The Next Best Thing To King Donald



“POLITICS IS THE ART OF THE POSSIBLE, the attainable, the next best.” It’s hard to imagine a more dispiriting definition of a more vital activity. The author of the phrase, Germany’s “Iron Chancellor”, Otto von Bismarck, might just as well have said “Sex is the art of reproduction.” It is, of course, but that’s by no means all it is!

Certainly, the 1,800-plus delegates pledged to Bernie Sanders who travelled to Philadelphia last week arrived with a much broader definition of politics than Bismarck’s. In the hearts and minds of the hundreds of young Americans who turned up for the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Centre, the mission they had come to fulfil in July 2016 was the same mission America’s Founding Fathers came to fulfil in Philadelphia in July 1776: to make a revolution.

What greeted them was something a great deal less than revolutionary – the Democratic Party.

One of the two great electoral engines History has vouchsafed to the American Republic, the Democratic Party has no real parallel among New Zealand’s political parties. In its essence the Democratic Party has made itself the voice of American diversity.

Originally the party of the slave-owning American South, the Democratic Party extended its reach to embrace the burgeoning urban immigrant communities of nineteenth and twentieth century America. During the Great Depression of the 1930s, President Franklin Roosevelt forged an electoral coalition incorporating the racially segregated South and the unionised communities of the industrial North-East.

Roosevelt’s mildly social-democratic “New Deal” lent the Democratic Party a progressive cast which, by the 1960s, had become utterly incompatible with the segregationist policies of the racist South. The joining together of progressive Southern Blacks and liberal Northern Whites in the Civil Rights Movement forced the issue within the Democratic Party.

By shepherding the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act through Congress in the mid-1960s, President Lyndon Johnson knowingly (and heroically) precipitated an historic electoral schism. In the presidential elections of 1968 and 1972, millions of Southern Whites deserted the Democratic Party’s candidates for Richard Nixon. The Republican Party: the party which had arisen out of the great fight against slavery; the party of Abraham Lincoln; had effectively swapped places with the party of the slave-owners.

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It was into this highly-charged political environment that Sanders’ revolutionaries came a-marching with what the old Marxist-Leninists would have called their “maximum” programme.

An older generation of Democratic Party activists had seen such a programme before. In 1972, Senator George McGovern (in whose cause a young woman named Hillary Clinton had campaigned tirelessly) secured the Democratic Party’s nomination for president. His unabashedly progressive policy platform proved to be radically out-of-sync with the American electorate and he was decisively defeated by Richard Nixon.

McGovern’s fate made the Democratic Party leadership extremely wary of impossibilities. That it was gathering in Philadelphia to endorse what was, by US standards, a radically progressive platform represented a hugely important victory for Bernie Sanders and his followers. Their success in the primaries had convinced the Democratic National Committee that the time was ripe for policies which, in less turbulent times, they would have rejected out-of-hand. They were persuaded that a genuinely progressive Hillary Clinton presidency was possible.

Hundreds of delegates wanted more. The “Bernie-or-Bust” faction was not content with the “next best” choice imposed upon them by the primary voting system. That the organisers of the Convention might take this refusal to accept the democratic verdict of their party amiss does not seem to have occurred to the die-hard Sanders delegates. They were also unaware of just how hard a game of hardball the Convention organisers would be willing to play to ensure that the nomination of Hillary Clinton went off smoothly.

Bernie Sanders was not unaware: he understood both how much his campaign for the Democratic nomination had won, and how much could be lost if the Convention descended into factional chaos. Like so many other delegates, he was also all-too-aware of the dark shadow Trumpism was casting over America. Having achieved all that was possible in the prevailing political climate; all that was attainable; he was ready to endorse Hillary as the “next best” presidential candidate to himself.

Hillary, too, knew what was at stake. She also understood that enduring revolutions are built out of compromises – not barricades. As she reflected in her acceptance speech:

“When representatives from 13 unruly colonies met just down the road from here, some wanted to stick with the King. Some wanted to stick it to the king, and go their own way. The revolution hung in the balance. Then somehow they began listening to each other … compromising … finding common purpose. And by the time they left Philadelphia, they had begun to see themselves as one nation. That’s what made it possible to stand up to a King.”

What we will discover over the next 100 days is whether sufficient Americans have mastered enough of the art of the possible to resist the blandishments of a man who would happily crown himself America’s first king in 240 years.


  1. Then in the end it’s about how much Clinton and her cronies can be trusted once (if) they get their hands on power.

  2. Chris thanks for the history lesson.
    Using, Killary Clinton and revolution in the same sentence is drawing a massive bow. She represents the 1%, is a war criminal and psychopathic murderer, why do you defend her or worse admire her?
    Regardless of mad Trumpys rhetoric, at this stage he is guilty of nothing. If the Nuremberg principles were applied to US Presidents, everyone from Woodrow Wilson to present day would be at the Hague, do you disagree?
    How many years since 1776 has the US been at war Chris and what makes you think Clinton will be any different from all the other nutcases?
    Fill us all in on how the electoral college system works in the US and is this the pinnacle of democratic process that US citizens have been indoctrinated to believe it is?

