Trump is the greatest political swindle of the 21st Century



Less President – more God King – the new President of the United States of Amerika

Trump manipulated those who globalisation has left behind.

As Michael Moore pointed out months ago, the Democrats didn’t explain how they would help the 30million white uneducated male voters get ahead.

Those are the voters who have seen their factories closed down and jobs shipped off to Mexico. They are the voters competing with illegal migrant labour. They are the voters who have to enrol in the Army and have bits of their body blown off. They are the voters who come back to veteran services that are underfunded.

Trump articulated their rage and he has reaped an unthinkable victory. If the progressive left can’t look past their own cosmopolitan elitism and understand why poor white people would reject neoliberalism, then we’ve failed as a movement.

The pressure to support Clinton because she was a woman and the myth her gender would be good enough for progressives was a false narrative…

One conclusion we can draw from recent commentary is that mainstream feminist politics has some soul-searching to do. Many feminist writers shifted their politics to the right by supporting Clinton. Rather than discussing the failings of a structure that rules for the wealthy and political elite, they argued that integrating a woman into this structure represented feminist progress. Many effectively sided with power over people.

…and the flawed social media forces within mainstream media that didn’t see this are now clear…

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The forces that drove this election’s media failure are likely to get worse. Segregated social universes, an industry moving from red states to the coasts, and mass media’s revenue decline: The disconnect between two realities shows no sign of abating.

…journalists who spend all day chatting with each other on Twitter & congregating in elite social circles are to blame for our collective ignorance.

The one word that almost every political pundit in America has not uttered as they scramble to explain their ignorance is ‘class’.

Brexit & Truxit have given progressives globally a lot to reconsider. I fear the lessons will be lost by many.


  1. Trump was the Joker in the pack. He’s the ultimate showman. The plan all along was to mount a challenge to the Illuminati/Cabal mafia in Washington DC but it needed a strong man to do it who was his own man and not beholden to any politician or corporation. $500 placed into TDB a/c bets that Trump will stand down before or just after inauguration in favour of Speaker of House, Paul Ryan. It’s all been a dangerous game to expose the Satanist Illuminati. If the cabal pressure on our press is lifted sometime soon we should read/hear some extraordinary revelations.
    You have my email – let me know IF I need to pay up.

    • Rumours growing stronger that neither Trump nor Ryan will be POTUS this time next year. A new player is on the scene. Thank you God that the TPPA is a non-starter with the latter. It wasn’t with Ryan.

  2. I’m glad you get it.
    We need to start talking and listening to each other, and stop listening to the MSM and the “establishment”

      • Creating consensus across political divide.

        I still think your top down approach to trade and economics are batshit crazy Andrew. But I for one won’t mention it any more if you can put aside your benny bashing ways if you like.

        If it’s only to dissect the main stream media corps then fine.

        We where given big establishment and bid data with no fundamental analysis. The TPP was one such thing that media unanimously decried the public is not smart enough so it must be secrete. That’s all gone now that Trump is president elect.

        Bonds have exploded so CEOs won’t be able to buy back there own stocks there by artificially inflating there stocks and bonuses so CEOs will have to turn to more traditional ways of creating wealth like creating companies that persist.

        I think now that Trump is president it’s an oppertunity to renegotiate all these bad deals.

        Trump has already created 10k jobs, 4000 are in his administration and he hasn’t been sworn in yet.

  3. “If the progressive left can’t look past their own cosmopolitan elitism and understand why poor white people would reject neoliberalism, then we’ve failed as a movement.”

    This simply isn’t true.
    The most important fact everyone is ignoring is Clinton (and what she represents) herself. Romney (running against Obama in 2012) had TWO million MORE votes than Trump. So how could Clinton lose then, given that LESS people voted for Trump than for Romney? Because SEVEN million fewer people voted for Clinton than Obama (and Obama was black, which would make him theoretically completely unelectable if Bomber’s “analysis” here is anything to go by). Trump would have lost against just about every other candidate (well except Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Kasich…). And, BTW, it has exactly nothing to do with Clinton being a woman, if you look at the voter statistics.

  4. “Trump articulated their rage and he has reaped an unthinkable victory. If the progressive left can’t look past their own cosmopolitan elitism and understand why poor white people would reject neoliberalism, then we’ve failed as a movement.”

    The cosmopolitan elitism is as much a problem for the progressives or left in New Zealand, as it is in the US.

    That is why Labour struggles to get over 30 percent in the polls, that is why so many are not bothering to vote, and it shows in the ones behind the Spinoff and even Public Address, being the self proclaimed urban liberals, who think they always know better.

