Shalom.Kiwi threatens The Daily Blog with legal action over Kiwiblog/Shalom.Kiwi hack


Shalom.Kiwi, the hard right wing Israeli lobby blog in NZ, contacted The Daily Blog yesterday demanding that material they claimed had been hacked from Kiwiblog and Shalom.Kiwi be removed and that they had launched legal action against us with the privacy Commission, the NZ Police and ‘other agencies’. Christ only knows who the ‘other agencies are’

I have zero interest in doing what a hard right wing Israeli lobby group has to say and even less interest if Kiwiblog also want it.

I have no evidence that the information posted on TDB has been hacked, and until I have the Police banging on my door, I have no interest in removing any material, especially if that information paints KiwiBlog and  Shalom.Kiwi in a bad light.

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The material in question was posted to the comments section of TDB and seemed to show Kiwiblog and Shalom.Kiwi  log in accounts.

The Office of the Privacy Commission has said this…

…and the Police have been contacted, but they haven’t replied to any requests as to whether or not they are investigating this.

If Shalom.Kiwi wish to censor The Daily Blog, they clearly need a new tactic to do so because this one looks pretty desperate.


  1. They want to take legal action against you for something someone else commented about on your blog? I take it this isn’t a contributor who made the comment?

    If so, good bloody luck to them. There’s no way that’ll hold up in court, if it ever gets there.

    • Who is them? The site or the Jews that they write about?

      Their Shadows of Shoah exhibition was very good by the way, if you didn’t see it they are running excerpts on their “hard right” website

    • Indeed, “Straight Up”.

      If necessary, I will raise a mortgage on my property to assist any legal action taken by Martyn.

      As for ‘Shalom Kiwi’ – whoever these idiots are – they have little understanding of the Kiwi-Screw-You attitude.

      • I can help you Frank. Shalom Kiwi is run by Sharee and Perry Trotter of NZ

        Non Jewish but they have some connections to Israel. They ran the Shadows of Shoah exhibition in NZ a while back.
        This is a multi-media exhibition featuring short interviews with Holocaust survivors

        Shalom Kiwi articles have been cited on and Times of Israel.

        Sharee is a woman of Maori ancestry

  2. The reason you have been so shrill of late Juliet Moses is because your organisation has green lit attacks on innocent New Zealanders and because you because you have been liasing directly with foreign intelligence services, and the government is aware of that – just as others are also aware. By the way Juliet Moses, liasing directly with foreign intelligence services means you have committed treason.

    Clean up your act.

    • Sounds like someone posted something objectionable (in the eyes of the accusers) in the comments section, and the accusers are trying to make TDB take responsibility.

      “The material in question was posted to the comments section of TDB and seemed to show Kiwiblog and Shalom.Kiwi log in accounts.”

  3. My Great grandmother who was a German Jew came to NZ in 1842, and now I see Jews as arrogant and self serving it makes me ashamed of these political trolls like Juliet Moses.

    They are jeopardising and destroying the support the global community gave the to the Jewish cause after the holocaust.

    • A site run by Perry and Sharee Trotter, who ran the Shadows of Shoah exhibition about the Holocaust (Shoah)

      Their work gets cited widely, including by The Times of Israel.

      That is who these morons are.


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