Political Caption Competition




  1. World’s largest dictatorship keeping tabs on its southernmost colony. Arm yourselves. Get ready for resistance to the new colonial overlords.

  2. “spaceship to beam down the army of aliens”

    As a new Planet key importation of cheap labour as kiwis aren’t interested right Minister?

  3. We will all be pleasantly surprised to eventually learn that the Chinese Elders are among those behind the RV/GCR/NESARA/GESARA to be announced “shortly” which will free all humanity from the Rothschild Khazarian bankster wheel of debt. Far from being the colonial overlords they are, with ancient European nobles, humanities’ freedom fighters. Thank you God!

  4. Chinese fishing trawler disguised as survaillance vessel hunting whales and blue fin tuna around new Zealand waters.

  5. Its a “Chinese Fry-day Special Global Delivery!” A Four Dish menu, free delivery with extra spies, I mean fries!

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