    They dare not criticise immigration policy as they fear that they may appear xenophobic, they dare not be critical of urban development done by self serving developers, as those are the ones (under this government) who have the money and will to build new homes, apartment blocks, town houses and also mansions for the rich, some not even New Zealand residents.

    The urban liberal elite has made its peace with neoliberalism, they know not how to fight, as they themselves may never have had to fight, and so we also have a growing population who live in their various own spaces, they choose what to follow via social media, whether it is based on anything real or not, that does not matter so much.

    And when people only get their food and so at supermarkets, nicely packaged on the shelves, not realising how their eggs, meat, fish and milk are produced (abusing animals, basically, killing bobby calves and so), and only learn to decide what to buy based on a price, then we have only more alienation from reality.

    So we must prepare for future election upsets here, Key is bad, we know, but as many here fall for Trumpism, we may rather have a right wing revolt ahead of us, rather than a progressive, workers friendly and beneficiary supporting revolution.

    It seems when people are suffering, too many want quick and easy solutions, promised by slogan throwing hard liners, than sensible solutions. For instance people only pay lip-service when it comes to environmental policy and solutions, they do not lead by example, that is most out there.

    Voting for a hard line master like Trump is like masochists voting for the whip lashing domina.

  5. In Snowdens words “we cannot hope for an Obama and we cannot fear a Donald Trump. Rather we must build it ourselves” To expect anything to change under Trump or Clinton is to pass the buck and have a scapegoat to blame. The world is still in the peoples hands.
    Support civil rights groups. Support unions. Become politically aware and active. Talk to your neighbors, be honest and frank.

  6. I support challenging the establishment. It’s healthy, particularly when it opens up common sense thought and discussion.

    However while the American people voted for change against the existing establishment, were they really thinking right electing Trump?

    Donald Trump anti establishment? I don’t think so.

    In fact Trump represents everything that is so wrong with the establishment. He is a bigoted, old, extremely wealthy white man, in a position to wield great power through his businesses and wealth, contributing to the growing scourge of inequality and poverty!

    Trump is the epitome of the same establishment ordinary Americans voted against for goodness sake! So what the outcome of his presidency will be, is anyone’s guess. But Trump challenging the establishment? I don’t think so!

    His selection of cabinet (not sure what it’s called in the US), will be the telling of the direction his presidency will take. I’m picking there will be plenty of old, wealthy white men appointed to positions of prominence, with very few women, African Americans and Latino Americans. I hope I’m wrong here, but ….. !!!!

    • Start with Pence, the staunch anti abortionist, homophobic right winger, and we hear even Sarah Palin may be considered for a senior role.

      Good grief, having followed a lot of reports now, via various media, and also online sources, and having watched The Nation this morning, there is hardly anything to feel good about.

      Hillary was a liability, for sure, but this vote will create massive problems everywhere, it is already hitting the Mexican currency and economy, and many other nations are sliding into recession again. On Al Jazeera they said Trump will boost US oil and gas production, only likely to increase the glut on the market, and hitting the Russian, Venezuelan, Iranian and other producers, last not least Iraq, already hit by war and economic mire.

      I dread to think about the prospects for slowing global warming, and so, we have a “captain” who took over a massive marine vessel now, but who has no qualification and experience to steer a large vessel. He hires laymen off the wharf, to help him, but is running high steam ahead to hit an iceberg.

    • Trump is part of the establishment, and has been for his entire adult life. It was a con job to say he wasn’t.

      “Trump is even more of an establishment figure than Hillary Clinton – inheriting a fortune from his father, spending years bribing politicians to subsidize his hotels and casinos, and repeatedly using bankruptcy to shield his money while leaving creditors and workers holding the bag.”

      • Thanks for the link Words.

        Indeed Trump is one of the biggest hoaxes put upon the American people. Other than those who finally voted him in, WHO/WHAT put him there in the first place, in the position to be nominated for the Republican candidate for President, particularly when many staunch Republican party members rejected him?

        Trump will emerge as the trick President.

        If Americans really wanted to challenge the existing establishment, then Bernie Sanders was their man. He was there for the taking. However unfortunately Bernie was shafted by the Democrats, something the American people and the Democrat party will deeply regret for some time to come I’m picking.

        Bernie might well have turned the US right around, making it a productive, economically fair, equal and socially stable nation. Now that would have been challenging the establishment.

  7. It really is painful seeing the dip-shit left thrash around over Trump’s election. I think they doth protest too much. Secretly they must admire his “against all odds” shitkicking victory.

