How obscene is it that The Block winners make a $480k profit at time of homelessness & kiwis living in cars?
Such renovation porn in a time of housing crisis is as sick as Master Chef shows when 80 000 kids go to school hungry.
I imagine those children licking the TV screens.
I wonder what those who are homeless think of The Block.
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I get this terrible feeling that in 50 years time they will replay segments of The Block  as evidence of how out of touch we were.
We’re a nation of voyeurs entranced by our own misery.
I caught the end of “The Block” (in anticipation of watching “Westside”), with the host wandering along the footpath beseeching other couples to enter the next ‘Block’ competition.
It was pathetic.
But here’s a thought; we encourage fifty homeless couples to put their names forward. At the conclusion, all couples get to keep their renovated properties. Repeat.
It should take, oh, about twelve thousand years to resolve our homelessness at that rate.
Of course it is.
But how does one respond to a silly tv concept such as “The Block”, except with Monty Pythonesque satire?
Yeah, I caught a few minutes of it because I was waiting for “Westside” to come on. What a load of superficial, childish crap.
I wonder how long the renovations will last, considering the speed at which they have to be carried out? What’s the bet that bits will be falling off within a year.
What happened to the protest which was planned to invade the Block? Missed it on One News and I haven’t watched Channel 3 since Campbell left.
Are you questioning the corporate agenda of using the mass media and phony ‘reality shows’ to manipulate the populace into participating in ostentatious consumption and participation in unsustainable Ponzi schemes, Martyn? Carry on like that and you risk the wrath of the empire, and risk being placed near the top of the assassination list. How would you to be silenced: poison, a car ‘accident’, a drone attack or a sniper’s bullet? Actually, you are quite safe because almost no one is listening: they’re too engrossed in ostentatious consumption and phony reality shows.
‘I get this terrible feeling that in 50 years time they will replay segments of The Block as evidence of how out of touch we were.’
I know that was just tongue-in-cheek but its worth noting that there is no ‘in 50 years time’. Present economic arrangements will not last much beyond 2020 (if that: many say a 2008-style meltdown will occur later this year).
And don’t forget that the Earth will be rendered largely uninhabitable for humans long before 50 years have passed, as a consequence of overpopulation, overconsumption and the complete failure to address anthropogenic CO2 emissions.
All this insanity drives me close to despair, what “focus” have people left, that is those that fall for all this kind of selfishness, greed and pure opportunism.
I hear that Auckland Council, their Governing Body, have finished considering and voting on the recommendations the so-called “independent” hearing panel (appointed by the government) made on the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (that had already been amended).
On Friday they will cast their final vote in favour, to set the course that will facilitate the massive developer and speculator driven new construction “boom” in Auckland, to develop over 400,000 additional homes in the coming two and a half to three decades.
On ‘The Spinoff’ they are now having regular pro business, pro developer, pro property owner consultants write stuff. One recently spotted author is this one:
Just look at her CV or profile on LinkedIn!
She was also with Housing NZ for a short stint, when they were restructuring and making it harder for people to get into state homes.
How “progressive” is ‘The Spinoff’, or have they (like Generation Zero) sold out to vested business interests???
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