshully be in danger of pissing off the many that have supported them.
    I used to visit the site at least once everyday (even whilst o’seas where there was shite internet access – and from where I understand LP’s partner did some pretty good things).
    How the fuck does she stand it?
    It seems (I may be wrong), just based on # comments on what should be leftist issues, TS is in danger of disappearing up it’s own arse – that one that doesn’t stink, and protects us all from the nasty

    • lol …well I dont go there at all…and can’t say i have missed it…i was actually quite relieved when i got banned

      …now about weka and some of those other identities on The Standard… it is like being in quick sand or playing chasing in the brier patch…or banging your head up against a tar baby with some of them…and then a big daddy could emerge suddenly out of nowhere and knock you completely off your perch mid argument ( I said Hillary Clinton was a mad woman and I got banned by a mad man)

      ( maybe weka is paid to do it?…confuse that is…inwhich case it could be fun for her/him?…it would be good to know if the waters are being deliberately muddied over there just for the fun of it …in which case I could be slightly amused instead of just frustrated at the hair splitting…maybe it is a case of high functioning Aspergers)

      …of course people here may regard me as a waste of time …but at least they are usually quite polite and ignore as they please…and like everyone else on TDB i get a few rants off my chest…the road is smoother here

      (btw I usually enjoy your comments Tiger Tim )

      • Once was Tim : forever I say!!!!!

        Yes, The standard has a nasty Iprent for sure and so toxic he/she is.

        I got bounced once and will happily keep away as I don’t like being told what to think on a blog site I have that already from Government now thanks.!!!!!!

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