Peace Flotilla – 17th November



A peace flotilla will come together in Waitemata harbour on November 17th to meet the arriving international warships. This flotilla is part of the ‘Week of Peace’ – a series of organised public demonstrations to challenge the business of war and send a message that peace is not just the absence of war, it’s something we must work actively towards. Please join us on the water – if you don’t have a boat, find someone who does to take you out, or borrow a kayak!

We will be assembling on the water between Mission Bay and bean rock lighthouse from 9am, hoping to move off together by 9.30am into the inner harbour.

In 2011 Auckland was declared a city of peace. Yet this year, from November 13-20th, we are hosting a massive celebration of war. New Zealand is preparing to host major naval training exercises in the Hauraki Gulf with 17 countries including the US, Australia, and Indonesia. The government has committed an additional $20 billion to military spending over the next 15 years, and a major weapons expo is being held in Auckland to provide an opportunity for arms dealers to showcase their wares to potential customers.

Lockheed Martin, the world’s largest arms dealer, is a major sponsor of the Auckland weapons expo. The weapons business makes a few people very rich at the expense of the lives of millions around the planet. This flotilla and the Week of Peace will call out this glorified display of the repugnant commercialism of war. Preparing for war perpetuates war – we don’t want it, and we don’t need it.

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You should be aware of the restrictions to public movement in the Waitemata Harbour and Hauraki Gulf during this time. Theoretically, if we observe these restrictions, we can’t be apprehended or moved on by police. This includes NO SWIMMING or diving at all within the ‘red zone’. Restricted areas are: 60m distance from anchored warships, 60m from the Auckland waterfront, roughly from the end of Wynyard Wharf to the Commercial Wharf Area (Ports of Auckland), 200m from Devonport naval base, and from moving warships the distance is 100m beside and behind, 500m in front.

Technical details here:

Full list of confirmed visiting warships (and other craft and personnel) here:

For more details on the ‘Week of Peace’ go to



  1. Also, Ngati Paoa is participating, unfortunately. Their waka Kotuiti 2 is escorting the War machine into the Waitemata.
    Posted on the NP iwi Trust FaceBook page.
    Lead by Hau (Eugene) Rawiri self proclaimed Atua of Ngati Paoa.
    Contact number; 021893833

    • Shame shame on Ngati Paoa. What a Maori disgrace !
      How much of our tax payer money is Donky giving to them I wonder ?

      • Ring the ring leader Hau and ask! Or are you all talk? Then you inform us all of what his response is?
        I dear yah Blake.

        • If it is so important to you, Jasper, why don’t you find out how much ( if any ? ) is being given to Ngati Paoa to be a part of a military ship parade ? I remain disappointed in this tribe to support and be a part of an event that glorifies war and military ships instead of peace. We do not need the U.S. to use us to display their military dominance and encourage arms sales. They are the biggest war mongers in the world as they encourage fear and terrorism and ongoing perpetual war for profits. Part of the reason Hillary lost. We don’t need it.

  2. ” Go Peace Flotilla ” join in if you can and tell the war mongers that we think they are about a massive hypocritical joke with their
    sick ego-stroking pacific war games with us and other countries.
    Their sick war PLAY ACTING ! all over the worlds many seas – shooting bombs into our precious seas full of life.
    Small minded little men playing war games like they have the right.

    ” Perpetual War and Fear Mongering Auckland Harbour parade on Nov. 17 ” and greedy arms sales
    are what THEY are really about – using New Zealand – using us ! !
    whether we NZ citizens want it our not. Go Go donky with your chapped lips kissing up to the US and the worldwide power elite with their sick
    greedy psychotic games of war; arms sales and mineral rape all over world.
    Profits over people — big time on Nov. 17 in Auckland. No celebration there – just sadness and frustration over where our country is now.
    How much of our tax payer monies are you spending on your war games and your war parades and arms sales and schmoozing up your war buddies ? ? How much champagne and fine food and using our country to entertain guns dealers and the tiny minded men powering nuclear powered (?) ships and submarines ? Schmooze em up good our trustworthy and fine specimen of a great Prime Sinister. Yeh right.

    as they lie to us about terrorists threats to work up a — flurry — fear — frenzy.
    GO GO MADNESS – What about no more war ship parades at all and investing in PEACE instead ? ?
    Wake up sheeples to the insanity of this current government and its sick priorities taking us
    further into the toilet – WITH OUR TAX PAYER MONEY. We are becoming more like the sick side of America every day.

    Go Peace flotilla ! ! and thank you – we support you and will be with you in spirit if not in person.

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