    • Pedro I find it hard to disagree. Hillary near the nuclear button is a truly frightening concept, Trump despite being a buffoon could hardly be more dangerous.
      PS On a prior post you gave me a “serve”. Wrong Nick methinks.

      • So they look to be all unfit to lead.

        All the more reason Bernie has such a following of people who believe it about Govt for the People.

        Killary and Trumpeter are not for the people and have never show any signs of being concerned for others.

          • So why didn’t Bernie run with Jill Stein Frank?She offered him top of the ticket.
            How is Bernies voting record on US war crimes to date, for or against?

            • Why don’t you ask Sanders, Pedro??

              Seems to me you’re being a bit lazy demanding ansdwers instead of looking it up yourself.

              • I know what his voting record is Theodore im asking Frank wheter he is aware. Thats what i thought this forum was about, healthy informed debate.

      • Yawn. Godwins. Really Frank its a very long shot. Go listen to a real leftist Tariq Ali who totally refutes that idea as a disservice to the Left. If you really want to get to grips with the “enemy” it pays to know them better. Look up (as Fatty pointed us to) “producerism”. Also look up “corporatism” and Mussolinis definition of fascism. Then compare Hillary to the Don. You will I suspect get two highly undesirable pictures, neither however look Austrian except the ladies economic leanings.

        • You need to understand the difference between a “Godwins” and learning from history, Nick.

          I doubt Mr Godwin ever intended that we forget the lessons of history – especially the 20th century.

          • Zzźzzzz Frank. Knowing the difference between current and 20th century history is entirely why I said what I did. Trump is no Adolf and describing his politics as such does the Left a disservice. Better to get a grip with the reality. Accuracy as opposed to shooting from the hip is what is required to address the Don or the Hillary. Makes me feel unclean either way.

      • I’m getting old and my memory hazy, but I am pretty sure that Hitler committed major crimes long before 1939. Also Germany was in a desperate position when Hitler arrived on the scene because of the impossible reparations demanded by the Allies, which Keynes predicted would lead to WW2. He was right.
        The US is not in that predicament and is in a mess purely of its own making because it is chosing to ignore the corrupt way in which Clinton and the Party used Sanders. There was only one correct choice but the US cant see it. It will be responsible for whatever follows.


      • Sorry Frank but have to call BS on your “Neither was a certain mad Austrian – until 1 September 1939.”, remark.

        Lets go with the “Beer Hall Putsch” 8–9 November 1923. 20 dead and many more injured.

        The Reichstag fire 1933

        Aktion T4 starting in July 1933

        The enabling act 1933

        Don’t know about you but I had family fight in Spain because they knew a fascist when they saw one. Not a good argument.

      • Someone who is “guilty of nothing” nonetheless automatically deserves the benefit of the doubt. As opposed to Hitlerly Clinton, who we already KNOW WITH CERTAINTY is both a war criminal and bankster shill.

    • A tad overstated, Pedro. A brief encounter with the real world should introduce you to the idea that the world doesn’t reside in your typewriter.

      Hillary Clinton may well not be a revolutionary, I don’t remember anyone saying she was. However she does have a solid record of liberal positions, in American terms. Killary? Really?

      Your Woodrow Wilson forward homily is just cant….and what?…all nutcases?

      As for the electoral college system….convoluted and unwieldy, but in the strange State system in the US, not especially unreasonable. You might have been on more solid ground to criticize the Congressional electoral district gerrymander, but that would perhaps distract you from the wrecking ball of white hot truth. Or was it just the didactic tone Chris adopted that offended you?

      Be on the safe side; just stick with your gut. It is always right, surely. And if Trump manages to pull down the great Satan, that’s a good thing, right?

      • Really Nick. I actually dont care what you think as you jump to conclusions 99% of the time and are wrong 100%.
        What is your argument, the democratic system in the US is a fair balanced system. Clinton is not a war criminal, recorded history of US aggression is hypothetical what exactly? Read the rest of peoples posts Dick, gives you an idea just who is living in a delusional wonderland.

  3. Super delegates voting is as corrupt as the US political system No democracy there. Bernie beats trump in every poll, Killary looses.

    MSM will work hard to get that woman in no matter how much blood is on her hands. She is their person, Wall Street’s person, the Bankers person and deeply entrenched in the war against the people who pay the taxes to be stripped out by the Military industrial complex which is heavily supported by her also.

    Promises and lies spoken by Killary to get votes from the gullible have little chance of ever being made a reality.

    So the cheer leaders continue as millions suffer and a few profit heavily. That few fund Killary.

    • Super Delegates. Super PACS. Electoral State Colleges. First Past the Post.

      Everything but one-person-one vote directly for the Presidential candidate of your choice.

