Now the Government move to spy on children in schools



The new mass surveillance state using Government Agency big data was first aimed at the gangs, then beneficiaries and now the Government is swivelling its Eye of Mordor upon the children of the poor…

Classroom shake-up on cards

A radical school funding overhaul will investigate tapping into a powerful Government database to calculate a “risk index” for every student.

It would use about 19 indicators relating to each child, including how old the mother was at their birth, how many siblings the child has, parental income, father’s offending history, and the child’s ethnicity.

The tool has been developed as part of a wide-ranging review of school funding that is likely to see the end of the controversial decile system – one of the biggest education reforms in decades.

A law change could be required to allow access to the Statistics NZ database that holds information from a wide range of Government departments and agencies.

…incredibly this is being sold as a funding equation when that’s just the cover story and it’s so well designed that even the Education Unions have been conned.

This astounding encroachment into the privacy of children follows Bill English’s grand plan of using Big Data and mass surveillance to keep an eye on every citizen in real time with open access to the NSA.

Remember, the Government misled the public about how many actual gang members there were to get the powers they needed pased, remember the Government misled the Public about beneficiaries using meth houses to justify using mass surveillance powers against them and I can predict right now that this con job promising a different funding model is just spin to gain the power to spy on  children.

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Appealing as all that is, a 2015 report into WINZ found a staggering 122% increase in false information kept with the state department. Allowing other agencies access to false information only spreads that false information, it won’t correct it.

Big Brother watching you is bad enough, Big Brother lying about you manages to be worse.

This vast increase in Government agency information sharing and surveillance powers has been agreed to not by the citizens who have been kept in the dark and lied to, this is the deep state seizing the opportunities to gain more and more unchecked power all under the guise of helping to target the poor.

It has budget cost cutting promise to keep the bean counters happy and no real checks and balances to keep the deep state hungry like a wolf at the door.

It is not Jihadi wives we need to fear, it’s our own Deep State and their NSA enablers.



  1. Based on my understanding of how statistical calculations work. As statistical calculations run, outliers are removed from the equation during each iteration. Those outliers are removed from the top and bottom of the calculation range, because those outliers would otherwise crash the program.

    The eye is drawn to the results, which consist of those who weren’t removed as outliers i.e. the lower to upper middle ground, and those results are plotted with a margin of error in order to show a lack of bias.

    However, should you decide to keep track of the outliers, those removed at the top and the bottom, you would end up with a list that could be seen as a list of “successful” and “failure” prone candidates. Despite the fact that the calculation is nothing more than a best guess given the information available, statistical analysts will defend the outcome as close enough to reality to claim it as fact. I find such responses disturbing.

  2. I’m going to disagree with you regarding unions being conned. Yes NZEI and PPTA were very focused on having bulk funding aka Global Funding stopped in its tracks, but it does not mean it agrees with the other six proposals the MOE dumped on the table on the first day of the “nonsultation” of the School Funding Advisory Panel meeting.
    The 18 members went into that meeting hoping to start with a fresh slate and to work together to come up with a fair and equitable system. But that is not Parata’s modus operandi.
    Now that Global Funding is confirmed at being off the table the unions will look at what the Minister is saying and will work to mitigate more hair brained ideas that will not work.

  3. “A radical school funding overhaul will investigate tapping into a powerful Government database to calculate a “risk index” for every student.It would use about 19 indicators relating to each child, including how old the mother was at their birth, how many siblings the child has, parental income, father’s offending history, and the child’s ethnicity.

    And how long, I wonder, before that data is onsold to private providers of state services? Can you imagine Serco being given access to such massive data-bases?

  4. WHy not just put cameras in our homes and workplaces and be done with it. 100 percent surveillance 100 percent of the time. Key will finally feel “safe” against whatever demons bedevil him in his sleep.

  5. “This astounding encroachment into the privacy of children follows Bill English’s grand plan of using Big Data and mass surveillance to keep an eye on every citizen in real time with open access to the NSA.”

    All for our own good, of course.

    Then that on-going monitoring of children will extend to teenagers. Then young adults. Then everyone else.

    Remember that when the GCSB was first set up by Muldoon, how the Nats promised hand on heart that it’s jurisdiction would extend only to off-shore threats? That it wouldn’t be allowed to spy domestically?

    Well, hasn’t all that changed!!

    Slippery slopes and politicians seeking power, not a good mix.

  6. I have the deepest contempt for this government and this plan is not suprising at all. The next step I guess is microchipping all of us.

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