“The Security Council resolution route has always been the best way to proceed, because it does give you the best chance of getting your hands on those who you want to hold to account.” – Murray McCully, New Zealand’s Foreign Affairs Minister
In an address to the University of Otago’s 50th annual Foreign Policy School in June 2015, New Zealand Foreign Affairs Minister, Murray McCully, spoke of this country’s intentions regarding its present term at the UN Security Council. According to the report in the Otago Daily Times, New Zealand staunchly supported the existence of the State of Israel and its right to defend that existence, and no progress could be achieved unless Israel’s security concerns were “appropriately accommodated”. McCully also claimed that: “New Zealand regards itself as a friend to both Israelis and Palestinians”. That friendship would appear warmer towards Israel though because, sadly, he has never acknowledged the right of the Palestinian people to defend their existence and neither has he ever declared any interest in “appropriately accommodating” their security concerns. There are no Israeli refugees and no one has taken any land from them — but ethnically-cleansed Palestinians, driven from their homes by Israel, have been forced to live for decades in overcrowded refugee camps. To add insult to injury, Israel also refuses the Palestinian people’s UN-recognised right of return.
Who does McCully want to hold to account?
In an interview with Tova O’Brien on The Nation in 2015, McCully said that “the Security Council resolution route has always been the best way to proceed, because it does give you the best chance of getting your hands on those who you want to hold to account.” While Jewish Israeli settlers enjoy a plentiful water supply, Palestinians suffer egregious water restrictions and have their rooftop water storage tanks destroyed by Israeli Army bulldozers. World leaders, politicians and mainstream news media effectively strengthen Zionism and endorse its purpose by ignoring the relentlessly-imposed state of insecurity experienced by the Palestinian people every day. The bias is reflected in choice of language. For example, the term ‘violence’ is only ever used to describe acts of Palestinian Resistance to the Israeli Occupation and the blockade of Gaza. It is never used to describe the destruction of Palestinian homes by Israeli Army bulldozers, night home invasions, the bulldozing of crops, assaults on Palestinian minors by Israeli soldiers or Israel’s periodic aerial blitzes of the Gaza Strip. In making his statement, McCully appeared to have little understanding of the situation in which the Palestinians find themselves. Their plight was ordained by outside interests that have shown slight regard for Palestinian human rights.
According to the Otago Daily Times report, Mr McCully seemed to believe that “solutions to these questions” could be “arrived at more quickly and easily than most would think”. He even said that his impression, from speaking to the respective leaders, was that “essentially, they aren’t that far apart”. It is no surprise therefore that New Zealand’s showing at the Security Council (UNSC) last year, and up to the present, has revealed a dismal unwillingness to exercise even a shred of independence over Middle East policy.
John Key’s address to the Security Council, September 2016
Regarding the chaos in Syria, John Key told the UNSC, “The Syrian Government, which bears responsibility for starting this war, cannot win.” Quite apart from the obvious, which is that a rebellion supported by outside interests is by definition an initiation of hostilities, what he was really saying was that the Syrian Government must not be allowed to win. Key’s assertion is completely in tune with the traditional Western policy towards the Middle East. He referred to “the central question of President Assad’s future”. And whose business, primarily, is that? Surely it is a matter for the Syrian people as a whole, free from outside interference. An end to conflict would enable elections to take place, the result of which should then be respected by the world community. But present policy looks to dismember Syria. Israel has already seized the Syrian Golan Heights for its own economic benefit while continuing to enjoy guaranteed support from its chief benefactor and ally, the United States. Foreign Occupation can only add to the complexities and injustices of the conflict. John Key has carefully avoided the question of Israel’s violations of international law, including the home demolition and settlement building that have now begun in Syria. The Zionist regime has declared that Israel and the Golan Heights are “part and parcel” and that the international community should get used to the fact.
Israel is annexing the Syrian Golan Heights because, among other reasons, it holds major energy reserves. The human rights organisation, Al Marsad, says the first home demolition has already taken place, reporting that hundreds of Israeli police, accompanied by bulldozers, oversaw the demolition of a home in Majdal Shams, the largest town in the Israeli-Occupied Syrian territory. Israel is pushing ahead with illegal settlement construction in the area. None of the Security Council’s members have taken any steps to require Israel to stop violating international law. Their silence simply emboldens Israel while showing little respect for the Syrian people, and John Key has shown far more more ambition towards the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad than he has for the principles of Syrian sovereignty. In his speech, Key actually said: “Those with influence must reinforce to the parties – and to the Syrian Government – that a political solution is the only way out of this conflict.” For him, outside interests are to decide Syria’s future and the Syrian Government is not actually a party to anything. Our Prime Minister claims that “terrorism is a major consequence of the Syrian war”, in order to obscure the reality that it is a tool serving the aims of outside interests. Mr Key needs to understand that what he calls the “Syrian war” is actually a war waged against Syria.