  4. Sanders Never Had a Chance: WikiLeaks Exposes Democratic National Committee’s Rigged Process in Favor of Clinton

    A race to be Democrat nominee never existed, things rigged from the start last year to select Clinton party standard bearer.

    The process was like holding a world series or super bowl with only one team represented.

    Sanders never had a chance and knew it, enjoying his extended 15 minutes of fame while it lasted – caving in the end as expected, endorsing what he campaigned against, betraying supporters, proving he’s just another dirty self-serving politician.

    Last week’s WikiLeaks revelations of thousands of Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails showed party support for Clinton, plotting against Sanders, rigging things to make her party nominee.

    Assorted dirty tricks were used, including DNC/media collusion (notoriously from the NYT, operating as a virtual Clinton press agent), as well as fundraising on her behalf.

  5. as a bit of a reality-check on all this..

    at this time in the clinton/obama race more clinton supporters said they would not vote for obama..

    ..than are now saying will not vote for clinton..’know..!..much ado about very little..

      • Greetings, Frank.

        More than anything, your posts are why I visit the Daily Blog. Long, thorough, and bristling with references in case we want to check for ourselves, in my view they are the gold standard for aspiring journalists.

        There seems something ironic to the number of comments you have made on this post, which in its lamentable quality is so unlike any of your own. I was prepared to accept Mr Trotter at face value in spite of his invariable shortage of citations, to confuse his literary articulateness with his knowing what he was writing about, until yesterday and again today he happened to pontificate on a matter I’ve been following rather closely for a few months.

        Anyone who types in ‘Redacted Tonight’, a political comedy show, and selects shows 107 and 111 (the latest) will find what I consider the best but by no means the only summary of how Hillary and the Democratic party organisation colluded and cheated, about which the Bernites have in my view every reason to be furious and to refuse to accept.

        I visit this site expecting investigative journalism, not MSM – type shilling. Mr Bradbury might consider it time to issue a first formal caution before his site’s reputation gets unduly compromised.

        • George, I hope folk don’t confuse my disdain for Trump as endorsement of Hilary Clinton. Because such is not the case.

          However, speeches such as “Mexicans crossing our borders are criminals” are inflammatory. A demagogue using ethnic groups as fodder for political speeches incites hatred against those groups, and in effect gives validation for bigotry to be openly expressed – usually in a violent way.

          Whatever Clinton’s faults are, at least she’s not demonising Muslims or Mexicans, turning them into a 21st century version of Jews in 1930s Germany.

          A similar effect of demonisation occurred here in New Zealand only a few years ago when Minister of Social Welfare, Paula Bennett, was rampaging against solo-mothers, unemployed, and anyone else in her sights. My files are filled with media stories of Bennett targetting beneficiaries – usually instigated when National was facing a negative media story and needed deflection.

          Sensationalised stories such as;

          Beneficiaries on warrants face cash cut –

          Bennett increases pursuit of welfare ‘rorts’ –

          Baby turns one, so get to work mum –

          John Key On Welfare: Mums of one-year-olds better of working –

          Paula Bennett expects welfare reform to save $1.6b –

          Paula Bennett: Not all kids need pre-school –

          Minister spells out $43,000 ‘salary’ claim for solo mum –

          Food parcel families made poor choices, says Key –

          National takes aim at solo parents on DPB –

          Thousands of welfare fraud cases uncovered –

          Government Plans To Snoop On Single Mothers To Catch –

          Beehive – Information sharing stops more welfare fraud –

          Drug testing of beneficiaries set to come into force from July –

          Benefits may be linked to kids’ jabs –

          Revealed: $100k-plus beneficiary homes –

          Drug tests for more beneficiaries mooted –

          Benefit cuts for drug users defended by PM –

          Big families mean big welfare dollars –

          Benefit crackdown has saved $6m –

          Beneficiaries cost $130,000 over lifetime –

          New Zealand Beneficiaries To Cost $78 Billion Over… –

          ‘One strike’ rule for beneficiaries –

          National to push 46,000 off welfare –

          After a deluge of such anti-beneficiary propaganda, the hate speech escalated in mainstream media, right-wing blogs, and other public fora.

          As this UK article pointed out;

          Owen Jones: Hatred of those on benefits is dangerously out of control –

          And this New Zealand version;

          Bennett accused of dehumanising beneficiaries –

          And not forgetting Bennett’s attack on two solo-mothers who dared speak out against her;

          Solo mum thinks minister was trying to intimidate her –

          So having witnessed the last eight years; read the stories; and heard first-hand accounts of stressed beneficiaries attacked by this government, I have little patience for those who demonise the vulnerable. Yes, that includes people like Paula Bennett or Donald Trump;

          Anyone who thinks Trump is preferable to Clinton is misguided. A demagogue who plays with the lives of religious minorities, ethnic groups, welfare beneficiaries, etc, is not to be trusted.

          Since Trump’s vicious verbal attacks against muslims, the consequences have been inevitable;

          2015 Saw a Record Number of Attacks on US Mosques –

          Anyone who overlooks Trump’s victimisation of Mexicans, women, people with disabilities, muslims, et al, is willing to overlook everything that we on the Left profess to oppose.

