People didn’t elect Trump for stable Government, they voted him into destroy, damage and hate all the cultural insecurities & fears they feel from a perceived loss of privilege. This cultural dislocation is compounded by free market neoliberal globalisation that saw 50% of Union families vote for Trump.
Blaming Russia for ‘hacking’ the election is a joke. Apart from the fact that the CIA have murderously ‘hacked’ almost 100 elections around the world for their corporate death machine, all the ‘hack’ revealed was how corrupt the internal workings of the Democratic Party were in killing off the only candidate who could have beaten Trump, Bernie Sanders.
The total refusal by establishment Democrats to recognise how awful their own candidate was combined with their total refusal to look at their subservience to neoliberal globalisation was what won this election for Trump, not the fucking Russians.
To win in 2020, Democrats need to understand why so many poor working class people left them to vote in a sexist, racist, crypto-fascist and they need to appreciate how economic and cultural displacement has created so much resentment that an orange nazi could take the office.
Take well known Twitter activist Cassandra Fairbanks. She was a Bernie supporter from the beginning and used her profile to fight for his nomination. So disgusted was she by the Clinton Democrats and their hypocrisy in killing off Sanders, she turned into a Trump supporter. If an intelligent, well educated activist like Cassandra Fairbanks can turn against the Democrats, they have problems far larger than Russia.
I think social media could be the worst thing to ever happen to the progressive movement. Twitter and Facebook have allowed those with no voice to suddenly have an amplification of fury they’ve never enjoyed. That freedom to scream all the ‘isms’ we perceive attack our identify has managed to alienate, not build solidarity.
The progressive movement still seems incapable of accepting they lost and without understanding why they lost they are making it far more difficult to win back the leadership.
In the meantime, this fucking Trump abomination who manipulated those left behind by Democratic neoliberalism, is now running the most powerful nation on Earth. Everything must be done to remove him from office by 2020 and to do that will demand understanding of why he won and how neoliberal free market globalisation helped him win.
The Progressive Left have a hundred different competing agendas to implement once power is gained. The Right has just one, to stop the Left from gaining power.
There is now too much at stake to just be angry.
” The Progressive Left have a hundred different competing agendas to implement once power is gained. The Right has just one, to stop the Left from gaining power.”
Then why not start with one and whittle down the odds?
You named it – economics.
It was economics that brought this whole thing to bear – 32 bloody long years of it – half our bloody working lives, in many cases!
We’ve had to eat shit and die the death of a thousand cuts while watching so – called ‘Left ‘ wing neo liberals blather on about macro economics while the rest of us watch our lives and community burn around us !!!
If any of these so called ‘Left’ activists and politicians cant see that then by definition they disqualify themselves as being ‘ Left’ automatically.
You can have all the sexuality issues or gender issues or ethnic issues as you please , – but if people are starving , if people are homeless , if people are ill and despairing – they matter more than your grandiose ideals and latest pet social crusades .
This is WHY there is such a perception of the so called ‘ Lefts’ failure to be any worth . This is WHY the people voted for Trump. This is WHY people see politicians like Hillary Clinton as a hypocrite and nothing more.
Because those who were supposed to be looking out for the most vulnerable and were only too happy to keep telling us they were and blowing their own trumpets about it were shown to not give a flying rats backside about those they ‘said’ they represented.
And not only did they not give a flying rats backside about the vulnerable – they even went so far as to actively endorse vicious neo liberal globalist policy’s designed to further impoverish those same vulnerable voters and enrich themselves – while lying about how much they cared.
They never gave a damn.
That’s why , Martyn , … that’s why.
Best summary I’ve read anywhere
Thanks mate
Outstanding comment from Katipo. Completely nails the problem facing the modern left.
wonderfully said, WK
“Blaming Russia for ‘hacking’ the election is a joke. Apart from the fact that the CIA have murderously ‘hacked’ almost 100 elections around the world for their corporate death machine, all the ‘hack’ revealed was how corrupt the internal workings of the Democratic Party were in killing off the only candidate who could have beaten Trump, Bernie Sanders.”
Well said Martyn, Bernie Sanders should switch parties as Trump did as he also was a democrat firstly too.
At least he should offer to work with Trump to advance a fairer democracy than the current Democratic party had been running with an iron fist.
Many families were ruined by Obama over the poisoning of well water due to oil fracking, and others were simply driven off their properties in favour of oil prospecting.
Many other citizens were shot, or staved & died due to hunger or lack of a fair paying full time job.
Many new jobs Obama created were only part time jobs, as NZ has also witnessed because so many US companies closed down as ours has.
