Viceland NZ on Sky TV has done more for Journalism in 24 hours than the entire mainstream media have accomplished in a year and is The Project on TV3 dead before it’s launched?






Oh. My. God Viceland on Sky TV 13 is the best thing to ever happen to NZ Journalism. As a media outlet, Vice has given voice to Gen Xers and Millennials to explore  issues the mainstream ignore and their new TV channel on Sky is an incredible mix of exciting viewpoints considering dynamic cultural and political issues that you’d never get on Seven Sharp or Story.

The Vice Guide to North Korea, Killer Kids, Fuck that’s Delicious, Bad borders, Weediquette, Abandoned and Black Market are all incredible programs that provide a level of journalistic insight we simply haven’t ever had on NZ televisions. Imagine TVNZ 7 if it had been properly funded and not killed off by the Government, this is that!

It’s a shock to see TV this good and it really ups the ante in terms of TV3s ‘The Project’ which is already looking shaky with who they are considering as hosts. Duncan Grieve FFS? Why would you chose to watch a younger more right wing version of Mike Hosking?

ViceLand is dangerously intelligent journalism, I doubt The Project will be anything this clever.

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  1. Excellent and about time.

    But what a shame that it is on pay view. I don’t have Sky and thirst for anything like relevant investigative journalism on free to air TV.

    Absolutely nothing of value from Hosking, next to nothing from Story (how appropriate the name. We’re all babies.) and John Campbell, wet enough at the best of times on TV3, has become such a torrent of emotional over-statement on National RADIO that I’m drowned in my own tears before he’s finished thanking me for listening. I just want the facts, I’m not in the least interested in the opinion or emotional responses of the people whose job it is to give the facts to us.

    What, where, when, who, why.

    I can generate my own response and resent attempts to lead my opinion especially by emotional interference.

  2. How very nice for those who can afford ‘pay TV’…

    For the rest of us ‘eta’ your review is completely meaningless.

    Nice try though.

    • Whole episodes of at least some Viceland programs can be seen gratis on YouTube. Weediquette is brilliant. The only downside is that you have to decide for yourself which programs to watch when. Wait… 😉

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