          • No one i know is overlooking Trumps victimization of other ethnicities Frank.
            Clintons “faults” dont fall into the range of misdemeanors Frank would you agree?
            The only difference between these two meglomaniacs is Trump says what Clinton is thinking.

            • The only difference between these two meglomaniacs is Trump says what Clinton is thinking.

              One of the oldest cop-outs from the Right, Pedro; “I was only saying what everyone else is thinking”.

              Sorry, that excuse for hate-speech doesn’t wash. Not for one moment.

              • If I may assist… 🙂

                ‘Trump means you harm, but at least he has the courage to say it to your face.’

                ‘Clinton means you harm, but at least she has the grace to lie to you about it.’

                • Being a political leader is a spectators sport. We project our perspective onto leaders. But. If you look at what they actually do in a crises, they just walk around and display different kinds of facial features.

                  It’s just looking busy with out doing anything

                • George, I think you’re misquoting what Frank has written. Whipping up racial and religious hysteria against minorities and treating women as meat seems to be Trump’s weapons of choice.

                  Demonising Mexicans, Muslims, disabled, veterans, etc, is like a snow-ball rolling down a hill, gathering mass as more and more join with the mass.

                  I’m no fan of Clinton, but at least she hasn’t given free reign to every red-neck in the good ole You Ess of A to go after minorities.

                  Better consider your privelige there, George. Would you have the luxury of this conversation if you were Muslim going down to the local mall, where some half-wit egged on by Trump would bash you? Yes? No?

                  • Why do we have to predicate everything on “I’m no fan of Clinton, but….”
                    Hillary will be the best thing for Liberal politics since FDR, if she gets the House and the Senate.
                    Then where will you go for your next demon?

              • Ha ha. What makes you think im right wing please tell Frank? If you had paid attention to any of my other posts you would see i am anything but.
                Are you denying Clintons record of war mongering it real simple?Dont attempt to rewrite history Frank.
                They are both mad, but unless your to immature to debate the historical fact that US aggression masquerading as a force for good exists, then i would have to question your journalistc integrity.
                How about having the courtesy to answer my other polite questions Frank?

                • A reply, Pedro? Certainly.

                  If I may paraphrase you,

                  I actually dont care what you think as you jump to conclusions 99% of the time and are wrong 100%.

                  However, what I find curious is your obsession with supporting Trump; a billionaire racist, misogynistic, bigotted demagogue.

                  Because I’ll tell you this for nothing, Pedro; it’s easy for you to nut off to attack Clinton. But the question is, who are you endorsing? Donald Trump? A man who, if he ever gets his hands on the nuclear launch codes would probably spark WWIII? A man who would emulate the Nazis; round up millions of illegal Mexican immigrants; and forcibly repatriate them? A man who would discriminates against muslims? A man who is so emotionally unhinged that he doesn’t take criticism very well – to the point of vicious attacks aagainst women, disabled, muslims, war veterans, et al?

                  And worse still, his racist rants are enabling bigots throughout the US to engage in acts against muslims and Mexicans.

                  That is the climate of fear Trump is fostering.

                  I look forward to how you, Pedro – a supposed “leftist” – seems willing to ignore the bleedin’ obvious. I really thought we were well past endorsing demagogues (or at least giving silent assent) who vilify entire religious and ethnic groups – or at least are silent on such issues.

                  Because, News Flash, mate, Trump ain’t no champion of the working class.

                  You are privileged enough not to be affected by Trump’s demagoguery. You might feel a whole damned difference if you were a muslim, woman, Mexican, in the US.

                  I hope that answers your questions.

                  • Frank as a usually objective journalist your well off the mark and from your tone taken umbrage to being challenged. Where in any of my posts do i pledge my support for Trump?
                    Oh and now im a leftist Frank.
                    Newsflash Frank, aint left or right do i have to be to have a opinion in this forum?
                    My moral compass comes from a not so privileged upbringing in Kaiapoi from great parents who instilled in all us kids, everyone deserves to be treated with respect no matter what denomination, ethnicity. And from a apparent form of justice where murderers are held accountable for their crimes. The latter being non existent when that justice is applied to politicians who murder wantonly under the guise of the R2P doctrine.
                    I dislike Trump as much as Clinton and all they both represent. I will not however read or listen to people suffering historical amnesia when it comes to Clintons murderous record, without giving my opinion, the whole point of this site if im not mistaken.
                    I agree on the points you have clearly and aggresively made about Trump Frank. But come on you have been around long enough to be aware of just how many citizens on this planet have been crushed under the jackboot of US Imperialism, the thrust of my argument is Clinton will be no better as a champion of Wall Street and recipient of huge donations from 9 of 10 major arms manufacturers, she is the military industrial complexes chosen candidate.
                    Libya stands as testimony to that and her hand in the Honduran coup.
                    Lets not forget Frank Clinton has openly stated ” the nuclear option is on the table” when it comes to Russia. So what she is the stable option? Give me a break Frank, we aint that stupid.

