The 2016 election season continues to be quite the wild ride. No matter whether one is following events through the regular media and traditional outlets, or braving the wilds of social media feeds, each new day brings some shocking “revelation”which would have seemed utterly inconceivable the day before … yet there it is in print.
The latest of these is the airing of the contents of a report which alleges that not only has US President-Elect Donald Trump been fairly actively in-cahoots with the Russians this entire time (again); but that this remarkable degree of hypothetical co-operation has been achieved in part via the Russian state-security agency producing blackmail materials of a sexual nature designed to ensure Trump’s co-operation.
A month ago, we were all talking about “Fake News” and how it had the power to ‘unfairly’ swing election results by causing serious – yet hard to refute – political damage. It would be wise to recall what was said then, because this latest round of unproven allegations – incredibly flimsy statements which The Guardian referred to as “unverified and potentially unverifiable” – seem to fit pretty exactly into that category of “reporting”.
At best, we are dealing with a breathless media (and any number of now-feeling-incredibly-smug/vindicated social media unprofessional commentators) taking note of something from a report that’s now in official hands, and broadcasting it at loudspeaker-levels of both volume and distortion.
Because who doesn’t love something exciting and sexually weird when it features a politician. It’s certainly fairly ideal muck-raking material if you’re employed to run what’s known as “opposition research” by a rival political campaign. Which, of course, the author of this report was. He was also apparently an ex-MI6 operative . Although while the latter qualification is bandied about by those seeking to convince us of the allegation’s authenticity, I’d respectfully suggest that the former vocation – that of paid-political professional hack-job executor – may potentially be rather more relevant when it comes to assessing the claim’s credibility.
So why is it that my newsfeed’s seemingly gone nuts reposting exaggerated recounts (and some rather hilarious hashtags and memes) attempting to put the boot in to Trump over this?
Well, the story appears to have acquired such vehemence across the sphere of human political communication because there are any number of people out there presently enjoying a sense of ‘the shoe’ being on the other foot. That is to say, last year they were annoyed at how Trump-amenable “fake news” stories were thought to have made a dent in Clinton’s “guaranteed to win” status … and feel it’s now “fair” to descend down to the same level when the target’s The Big Orange Opponent as a result.
Although other possibilities for the story’s spread have also been advanced.
One narrative has anti-Trumpists still within the Republican Party popularizing the report and handing it on to various official bodies for the express purpose of tarnishing Trump. Perhaps as some sort of last-ditch attempt to prevent his now-impending Inauguration through the shadowy specter of “blackmail-liability”. John McCain certainly appears to be a rather big player in this particular rodeo; and it’s an almost-perfect mashup of both NeoCon and Conservative talking points (in specia: “Reds under the Bed”, and the aforementioned bed being urinated upon as some sort of arguable sexual deviancy).
Another theory has those lovable scamps over on 4chan somehow managing to pass “Donald Trump erotic fanfiction” [eeuugh] off as credible material to the report’s authors, who’ve since carried out their unwitting role in the ‘prank’ by feeding it into the international news media and intelligence world. In these days of “Pepe the Frog” apparently ‘memeing’ Trump into the White House, and various Breitbart personalities now becoming part of the new Trumpist political establishment, such a theory would certainly be in-keeping with the spirit of recent events. And certainly, it’s no less plausible in some ways than the actual allegation being discussed.
Good grief. What a mess.
But this was far from the only report into the alleged Trump-Putin-FSB/GRU Bromance to make headlines this week. And some of the others are perhaps worth a look. If only, at least, to reconfirm one’s suspicions that this whole big beatup on alleged Russian influence over Trump is .. well .. exactly that. A part of a long-running game of pinata between elements of the US Deep State who’re pretty lukewarm on an improvement in US-Russian Relations taking turns to attempt to pillory the one man who might just make such a ‘thaw’ happen.