As an Opposition MP, John Key voted for the United States 2003 invasion of Iraq in support of the West’s regime-change mania that has resulted in nothing but ruin and misery. The peoples of Iraq and Libya continue to suffer and it is time the world woke up and questioned this arrogant rhetoric. It should be noted also that John Key has never condemned Israel’s periodic Gaza blitzes. It is cause for great concern that such blindness can prevail at the Security Council at a time when humanity is crying out for justice and an end to great power hegemony over people’s lives. Key should have had the courage to independently speak truth to power and put justice before expediency. He failed tragically.
In 2008 John Key told The Jerusalem Post that he had been involved in fund-raising for Hadassah, the Zionist Israeli medical organisation. According to the Jewish Virtual Library (JVL), Hadassah’s first priority was to provide health services to Jewish women and children in Palestine. The new organisation changed its name to ‘Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organisation of America’ at its first annual convention in 1914, declaring that its mandate was “to promote Jewish institutions and enterprises in Palestine and to foster Zionist ideals in America”. The JVL tells us that by mid-1926 the organisation had initiated its first partnership with the Jewish National Fund. The Jewish National Fund (JNF) was established in 1901 as the main tool for the Zionist colonisation of Palestine. The carefully nurtured image of the JNF today as a ‘green’ organisation protecting Israel’s natural landscape is highly misleading. The Israeli historian Ilan Pappe tells us that the JNF is bent on taking land from “Palestinian farmers and Bedouin who try to keep the little piece of the land they still have.” The JNF claims it needs land for ‘nature reserves’ but in practice it gives it to Jewish settlers. On 25 September, the Israeli Army rampaged through the al-Daqiqa area in south-east Yatta, Hebron, destroying a Palestinian nature reserve planted with approximately 5000 trees, as well as several wells. The reserve had been established eight years ago with funding from several international NGOs. Throughout its history the JNF has adhered to its role as “the principal Judaizer of Israel/Palestine.” An in-depth history of the JNF is available on line.
According to a Jewish Chronicle Online (JC) commentary by Dan Goldberg on the 2008 New Zealand General Election, the prospect of John Key becoming New Zealand’s Prime Minister “may also end a period of dire diplomatic relations between Wellington and Jerusalem.” The JC said that what it called “the worst chapter in diplomatic relations between the two countries” had been “sparked in 2003 when Foreign Minister Phil Goff incensed Israeli officials by visiting Yasser Arafat in Ramallah at the height of the intifada.” Goldberg wrote that, “If Mr Key leads the National Party to victory over the Labour Party on November 8, it will draw to a close the worst chapter in diplomatic relations between the two countries.”
Goldberg also seemed outraged by Helen Clark (at present standing for election as UN Secretary General) because she had, as he termed it, “issued a blistering attack on Jerusalem and suspended high-level relations for over a year until Israel apologised” over the case of two Mossad agents who had been caught trying to illegally obtain a New Zealand passport. Of course, Helen Clark had made the unacceptable mistake of calling Israel to account, bearing in mind that Mossad is an Israeli Government agency. Clark stated firmly that “the breach of New Zealand laws and sovereignty by agents of the Israeli government has seriously strained our relationship with Israel.” She said “this type of behaviour is unacceptable internationally by any country. It is a sorry indictment of Israel that it has again taken such actions against a country with which it has friendly relations”. In Court, the Israeli agents had gone to great lengths to conceal their identities: one of them wore a balaclava and covered his face throughout the two-hour hearing, while the other had changed his hair colour and complexion since an earlier court appearance.
Instead of deploring the conduct of its agents, Silvan Shalom, the Israeli Foreign Minister at the time, could only say that Israel was disappointed with New Zealand’s reaction and, in a response that was reminiscent of the ‘negotiations’ device for enabling the continuation of land-grabs and settlement-building in Palestine, added: “But we believe that if we will work one with each other as we used to work in the past, we will overcome the last difficulty”. In effect – a diplomatic telling off. Goldberg quoted remarks by Nathan Lawrence of the Zionist Federation of New Zealand saying: “The current Labour Party has within its leadership several people that are ideologically fixated on certain positions, some of which mean an automatic disdain of Israel’s policies”.