                    How do you think the majority of Muslims feel worldwide about the continual wars that demonize them all over the world Frank? How do you think innocent families in Pakistan/Somalia/Afghanistan feel when family members are obliterated from some kid sitting in a chair in the US orchestrating a drone strike, that Obama authorizes on a Tuesday as judge and juror which are illegal Frank, both under International Law and the US Constitution.
                    Do you think different ethnic groups are loving the Nazi infested cesspit that the Ukraine has morphed into Frank, and the US compicity in orchrstrating thst coup?

                    Both Trump and Clinton are running a campaign of fear. The two most hated presidential candidates to ever run for office, you might be able to make a distinction between them Frank, i for one cannot. So i quess we agree to disagree.

                    • Pedro, that’s a long-winded attempt to justify your minimisation of Trump’s apalling record of racism, bigotry, and misogyny. It appears your fixation with Hilary Clinton has blinded you to Trump’s demonisation of Mexicans and muslims. This is something that is on record but appears not to trouble you greatly.

                      Where in any of my posts do i pledge my support for Trump?

                      I refer you to your first post at the top, dated August 1, 2016, 6:26 pm, where you state;

                      Regardless of mad Trumpys rhetoric, at this stage he is guilty of nothing.

                      Neither is Clinton. Last I heard she hasn’t been found guilty of anything, either. So unless you’re making up any old shit to push your vendetta-laden wheel-barrow – them’s the facts.

                      Trump is certainly “guilty of nothing”. All he’s done is demonised ethnic groups; engaged in religious bigotry; advocated discrimination against Muslims; incited hatred and called for mass-expulsion of Mexicans.

                      You seem unperturbed by all that? By casually dismissing Trumps racist attacks (“not guilty of anything”) you are in effect giving approval to him. You’re just not up-front about it.

                      If you think that makes Trump fit to lead a boy-scout jamboree, you are deluded.

                      Lets not forget Frank Clinton has openly stated ” the nuclear option is on the table” when it comes to Russia.

                      Citation? Or you made it up.

                      Both Trump and Clinton are running a campaign of fear.

                      Untrue. Give us an example of an ethnic group; religious minority; or anyone Clinton has demonised in her own country.

                      You make quite a few assumptions and allegations, Pedro. They seem predicated more on your obsession with Clinton, at the expense of minority groups in the US who are threatened by Trump’s demagogery.

                      I repeat my earlier assertion that your privilege has distanced you to the victimisation of those people.

                    • “Lets not forget Frank Clinton has openly stated ” the nuclear option is on the table”

                      Really, Pedro? I’d like to see a citation for that as well. If Clinton made a call like that, it would’ve been front page news on every paper on the planet.

                    • Pedro: “Lets not forget Frank Clinton has openly stated ” the nuclear option is on the table” when it comes to Russia. ”

                      I’d be interested in citations for that as well. Where did you get that from, Pedro?

            • Pedro – “No one i know is overlooking Trumps victimization of other ethnicities Frank.
              Clintons “faults” dont fall into the range of misdemeanors Frank would you agree?
              The only difference between these two meglomaniacs is Trump says what Clinton is thinking.”

              Well, that’s a crass bit of apologising for Trump if I ever read one. Would you be so forgiving of Trump’s racism if you were in one of his targetted groups, Pedro?

          • Like yours, my preference was for Sanders, who still has some semblance of honesty and a track record similar to that of Corbyn in the UK. Clinton and Trump are merely the two sides of the same forged banknote.

            Thanks for the illustration of your journalism above. I may yet have to apologise to Mr Trotter when he reveals that he wrote in such apparent ignorance precisely to elicit factual responses from commenters, which have certainly been forthcoming.

            Having left it this late in his career to run, Sanders would have had a good idea of the corruption he was up against though perhaps not its full extent. His candidacy seems to have blown it much more into the open than before, with the result that a much wider slice of the electorate are now doing something about it. Which needed to happen.

        • My previous comment seems to have been lost. The above numbers refer to the political comedy show ‘Redacted Tonight.’ A good source for explaining the full scope of Hillary’s fraudulent behaviour.

  6. Sorry!

    But my hunch is that Hillary Clinton is so aggressive, I can see it in her eyes.

    That angry want to prove she can be as nasty as any man when war comes to call.

    There is some unease about all this now, I keep asking myself, are we marching to war?

  7. The whole sordid performance has been pretty sickening. This is why young voters throw their hands up and say, “Why should we even bother participating?!” When the game is rigged, and factions within your own party who desire to retain the status quo will lie, cheat, fudge the numbers, purposefully miscount or destroy votes, run smear campaigns and basically play an utterly filthy hand in order to ensure their favoured candidate comes out on top… what was the fucking point in showing up, let alone wasting your time and your breath articulating your hopes and dreams for the future? It’s like agreeing to fight a duel, and having your opponent show up in a tank.

