I’m not sure how to say this but, one does not simply ‘grab the pussy’.
One would only ‘grab the pussy’ if one’s hands were tiny.
After signing 3 sets of witnessed documents allowing you to be invited to the ‘pussy’, one should stroke, shake hands with and lovingly caress the ‘pussy’.
One should never grab.
Boasting about sexual assault is bad enough, defending it as ‘locker room talk’ seems even worse.
Trump’s repulsive comments aren’t something that can be shrugged away, it says something about the man himself.
There is a difference between being crude and joking about rape. When rape is an ongoing crisis that is burning our planet, there’s about as much humour in rape jokes as a stand up gig at Auschwitz.
Here’s the horrible reality however, for those vast oceans of Nascar and Wrestling fans who make up the majority of the Alt-Right supporting Trump, grabbing the ‘pussy’ is the height of foreplay.
This US election is ultimately about how truly sexist America really is, and while I hope the echo chambers of my social media feed will see the end of this horrible human being, the sexism Trump joked about is far deeper and far larger than we acknowledge.
Agree with Martyn.
I watched the second Presidential debate this week. Trump’s body language spoke volumes about his predatory demeanour. Then there’s the fact he seemed almost to be stalking Clinton, while she talked.
Trump is a predator, no doubt about that.
American culture celebrates extreme violence based on exceptionalism -the preposterous notion that America is the chosen nation, inhabited by exceptional people and destined to rule the world. The whole narrative is completely phony, of course, and in reality America is a corrupt, pseudo-fascist state which is headed for the biggest collapse in history, very likely taking down most of the world with it.
As international tensions rise to a level not seen since 1962, it is important for the ‘elites’ -the scumbags at the top of the financial pyramid- to keep the masses distracted with trivia: hence the circus that is billed as a presidential election.
Meanwhile, in the real world, Russia carefully manoeuvers its ‘chess pieces’ into position in preparation for the ‘end game’. Russia is, after all, facing an existential threat from the US, and therefore will not back down. Indeed, if recent reports are to be believed, Russia is going from strength to strength as America circles the drain.
‘MAJOR DEVELOPMENT: Russia to deploy ZRPK to shoot down US air force in Syria’
and puts pressure on the ‘clown’s who call themselves leaders in the western world:
‘Putin cancels visit to France amid Syria tensions’
Just how serious all this is can be judged by:
‘Syria accuses Ban Ki-moon of damaging UN reputation by taking sides in conflicts’
‘Popov: US snipers’ arrival in Donbass means war’
Meanwhile, in a time zone remote from the US and Syria:
‘Duterte snubs Washington, looks forward to historic China visit’
which suggests America is losing its grip and is likely to lash out like a cornered beast.
If all that were not enough to send shivers down the spine, the state of the global environment has never been worse, nor deteriorating at a faster pace.
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