Ideologically fixated? The Palestinian people, waiting in line at the Zionist regime’s checkpoints and standing beside the rubble of their demolished homes, face ideological fixation every day of their lives. Lawrence expected that, under Key’s leadership, “There is likely to be greater balance. This will have little to do with Key’s Jewish background, but more so the greater open-mindedness of the centre-right parties to the realities of the world”. Of course, what he really meant was open-mindedness to Zionism and acceptance of the demand that Israel should never be called to account. Under John Key’s premiership it would seem that New Zealand is living up to Goldberg’s expectations.
Good post. Feel Helen Clark standing up to Israel for NZ is a pivotal moment, just a David Lange standing up to the US for NZ over Nuclear free after the French terrorist attack on Rainbow Warrior.
“the central question of President Assad’s future”.
120 years ago it was all about a homeland for the Jews. But now it’s all about gas fields and oil fields, and the ‘rights’ of corporations to exploit them for profit, along with the desired routes for pipelines.
The rapidly crumbling American empire will probably make its last stand against resurgent Russia and China in the Middle East, and the Key government will probably ensure that NZ goes down with America.
Wow, the four horsemen of apocalypse! Do you hear the hoof beats?
If they are still around post 2017, which is obviously not desirable.
Murray McCully wants to hold those to account, who he considers to be the enemy of our “friends” (the Five Eyes member nations, and also Israel). The friendship vow to “both”, Israel and Palestine rings hollow, as that is just more verbal diarrhea.
New Zealand is firmly aligned with the western nations, particularly the US, the UK, France, Canada, Australia and some other European countries.
And while trade is always something the NZ government gets excited about (gold rush fever), they can happily sign trade agreements with China and other countries, no matter they breach human rights and have a dim view of democracy and the rule of law.
But when it comes to the crunch, they will always side with the US.
The US policy towards Israel and Palestine is one of utter hypocrisy, and they are simply dishonest, when going on about peace efforts and having the two state solution.
Israel’s governments are full of BS when it comes to peace talks and solutions, particularly the Likud Party and its allies, as they firmly believe in a Greater Israel one day, and in keeping for time being firm control of most of the West Bank and a border and wall around Gaza and between much of the West Bank and Israel controlled territory.
The war in Syria may also be convenient, as it may make it easier to fully take control of occupied areas near and around the Golan Heights.
And as long as Israel has a very strong lobby in Washington and New York, no US government will take a hard line on them to force a peace that will also be fair to Palestinians.
New Zealand’s present government is considering the Security Council membership as nothing but a marketing exercise, it is also a vanity project of sorts, as they think, having a seat at the top, that puts us onto the stage, so we can gain more in trade and other opportunities.
That is also why they strongly support Helen Clark to become the unlikely new UN head.
“John Key has carefully avoided the question of Israel’s violations of international law, including the home demolition and settlement building that have now begun in Syria. The Zionist regime has declared that Israel and the Golan Heights are “part and parcel” and that the international community should get used to the fact.”
And this:
In 2008 John Key told The Jerusalem Post that he had been involved in fund-raising for Hadassah, the Zionist Israeli medical organisation. According to the Jewish Virtual Library (JVL), Hadassah’s first priority was to provide health services to Jewish women and children in Palestine. The new organisation changed its name to ‘Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organisation of America’ at its first annual convention in 1914, declaring that its mandate was “to promote Jewish institutions and enterprises in Palestine and to foster Zionist ideals in America”. The JVL tells us that by mid-1926 the organisation had initiated its first partnership with the Jewish National Fund. The Jewish National Fund (JNF) was established in 1901 as the main tool for the Zionist colonisation of Palestine.”
Well, he makes it obvious, Mr Key, whose side he really is on, does he not? Is this perhaps partly due to his own background, being a son of a Jewish refugee from Austria?
Zionism started before the Holocaust, but during and after the Holocaust they certainly succeeded in getting many followers among the Jewish people, wanting to create a safe homeland.
That they would by doing this displace another people, similar to how Jews had been driven out of much of Europe (without the actual mass murder side perhaps), is the sad irony of it all.
“without the mass murder side, perhaps” !!!!
Yes, but some murders did nevertheless happen, and endless human rights breaches, which have in part been raised before the UN, even resulting in resolutions against Israel’s conduct towards the people of Palestine. But they got away with a lot, given the above protection they do get from the great powers of the west.
Few Germans would dare criticise Israel, no matter what their government and the settlers and the IDF do, simply they are in a dilemma, given past wrongs done to Jews.
At least some Israeli governments, politicians and lobby groups ruthlessly exploit this to their advantage.
Ok — here we go — yet again.
Where is my comment and if you trashed it, please give reason why ?