    Bernie Sanders has betrayed everyone who put their faith in him, but particularly the young and the working class. He was royally shafted, and instead of saying “Hang on just one god-damned minute!”, he rolled over, like a good dog, and waited to be thrown a bone. He’s a Judas, and I hope the memory of this plagues him for the rest of his days.

      • you and all the others bagging sanders deserve special simplistic-thinking awards..

        where do you think the democratic party minimum-wage jump of 100%..where do you think that came from..?

        (btw..the equivalent here wd be the labour party having a policy for $30hr.think on that..!..)

        ..wasserman-schultz has gone and ‘socialist’ ideas/reforms pushed by sanders are becoming mainstream (esp. amongst the young..)

        ..and as for him being ‘bought off’..if you count all of the policy/reforms-gains he has made as his ‘price’..maybe he has been ‘bought off’..

        ..there is also the fact that by working to defeat trump..(instead of as you/others recommend – blowing the party apart/running as green candidate.(!)..(also known as ‘doing a nader’..) giving his support sanders now has so much mana in the democratic party/with general public that today we get the news that he is being called upon to campaign for clinton/dems in the swing states..

        (those same swing states he was accused of being ‘unelectable’ in s one of the main arguments against him..

        ..far from being the craven sellout you accuse him of being – sanders has done more to advance progressive politics/ideas in out times than anyone else i can think of..(i’ll give corbyn an honorable-mention)..

        care to nominate who you think has done/is doing more than sanders..?

        ..yes..he/we wuz robbed..

        ..but i wd really advise you (and others) to think on before issuing yr casual

        • Maybe there’s a master plan at work here. Maybe Bernie’s playing “the long game”. Who knows? What I do know is that Hillary is a corporate shill who would likely sell Chelsea’s kidneys to Chinese organ harvesters if she thought it would better her chances of being elected POTUS. She’s a fair-weather Democrat who changes with the prevailing wind, and her track record is dubious at best.

          And Bernie endorsed her.

          Now, you can sprinkle as much glitter on that dog turd as you want, Phil. But it’s still a dog turd. And the young people who were openly sobbing at the DNC still feel utterly betrayed and let down.

          • those ‘young people’ have clearly not thought it through..have they..?

            and interesting you describe a 100% increase in the american minimum wage (just one of bernies’ victories) a ‘glittering dog turd’

            maybe you also need to think on a bit

            and yes..i cd probably bang on in more detail than you about what a p.o.s. clinton is…

            ..but sanders’ choice of action in light of a threatened trump presidency makes him one of the few heroes from this clusterf*ck..

            he has gained major victories in the bigger game of advancing progressive-policies..

            ..and he has done all he can to avoid a trump victory..

   can he have made his actions anymore making the best of a bad situation..?

            ..yes..he/we wuz robbed…(and tears can/must be shed..bernie wd have possibly been the best/most transformative us president ever…)

            but we have to work with what we have..(not what we wish for)

            ..and what we have is a choice between clinton and the walking-nightmare that is trump…

  ’s a no-brainer really..wot bernie did..

            • those ‘young people’ have clearly not thought it through..have they..?

              Haven’t they? You know, it’s a sad display of hubris to simply disregard the opinions and feelings of an entire swathe of voters because “they haven’t thought it through”. It’s basically a euphemism for “You’re still in short pants, and you don’t know jack because you’re dumb.”

              and interesting you describe a 100% increase in the american minimum wage (just one of bernies’ victories) a ‘glittering dog turd’

              Well, it would be interesting if that was actually what I said. But it wasn’t. I said Bernie’s endorsement of Hillary was a glittering dog turd. And it is. When you’re given the choice between two different flavours of shit, perhaps it’s time to reconsider your diet in its entirety.

              maybe you also need to think on a bit

              Maybe I do. Maybe we all do. I just happen to believe that you shouldn’t have to choke on your own principles simply in order to remain “inside the tent”. If that tent is full of piss and vinegar and horseshit, perhaps it’s time to go and pitch your own tent elsewhere.

              and yes..i cd probably bang on in more detail than you about what a p.o.s. clinton is…

              ..but sanders’ choice of action in light of a threatened trump presidency makes him one of the few heroes from this clusterf*ck..

              Disagree. The DNC knifed him in the kidneys, and he said, “Thank you Ma’am. May I have another?” I accept he may believe that what he’s done is for the greater good. Perhaps I’m a dreadful old cynic, but I’m convinced the people he’s just crawled back into bed with have no shame, no ethical considerations and no moral compass, and they’ll throw Bernie a bone now and again to get him to shuffle back indoors and eat his soup, but they won’t take any meaningful action that might upset their corporate paymasters, or Wall Street. It’ll be more of the same, do not pass GO, do not collect $200.

              he has gained major victories in the bigger game of advancing progressive-policies..

              ..and he has done all he can to avoid a trump victory..

