Why Trump and Clinton are lying about the TPPA



Trump and Clinton are telling American voters that they won’t sign the TPPA because of its impact on the working class.

This is nonsense.

Yes the TPPA will damage working class jobs and empower corporations, but both Trump and Clinton will sign it because this was never about free trade, the TPPA is and always was for America a national security leash to counter Chinese influence in the Pacific.

Because of the TPPA’s true nature for America, Trump or Clinton will push it through regardless of the domestic political cost.  The TPPA will open Pacific nations legislation to America for them to re-set for their benefit. That stops Chinese economic influence because ultimately American Corporations will be able to dictate domestic legislation. This power is what America wants, and they see it as an important national security tool to blunt China’s expansion into the Pacific.

Because we don’t understand what America intends to use the TPPA for, we think domestic politics there will stop it. However this has always been about forcing the Washington Consensus upon the Pacific for national security aims. Until we appreciate that, we won’t understand why it will get passed.


  1. Yes Martyn I believe all politicians usually think it is o/k to say porkies all the time, and it has been many years since we saw a honest man like Bernie Sanders or Jeremy Corbyn.

    My heart bleeds when we see the evil empire taking over when the honest politicians get no support from a media with absolutely no moral fibre.

  2. I have read a book written over 100 years ago that said the world was going to have the USA as the final major power on Earth combining with the Vatican to enforce no buying or selling for those that work against them. It also said that the increased natural disasters would be one of the reasons used by this union to justify their rules. While I was growing up all these ideas looked like some mad fantasy as the USA was the land of the free & the Earth seemed set for good times forever.
    With recent political happenings around the world the chance of a peaceful future seem remote.

  3. Politicians lie routinely.

    There track record when revealed show the direction they are travelling.

    There is no common good in the history of either candidate.

    The PR spin has yet to drum up the over riding TINA.

    Lies of convenience is their routine.

    And the cheer leader will follow every word.

    Looking for an honest politician is a proverbial difficulty like opening hens beaks to count the teeth.

  4. Trump and Clinton will probably tinker with the TPPA, say its “fixed, then sign it. I don’t trust either of them.

    Clinton is a careerist politician. Trump is a racist, bigotted demagogue.

    Take your pick.

  5. I agree that the TPP, and other corporate domination treaties like it, are about geopolitics and control, not trade. John Pilger’s new documentary ‘The Coming War’ is about, amongst other things, the US military encirclement of China. There are thousands of US military bases virtually next door to China, such as the massive number in Okinawa. This is equivalent to the US letting China get away have military bases in Cuba!

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