There was no miracle economy in USA under Obama it was just spin from a lying MSM.
Elon Musk suggested that we’re all projections of what some might argue was a relatively eleberate computer game.
To quote Mr Musk
” If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then the games will become indistinguishable from reality, even if that rate of advancement drops by a thousand from what it is now. Then you just say, okay, let’s imagine it’s 10,000 years in the future, which is nothing on the evolutionary scale.”
Why do I make reference to trump and a future gamer having a laugh of a wet Sunday afternoon in 10,2017 with us 85 Billion or so hanging by a thread?
Well, it’s wet. It’s Sunday. He/She/It’s bored so why not?
Life is far too important to take seriously and I think we, along with many, many others are taking this shit too seriously.
Move away from your computers, take a dog, any dog and do and go for a walk.
I totally agreed with you up until ” the progressive movement still seems incapable of accepting they lost”. Imo the Progressive cause was lost when Clinton & co shafted Sanders, and it is the neolib Democrats who can’t accept their loss. It is economics that win/lose elections and if the Dems were too dumb to notice how the ‘rust belt’ were faring under them then they only have themselves to blame.
Maybe the meme that “Trump will destroy America, but Hillary will destroy the world ” is going to happen quicker than was thought?
I’m not sure that the question of left v right matters in American politics at present. These days it seems to be more a matter of the ‘deep state’ v outsiders. Clinton would have fronted for the deep state, while Trump seems to be the most extreme outsider to have stood in recent years. If Trump succeeds in establishing a good relationship with Russia, succeeds in getting rid of NATO, brings about a more peaceful world, and at the same time brings jobs back to America, he will probably be undefeatable in 2020.
That is a fantastic scenario Mikesh but methinks it is from a parallel universe.
Just like our rescued dog, Trump comes with far too much baggage, and it won’t go away!
Trump actually represents the Deep State, as you call it, too.
He’s just too dumb to see it.
This election will give us an uncouth President and a few inconvenient social-rollbacks, but essentially nothing will change because Hillary may represent the establishment, but her aides and supporters have social advance in mind, while Trumps people will simply advance the interests of the wealthy, throwing out enough socially conservative bones to keep the Republican Base happy.
From a globalization perspective, how do you think New Zealand will fare if world trade takes a hit? (Remember, the Deep State, whether American, Chinese or Australian still understands the concept of profit appropriation and asset stripping.)
And the overthrow of the established system of privilege is simply not going to happen. The only valid plan therefore, is for individual States to do what they can to level the playing field and avoid excesses of wealth accumulation. The election of Hillary could have helped that. The election of Bernie would have forced the “Deep State” to circle the wagons and,since he would have had literally no power base, his Presidency would have failed.
In New Zealand, electoral success of the Left, in the person of Andrew Little may not be the most exciting prospect we’ve ever seen, but it would have the same effect of empowering people with a benign agenda. Whether the Labour-Green coalition has the vision to do more than stem the tide remains to be seen, should they win.
There are plenty of things that need doing, sure. But you can also be sure that not all the Left will approve all possible reforms. For many some version of “Free” Trade policy and the “War against the Deep State” may be one such watershed. We certainly need to trade with the world. How much globalization comes as part of that deal with the devil? And where does the power structure of advantage end and the natural development of uneven outcomes begin? Can we end either and should we try? I would say we should, but there are plenty of “solutions” to this imbalance that would prove worse than the ill they are designed to correct.
+100… “The total refusal by establishment Democrats to recognise how awful their own candidate was combined with their total refusal to look at their subservience to neoliberal globalisation was what won this election for Trump, not the fucking Russians.”
…however Trump has still to show what he is made of imo
The only sensible response is to ‘buy an bag of popcorn and watch the show’.
Trump hasn’t got a snowball’s chance in hell of fixing anything in America -it’s like house that is so full of borer and rot only the paint is holding it together and providing a façade of integrity. And it is slowly sinking into a swamp that is loaded with toxins.
What made America ‘great’ -ultra-cheap oil gushing out of wells like the Lucas gusher at Spindletop at 100,000 barrels a day
-vanished decades ago in a rather extended puff of smoke.
Printing massive amounts of fiat currency to pay for imports and threatening to destroy, or actually destroying, anyone who got in the way of US hegemony worked from the end of Second World War until around 2008.
Since 2008 American has been running on fraud and bluff. Take away the fraud and bluff and America collapses.
Economic nationalism IS the progressive left. Neo-liberal globalists are the new fascists.
100% castro.
1984 not 87
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