              Trump is a muppet with all the self-control of hyperactive toddler on a sugar high. He’s also a dreadful human being. Clinton is a deceitful, opportunistic, rapacious, manipulative shit wizard, and she’s just as bad. She is, however, much better at concealing it. Essentially, America’s been given a choice that isn’t really a choice at all. You can vote for the blue team, or you can vote for the red team. You can drink the arsenic, or you can chug the cyanide. Either way, the game is rigged and until someone actually says “You know, this is a steaming festival of bullshit, and I don’t think I want to play anymore!”, we’ll be condemned to run in circles like hamsters on a fucking wheel.

     can he have made his actions anymore making the best of a bad situation..?

              He could have walked away. He could have broadcast to the world the sordid details of just how the DNC had purposefully cheated not just him, but the voting public. Perhaps being made aware of the sheer contempt with which party bureaucrats regard the citizens they’re supposed to be working for would have made a difference. I don’t know. What I do know is that drinking from that poison chalice will likely accomplish nothing. Wikileaks are still info-dumping the catalog of iniquity that Clinton amusingly refers to as her “track record”. Bernie needs to walk the fuck away from that hand grenade before it detonates.

              ..yes..he/we wuz robbed…(and tears can/must be shed..bernie wd have possibly been the best/most transformative us president ever…)

              but we have to work with what we have..(not what we wish for)

              Bernie’s in the twilight of his years. He doesn’t have a lot of time left to make a difference. Allowing himself to subsumed into the noxious suppurating mass that is Clinton’s Democrats will do nothing for the cause, and will likely result in him being neutered.

              ..and what we have is a choice between clinton and the walking-nightmare that is trump…

              That’s a choice in the same way hanging yourself, or shooting yourself in the head is a choice.

    ’s a no-brainer really..wot bernie did..


              You’re a smart guy, Phil, and I enjoy reading your posts. However, I’d enjoy reading them a hell of a lot more if you stopped the gratuitous abuse of ellipsis. That shit makes my eyes bleed.

              • ‘It’s basically a euphemism for “You’re still in short pants, and you don’t know jack because you’re dumb.”

      ’s not age-specific…short-thinking comes in all ages..

                ‘I said Bernie’s endorsement of Hillary was a glittering dog turd.’

                yes..but had bernie spat the dummy/blown up the party..there wd be no 100% increase in minimum-wage policy..the big-picture case i am making is noting that bernie made the very best of a bad situation..

                ..he won thru losing what i am saying..

                ‘If that tent is full of piss and vinegar and horseshit, perhaps it’s time to go and pitch your own tent elsewhere’.

                so you wd be against any coalition under the mmp we have here..?..’cos there’s more than enough ‘piss vinegar and horsehit’ in any of

                and do you prefer a cold shower out in the cold..?..preserving some bent perspective of ideological-purity..?

                (that brings to mind the greens insisting on standing a candidate in ohariu-belmont – this splitting the vote and gifting dunne..(one of their worst enemies..(!)..gifting him his seat..

                ..and all in the name of some obscure/self-imposed ideological-purity ‘rule’..(!)

                ..barking-mad – i call it…

                ‘Disagree. The DNC knifed him in the kidneys, and he said, “Thank you Ma’am. May I have another?” I accept he may believe that what he’s done is for the greater good.’

                yes – he was knifed – he did not say ‘thank-you’..what he did do was ensure the revolution he has begun has the most advances – hence the min-wage pol and so much more – not least the dismantling of the super-delgate scam that fucked him over..

                ..but storming off in a tantrum..and campaigning against clinton – and guaranteeing victory for trump is the way he should have

                ‘You can drink the arsenic, or you can chug the cyanide. Either way, the game is rigged’..

                i’m sorry..but i am calling bullshit on that easy/lazy claim that there is no difference between trump and clinton..

                (just one factor you may not have considered – the next president gets to choose four new supreme court judges…

       would really like that nacissistic-sociopath (or is it sociopathic-narcissist) trump to be appointing those judges..?..really..?…

                y’see..these are all things bernie clearly ‘thought on’ about..and what helped drive his eventual decision..

                ‘He could have walked away. He could have broadcast to the world the sordid details of just how the DNC had purposefully cheated not just him, but the voting public.’

                and thereby helped trump to victory..?…really..?’ve thought that through..?

                ‘Bernie’s in the twilight of his years. He doesn’t have a lot of time left to make a difference’.

                it’s not about him..surely that much is is about the ideas/politics..

                ..and i can’t think of a better recent example of ‘cometh the hour – cometh the man’ than bernie..

                and thank you for the kind words you finished with..

                wd u prefer hyphens..?

                i can do hypens

  8. ” They were also unaware of just how hard a game of hardball the Convention organisers would be willing to play to ensure that the nomination of Hillary Clinton went off smoothly…”

    Chris is hard at it yet again, trying to make killer Hillary look good…Of course Sanders was robbed and his supporters were rightly upset…

    Chris can sit and read his history books and repeat the lies of the past from the comfort of his lounge while pretending to understand the politics of greed.