    How about the progressive left take a leaf out of his book. Accept the legacy media is done and get a straight talking leader that speaks their mind without sounding like a focus group.

    Better still, accept legacy politics is done – these are its death throes – and get on the block chain, self organise, self fund, and crypto-currency out of this mess.

    Anarcho-libertarianism 2017

  8. Yes, the arrogance of “progressive” liberals (it’s not progressive if you leave vast swathes of your own people, contemptible and boorish or otherwise, behind). By the extreme non-logic of those who regard themselves as left-wing (being a liberal is quite clearly not synonymous with the former), I could say that any non-Maori who doesn’t vote for Winston in 2017 is an outright RACIST. Sound familiar?

    Anyone who thinks we are living in some candy-coated post-national fairyland because they are doing alright, thank you, is seriously deluded… nationalism is alive and well. Economic nationalism is the foundation of anything remotely left-wing in this day and age.

  9. We all thought Trump was a long shot. The arrogance and perceived self importance of the opposition ensured he won. The same has previously happened here, and will probably happen again.

  10. I think the above photo’s brilliant. Boy riding lion and playing with with limousine cars! Hahhaaha a not just shitty little normal matchbox cars. Oh no. Limousine cars ! Ha !

    Before we get all judgie-judgie, what would WE do with $- billions ? Exhaust ourselves ploughing through the nightmare that is fellow human opinion just to say ; ” Well, done that Ivanka. What’s next ? Astronaut? ”
    So, what’s up then? Why would Trump forsake the privacy of his hard won Libertine excesses only to lie down and roll over expose the soft, fluffy and orange underbellies of not only himself, but his partner , kids , his secret little weaknesses, financial scandal and then rub his dodgy republican mates up the wrong way to boot?
    If, and it’s a long ‘if’ I admit, he’s true to his word? If he’s simply a determined stayer in general terms and is driven by his pride in his country and is committed to wiping out the Uber-Super-Mega rich and their cancerous and now rotting influence emanating from an unholy collaboration between Zionist Israel and the USA. Does he has eccentricity-blindness to what most people consider political correctness when talking about non white people and women. Sure, that makes him an arse but does that make him a bad person. Like Gee Dubja Bush for example. A murderous, oil rich Texan who’s a lot smarter than most give him credit for and was expert at hiding that brilliance behind a doofus exterior persona then went on to destabilise Iraq etc for their oil. And I resolutely believe that 9/11 ( And lets not forget building Seven ) WAS an inside job to justify that particularly profitable enterprise
    Trump, clearly, has no idea how to hide anything and just lets rip. Thus? So what?
    Frankly, I’ve never seen so much hand wringing and faux concern. An eccentric man has become the president of the USA. He says he just grabs ‘em by the pussy. I’m sorry female humans but so what?
    I work in the film industry and I was unlucky enough to be drawn into the production office on a particular project recently. The female human production manager was often loudly heard referring to the off-shore producer, who sent the project here in the first place as a ‘ soft-cock’ and a ‘ male’ who did things that were ‘ typically male’. She was also heard talking with her equally misandrist ‘ female’ co-workers about how they hate ‘ males’ but need cock now and then.
    Please read as an excerpt ;

    Male disposability
    Activist Warren Farrell has written of his views on how men are uniquely marginalised in what he calls their “disposability”, the manner in which the most dangerous occupations, notably soldiering and mining, were historically performed exclusively by men and remain so today. In his book, The Myth of Male Power, Farrell argues that patriarchal societies do not make rules to benefit men at the expense of women. Farrell contends that nothing is more telling about who has benefited from “men’s rules” than life expectancy, which is lower in males, and suicide rates, which are higher in males.[12]
    Religious Studies professors Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young made similar comparisons in their 2001 three-book series Beyond the Fall of Man,[13] which refers to misandry as a “form of prejudice and discrimination that has become institutionalised in North American society”, writing, “The same problem that long prevented mutual respect between Jews and Christians, the teaching of contempt, now prevents mutual respect between men and women.”[14]

    The most serious elements of the evolving Trump crisis is hypocrisy and hate.
    We, the collective ‘ We’ should, in my view, rise above the detritus of common hatred and stand on a hill somewhere and get a broader view of life and living. The poor old USA wan’t going to achieve that by being constantly dragged into the dirt by the invisible monsters who rake in all that lovely money and will use any and every means to make that possible.
    My humble advice. Keep an open mind.

    • Really, Zack? Is that before or after he bankrupts the US economy with his multi-billion dollar wall, tax cuts, and increased military spending??

