The Daily Blog Open Mic – Saturday 28th January 2017




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.


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  1. Two thoughtful discussions:

    ‘Politically incorrect?’

    “Is Donald Trump a modern day anti-hero? What is the state of liberalism and what is referred to as political correctness? How did we get to a place where politics is hyper-prejudice against prejudice? Is liberalism caving in on itself?

    CrossTalking with Daniel Bonevac, Jeffrey Tayler and Ralph Niemeyer.”


    ‘Trump’s media war’

    “Battle lines have been drawn and marching orders assigned: Welcome to a new kind of media war. The choice is easy – you can pick Donald Trump or the liberal mainstream media.

    CrossTalking with Eddie Scarry, Pamela Geller, and John Cardillo.”

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