Prisoner compo vs skinny person compo highlights a hollow society



For me, nothing highlights the hollow 30 year neoliberal society of NZ better than the juxtaposition of compensation claims this week.

Skinny people sitting next to fat people on flights deserve compensation, yet Prisoners illegally locked up past their sentence don’t???

Welcome to NZ.

First class problems managing to trump the basic standards of decency.

We have been so manipulated by mainstream media crime porn,  victims rights lynch mobs and get tough on crime politicians that the mere idea that prisoners some how have rights is actually offensive to many.

These prisoners are human beings. Regardless of what they have done, these men and women have served their time. They have done their punishment. To hold them one second longer than is legally allowed is unacceptable – months and months of incarceration? That’s monstrous.

If you want someone to blame, look at the underfunded and burnt out public services who’ve become callous in their obligations to those in their care. If prisoner rights were at the forefront of Corrections priorities, the investigation to ensure they were being released at the right time would have occurred and demanded change. Corrections didn’t bother because they don’t give a flying fuck about prisoner rights, because the Government of the day doesn’t and almost every other agency tasked with looking after the most vulnerable, be they state tenants, abused children or the poor are all enacting policy that is detrimental and counter productive.

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So why on earth would Corrections be any different to CYFs, Housing NZ, Ministry of Social Deprivation, Ministry of Abusing Children etc etc etc.

This is what happens when spite becomes public policy and the grim reality is that it’s only when the Government are forced to pay huge compensation out that they ever fucking change, so here’s to every prisoner who has been illegally held against their will suing this Government harshly because that’s the only way rich privileged people ever learn.


  1. “look at the underfunded and burnt out public services who’ve become callous in their obligations to those in their care”

    They are slaves’ now to a corrupt government period, and have been warned to do their job under Government plans or get fired.

    There is no “social contract” any more with the public so we should rightly call them “Corrupt Government administrators.”

  2. It is the same all over. A US citizen’s life is worth more than a Bangla Deshi’s life, and the same applies to New Zealand, where according to the MSM a Kiwi suffering something is getting much attention, but a citizen in a poor country is not even reported on when suffering the same.

    And within a society a criminal and prisoner have a very bad reputation and low status, so the MSM reflect often just the same bias the ordinary citizens display, thus reinforcing bias.

    A paying air passenger gets more attention than a tax payer’s burden, i.e. a prisoner, when suffering some form of injustice.

    Go over to beneficiaries, and we get the same negative bias, they are all hopeless, useless, lazy and a burden to society, so they are given little fair attention, while the “hard working Kiwi” is often referred to by politicians and also the MSM.

    We are no more progressive than a generation or so earlier, bias still exists and is maintained, while many talk about political correctness.

    Hypocrisy it is called, I think, it is saying one thing and doing another. It is treating one category of persons better than others, in a so called “egalitarian” society, where we are told to believe we have all got a fair go.

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