      Speaking of the military, if Trump is so anti-war, what’s with increasing military spending? Who does he intend to go to war with? My bet is Iran.

  11. Actually “democracy” . is the biggest swindle ( and not just of current times of course)
    Who can honestly take “elections” seriously? (Only the deluded masses)
    Just the fact of Hillary & Donald -” THE” TWO CANDIDATES running for PRESIDENCY in USA.
    A clown show.
    Similar to OBAMA last time ,whose birth certificate has always been in question, and his fraudulent Nobel Peace Prize, which nobody asks how/why he ever got it.

    New Zealand is in the same boat. Along with other nations
    WHO owns NZ and calls the shots?…….The Jewish owned Rothschilds Banks of course.
    WHO decides the fate of NZers?…The Jewish owned Banks of course.
    They don’t give a shit about humanity.

    For a preview of what’s coming here, just look at UK and USA.

    The Economic Reforms that destroyed Godzone (RIP) came from the Rothschilds Banks/IMF.

    The New Zealand , which USED to be, (remember Fred Dagg days?) but will NEVER be again has since the 80’s been degraded into a third world country.
    Flooding NZ with 3rd world immigrants has been the finishing off touch, but it’s only just begun.

    Ever wondered how our once proud nation came to have such an ignoble scumbag for a “PM” ?
    He comes from the right “stock” ie jewish. PLUS best credentials-ex Goldman Sachs ( swindlers)

    SO GET t.F. over the American SAD JOKE elections and SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE and WHAT is IN STORE FOR NZ.

  12. I found an interesting letter by an American who has moved to Russia.
    Here is an excerpt:

    “See, that’s the thing that foreigners don’t realize, and it’s that Americans in this part of the country feel that they’re living under the boot of a tyrannical and totalitarian ideology which censors their dissent with “racist”, “fascist”, and “white supremacist” reputation-killing accusations and works 24/7/365 to brainwash them into thinking that they – and not the system – are the problem. Imagine George Orwell’s 1984 and you’ll have an idea about how a lot people view the ideology of “political correctness”. It is so pervasive, so controlling, that those who are suffering under it were bound to eventually revolt once the time was ripe. All of these anti-“political correctness” dissidents thought that they were alone and were the “crazy outlier” amongst their brainwashed compatriots, but then Donald Trump came along and gave them all the signal that this was the historic moment that they had been waiting their entire lives for to finally rebel against this totalitarian ideology.
    If there was no “political correctness”, then there would never have risen a Donald Trump to save the hard-working blue collar folks of the USA.
    The majority-blue collar inhabitants of the “Rust Belt” have been voiceless for decades and were seething with rage this whole time. They couldn’t speak out against the majority-black crime that ravages their neighborhoods because otherwise they’d be tarred and feathered as “racists”. They couldn’t condemn globalization and the outsourcing of their livelihoods to Mexico, China, and other countries or else they’d be mercilessly attacked as “fascists”. “

  13. Everyone on the left (especially Bomber) would do well to watch this video, because he explains what ACTUALLY happened. Trump won, only because the left is arrogant, insulting and patronising and shoved forward an unelectable candidate in Hillary Clinton.

  14. @ Frank Macskasy: If you read the full letter Mr. Macskasy, you would perhaps glean some idea of what the writer meant by the phrase ‘political correctness.’ What does the phrase mean to you Mr. Macskasy?
    For me, the prase means the abuse of language in order to abuse those who instinctually and intuitively do not respond to forms of social engineering. There are those you see, who have no taste for the business of ‘virtue signaling’ in order to bully masses of people into thinking in a particular way. Curiously enough some of us don’t relish the thought police any more than we would welcome the clothing police.
    These days Darwinian theory is near universally accepted. We are all part of the great family of apes. There is no design, no creation, we are all part of the state of nature. Well the state of nature is hierarchical. There are no ‘rights’ in monkeyville. The alpha male of the pack takes all.
    What is it exactly that makes homo sapiens different? Are they something alien that appeared a short while ago and has succeeded in near destroying the very planet which produced them?
    Have religion, politics, the abusive language of social engineering and totalitarian ideologies changed the human condition much? I don’t think so.
    Are there answers? Probably there have always been answers but people are caught in The Matrix, as well nowadays, in the electronic blitzkreig.
    Interesting how folk blather on about ‘rights’ and ‘democracy’ until it all suddenly lurches in a direction they don’t understand.
    The empty handed left overs will just have to go and bite their baboon bums over that one.

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