The Daily Blog Open Mic – Wednesday 12th October 2016




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.


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  1. Clinton supports Fracking …if Clinton gets to be President a revised TPP will be negotiated imo and New Zealand will be Fracked ( f..ked)

    The October 2015 email from Tony Carkk contains a list of the Clinton campaign’s “hits” on Sanders. A conversation between the campaign and the pollsters in February 2016, after Sanders won New Hampshire discusses “new possible negatives” to test in the poll, “since most of our attacks haven’t been working.” One of the ideas is to condemn Sanders for “socialism” and say he wants to “gut America’s national security.”

    In February 2016, after the Sanders campaign broadcast a TV ad against fracking, the Clinton camp drafted a response painting his proposal as“extreme, unfeasible and ignores the contribution natural gas has made to our economy and our efforts to reduce carbon pollution.”

    Also included is an email chain from February 15, 2016 titled ‘Pushback on immigration,’ which shows a request for Ken Salazar, who was the US secretary of the interior from 2009 to 2013, to write an op-ed to smear Bernie Sanders’”professed support for immigration.”

    ‘Pro-fracking insider appointed by Clinton to head presidential transition team”

    (imo while Clinton now opposes the TPP for other reasons, if she is elected it will be back on the table ..and fracking will be up there

    …”She once said TPP “sets the gold standard of trade agreements.”

    • Would you ever expect anything other than misrepresentations, lies and u-turns from Hilary Clinton? She does, after all, represent the short-term interests of money-lenders and corporations, the so-called financial-military-industrial complex. And she would rather see the Earth rendered uninhabitable than give up her privileged lifestyle -just like most New Zealanders.

      Daily CO2
      October 10, 2016:  401.55 ppm
      October 10, 2015:  397.56 ppm

      Up 3.99 ppm date-to-date.

  2. A revolution to democratise and transform the modern economy?

    In the Keiser Report (second half) is a catch up with Kim Dotcom. In this discussion Kim Dotcom gives an update on his copyright court case which is going well for him

    … and discusses his potentially revolutionary Bitcache and Mega Upload 2

    …which will utilise and promote Bitcoin and make it easier for creative people to get some remuneration directly for their work

    Episode 978

    …”In the second half, Max talks to Kim Dotcom about Bitcache, a company for which he is an evangelist. They discuss bitcoin, bittorrents and copyright cartels”.

    • Hillary is a crooked dealer same as key is.

      She will ultimately trade away anything for power and position.

      So I would expect she will even push the nuclear button no problems there if it made her feel more powerful.

      Very dangerous woman that one she could single handed destroy the world.

      • +100 …totally agree CLEANGREEN

        ..imo she is a lot less stable than Trump ( for all his obnoxious mouth he is more of a peace maker)and she is bought by the neocons and the corporate bankers and Israel, Saudi Arabia and the wealthiest elite

    • I live on top of a mountain range 1650ft above sea level.

      They have been carting truck loads after cartloads up our rural road now for two months now as never before.

      And they wont advise really what they are doing with it all, as they say it was to place metal over the road but we have been doing this for years and never used this much before.

      Also we cant see the activities as they are only dong this when the days are clouded over?????

      I believe they are building a nuclear shelter up here as we are that high up and shaded from a nuclear bomb thermal “heat pulse” and being 600 meters above sea level and this is above the direct blast zone that may incinerate anyone closer some say.

      There is a lot of strange stuff coming from Government now about not caring about things we believe they should be doing, so are they preparing something?

      Funny stuff going on now to make me believe the government is preparing for a nuclear war now and not telling us this.

      Mountains and other geological features act just like obstacles do against waves: they make the waves bounce and reflect.

      A nuclear blast has three primary effects that are detrimental to your health:

      1a) The heat pulse. Immediately upon detonation, there is a very strong “light” coming from the bomb. It is like the Sun, only many times worse, depending on how close you are. This heat pule is enough to set flammable materials on fire, and to char other materials.

      But this heat pulse is stopped if you find yourself in the shade from it. This is why the now infamous civil defense movie “Duck & Cover” was made, because if you are on the fringes of the blast area you might save yourself from some serious damage if you get yourself into the shade quickly.

      A mountain – obviously – would provide quite excellent shade.

      Then again: a large mountain is may times larger than impact area of a nuclear bomb, even in the megaton range.

      1b) The radiation pulse. At the detonation, there is also a pulse of radiation coming directly from the bomb. This is not quite as easy to protect yourself from because radiation like neutron and gamma are not stopped by being in the shade, but instead dampened.

      However… if you have an entire mountain in the way, then that is enough to dampen the radiation into nothingness.

      2) The blast wave. The blast wave is a sudden and very severe blast of wind. At close enough range, this blast pulverizes houses, sends vehicles flying, knocks over structures.

      Again: a mountain would deflect this wave. If you are in the “shade” of a mountain, you’d be quite safe.

      And yet again: the blast zone around a nuclear blast is smaller than a mountain like Mount Fuji.

      Here it a video that shows the heat pulse and the blast wave very clearly. This is the Teapot Apple II shot from 1955. This is a “small” explosion at 29 kT.

      3) Fallout. Fallout is the radioactive waste products of the blast. Fallout — unlike the direct pulse of radiation at the blast — do not have a very significant range. Think of it more like a big cloud of dust. If you see the cloud in the distance, then that is OK. What you do not want is for it to come down on top of you so you start breathing it.

      Here things become a lot more complicated. A mountain will most certainly have an effect on fallout. Since mountains affect wind, rainfall and such it will have an effect on the fallout. A plume that comes towards the mountain and begins to climb over it may encounter rain and be washed out onto the mountain side instead of coming over to where you are.

      • that is very scary stuff /shit to be thinking about CLEANGREEN

        …why dont you take your binoculars and go and spy on them ?

        …you could write script like ‘Smiths Dream’ ( Sleeping Dogs)

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