The Chair of the Security Council for October is Russia. Written into the Climate Change accord is the establishment of the free State of Palestine with lands reinstated going back to the 1940s (can’t remember exact date). October should be an interesting month.
NO, nothing will be interesting, as Russia heading the UN Security Council will mean that the other side will “chair” the status quo of bipolar views and no action to be taken to effectively resolve the crisis in Syria. As for Palestine, the UN has given them a seat and voice, but as long as others can veto anything that Israel may not like, and as long as Israel will oppose Palestine even having a voice at the UN, nothing will change there.
What will happen over the coming months is a total breakdown of “negotiations” between the US and Russia, and a new stream of refugees leaving Aleppo and other areas, and various states in the region trying to bolster the armaments of various groups on the ground, so the battle can go on for months if not years to come.
The bookings are being made for this important event, which many arms makers, dealers and buyers will visit and attend, so there will be NO shortage of weaponry and munitions, there is NO shortage of money for it, as we know, no shortage for that:
Meanwhile the media will continue handwringing, the politicians will make vain “appeals” and work on various agendas behind the scenes. Obama is a lame DUCK (quack quack), he will not send in more troops and be careful with more bombing raids (so not to upset Russia), and he will leave it to the Gulf States to “care” for the rest, same as his successor in the White House, one of the two MSM “darlings” and their tweets, taking office in January.
Plenty of work for the undertakers in Syria, I guess.
For those who know, NESARA/GESARA has begun. The Paris Accord was GESARA in disguise. If anyone is interested, look up Dinar Chronicles. Here’s one post: http://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.co.nz/2016/10/crossing-finish-line-guest-post-by-jeff.html
Herein after, we will be informed that the United States is now a Republic; that all debt of Sovereign nations has been wiped clean; that every man, woman and child on the planet is now a sovereign human being beholden to no one, without debt and with money in the pocket . Yes, indeed, @MIKE IN AUCKLAND October is going to be an interesting month. Only question is, how long can this government hide the Truth?
Scroll through Yosef’s Greatest Hits and get up to speed.
Where is my comment and more importantly – why did you choose to block our freedom of speech and what about that comment puts you off so much ?
Something stinks here.
Key and Clark are puppets of the United Nations in their support of Israel and US priorities. Money talks. Trumped up war based on lies and greed.
The UN is the governing body ( with Nato ) in implementing the World Governance and NWO. The UN is not anyone’s friend when the truths are known.
The invasion of Iraq now is known to be a huge mistake just like Viet Nam. Why – because we are seeing right through the John Keys and the John Kerry’s and the Israel supporters about the greed of oil and land / resource control. Fighting terrorism and who are the real terrorists ?
The UN is directly connected with perpetuating war and moving towards their agendas and plans and their members are funding this. Syria and Palestine and so many millions of others in the middle east have suffered and continue to under these greedy priorities and it is the UN & US and others who have much blood on their hands. They are the real terrorists who need to be held accountable but the UN is not our friend and will not hold anyone accountable because they are playing a major part in the greed and war mentality.
Most are unaware of the UN’s hidden agendas and plans for world dominance and how this all relates to the above article written by Leslie regarding the UN Security Council.
For NZ to be aligned with all this and so close with the US is not healthy and is not peace making. And now warships in our harbour ! ! !
Does anyone think that the US and their warships coming to our harbours soon is not related to us giving away our sovereignty and our anti – nuclear stance and lying in bed with the UN and US military ? They need us strategically and they are using us for their gains/plans and we are asleep sheeples
who need to wake up and get smart about what is really going on.
TDB, for some reason, does not allow comments like this through and we wonder why and ask for their reasoning and they are silent. Now lets see if this second comment gets through.
Revolving door between British government – ( and US ) and arms dealers.
Who will be held accountable with so many lies and military games for profits going on ?
Of course long nosed jonky donky wants to avoid the tough questions about Israel. He and his suck up puppet master – the US etc. are in bed with the Israelis and all have much blood on their hands and huge offshore bank accounts and trusts to defend. Arms dealers in bed with governments and it is a massive disgrace and so criminal and disgusting. Their other bed fellows are the nuclear energy promoters — you know the retired nuclear energy idiots that have become lobbyists etc. to promote nuclear energy development when it is proven to not be profitable and insane on many levels.
@ BLAKE Finally!!! Well done.
I think you’re spot on. But it’s all over for them now.
Check out this link: http://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.co.nz/2016/10/yuge-intel-sitrep-1300-edt-wednesday.html
All overseas US military bases expected to close down.
All sovereign nations now gold backed, debts wiped, now reliant on country’s assets, no more borrowing or begging by governments.
Perhaps we can now set about nationalizing our assets stolen by our various government???
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