So in conclusion … if we are being honest, it is too early for conclusions. More material may yet emerge from CNN’s fact-checking to vindicate some of the seemingly wild rumours which have sprung up in the wake of this story. I doubt it, but in these modern times of the Current Year, anything is seemingly possible.
More likely, nothing substantial will come out from the shadows. And we’ll be left – much as we were last month – with two bitterly divided rhetorically-armed camps flinging falsehoods at one another in the hopes that eventually something sticks.
But in any case, what has happened over the past few days is rather instructive for how a political party still reeling from seemingly-inexplicable [to themselves, at least] defeat behaves.
As I’ve said elsewhere:
Also Democrats: “I just read that Trump’s being blackmailed by Moscow with piss-fetish proof – it’s all over Buzzfeed!”
Bread and circuses at the end of empire, but without the bread.
Meanwhile everything that actually requires our attention and action is ignored.
For Putin’s purposes a blackmailed gimp president and an imbecile who has pissed away his credibility are roughly equally desirable.
“What we are witnessing are ”inter-capitalist rivalries” within the spheres of banking, oil and energy, the military industrial complex, etc.”
“Is “The Deep State” divided? These corporate rivalries are also characterized by strategic divisions and clashes within several agencies of the US State apparatus including the intelligence community and the military. In this regard, the CIA is deeply embedded in the corporate media (CNN, NBC, NYT. WP, etc) which is waging a relentless smear campaign against Trump and his alleged links to Moscow.”
“But there is also a countervailing campaign within the intelligence community against the dominant Neocon faction. In this regard, the Trump team is contemplating a streamlining of the CIA (aka purges). According to a member of the Trump transition team (quoted by the Wall Street Journal, January 4, 2017), “The view from the Trump team is the intelligence world [is] becoming completely politicized, … They all need to be slimmed down. The focus will be on restructuring the agencies and how they interact.” This project would also affect CIA operatives responsible for propaganda embedded within the mainstream media. This would inevitably create profound divisions and conflicts within the US intelligence apparatus, which could potentially backlash on the Trump presidency. it is unlikely that a Trump administration would be able to undermine the inner structures of US intelligence and CIA sponsored media propaganda.”
“U.S. Foreign Policy and the Campaign to Destabilize the Trump Presidency”
“The Timeline of the Destabilization Project.”
“At the outset, prior to the November 8 elections, the project to disrupt and destabilize the Trump presidency consisted of several coordinated and interrelated processes some of which are ongoing while others have already been completed (or are no longer relevant):”
* “The media smear campaign against Trump, which has taken on a new slant in the wake of the November 8 elections (ongoing);
* The engineered anti-Trump protest movement across the US, coordinated with media coverage, petitions, with the objective to disrupt (ongoing);
* The vote recount in three swing states, (No longer relevant)
* The passing of H.R 6393: Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, which includes a section directed against so-called “pro-Moscow independent media”, in response to Moscow’s alleged interference in the US elections in support of Donald Trump;
* The Electoral College Vote on December 19 (No longer relevant)
* The Petition launched by California Sen Barbara Boxers on pertaining to the electoral College vote (No longer relevant)
* The ongoing “Disrupt” Campaign intent upon disrupting the January 20, 2017 Presidential Inauguration Ceremony.
* The possibility of an impeachment procedure is already contemplated during the first year of his mandate.”
Note: “The CIA is deeply embedded in the corporate media (CNN, NBC, NYT. WP, etc) which is waging a relentless smear campaign against Trump and his alleged links to Moscow.”
“This project [Trump Team -“They all need to be slimmed down.”] would also affect CIA operatives responsible for propaganda embedded within the mainstream media.”
Globalists in trouble? Lets bloody hope so.!
My biggest feeling of disgust is directed to a mainstream media prepared to spread unsubstantiated nonsense as if it is real news. TVNZ’s propagation of BBC and US media biased reporting just spreads this much further. Someone, somewhere is desperate to stop a democratically-elected leader from taking office.
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