    Greed drives Hillary just as it drives Trump. Trump wants to kill thousands…Clinton has killed thousands. People in the US have been sent off to 40 wars by Republican and Democrat Presidents in the last 35 years, they’ve bombed, attacked, slaughtered tens of thousands of innocent people in the name of greed. They are by any rational standards corrupt to the core.

    Many people world wide think Trump is an idiot a racist and greedy, many people world wide think Clinton has proven to be racist, greedy and a murderer.

    Trump dodged the draft and avoided putting on the uniform, Bill Clinton did the same as did Bush so much for their love of the flag and all that crap.

    Take off your dark shades Chris, grow a back bone and stop this stupid defence of the indefensible.

  9. The Mad Austrian had “form” well before 1939.
    The rhetoric of Trump is “potentially dangerous” but to date is no more than rhetoric – he doesnt have “form”.
    Hillary Clinton is most definitely not “guilty of nothing”
    She has has “form” and her record as Secretary of State resulting in the death and destruction of thousands of innocents and numerous failed nation states are on record.
    Chris Trotter fails to recognize that Sanders capitulated to the “rules” of a non-democratic private organisation known as the DNC proven by “Russian Government Hackers” (Albeit NSA, 5 “Blind” Eyes, LOL!) to be corrupt.
    The revolution started by the Sanders campaign targeted this “compromise” which Chris believes is required for any revolution to “endure”.
    Compromise which gave the people of Western Democracies 20 years of “trickle down economics” resulting in massive inequality.
    Revolution with compromise is an oxymoron. William Wilberforce fought this “compromise” over the abolition of slavery for over 20 years.
    Hillary Clinton is being presented as the “lesser of two evils” – that is not a democratic process but evidence of a failed system.
    The “revolution” Sanders started will continue outside the DNC unless it changes – and Hillary has demonstrated no desire for this change.

    • ” Hillary Clinton is being presented as the “lesser of two evils” – that is not a democratic process but evidence of a failed system.”

      You may be right Bob of Northland. But in a two horse race which is the (perverse) American democratic system, the voters have little other choice except stay home and watch crappy TV.

      Neither Clinton or Trump are technically guilty of anything. They may stand before History and be judged, but that’s as far as it goes.

      Call me silly, but I don’t want Trump to become President and face future generations as the man who sparked WW3 because Putin or the Chinese told him to fuck off, and he was too thin-skinned to suck it up and move on.

      There are two people in the world that frighten the bejezus out of me. One is Trump. The other is Kim Jong Il. They are both unpredictable, prone to bizarre actions, and could plunge us into a nuclear annihilation.

      That’s more than enough for me.

  10. The Mad Austrian had “form” well before 1939.
    The rhetoric of Trump is “potentially dangerous” but to date is no more than rhetoric – he doesnt have “form”.
    Hillary Clinton is most definitely not “guilty of nothing”
    She has has “form” and her record as Secretary of State resulting in the death and destruction of thousands of innocents and numerous failed nation states are on record.
    Chris Trotter fails to recognize that Sanders capitulated to the “rules” of a non-democratic private organisation known as the DNC proven by “Russian Government Hackers” (Albeit NSA, 5 “Blind” Eyes, LOL!) to be corrupt.
    The revolution started by the Sanders campaign targeted this “compromise” which Chris believes is required for any revolution to “endure”.
    Compromise which gave the people of Western Democracies 20 years of “trickle down economics” resulting in massive inequality.
    Revolution with compromise is an oxymoron. William Wilberforce fought this “compromise” over the abolition of slavery for over 20 years.
    Hillary Clinton is being presented as the “lesser of two evils” – that is not a democratic process but evidence of a failed system.
    The “revolution” Sanders started will continue outside the DNC unless it changes – and Hillary has demonstrated no desire for this change.

  11. The Mad Austrian had “form” well before 1939.
    The rhetoric of Trump is “potentially dangerous” but to date is no more than rhetoric – he doesnt have “form”.
    Hillary Clinton is most definitely not “guilty of nothing”
    She has has “form” and her record as Secretary of State resulting in the death and destruction of thousands of innocents and numerous failed nation states are on record.
    Chris Trotter fails to recognize that Sanders capitulated to the “rules” of a non-democratic private organisation known as the DNC proven by “Russian Government Hackers” (Albeit NSA, 5 “Blind” Eyes, LOL!) to be corrupt.
    The revolution started by the Sanders campaign targeted this “compromise” which Chris believes is required for any revolution to “endure”.
    Compromise which gave the people of Western Democracies 20 years of “trickle down economics” resulting in massive inequality.
    Revolution with compromise is an oxymoron. William Wilberforce fought this “compromise” over the abolition of slavery for over 20 years.
    Hillary Clinton is being presented as the “lesser of two evils” – that is not a democratic process but evidence of a failed system.
    The “revolution” Sanders started will continue outside the DNC unless it changes – and Hillary has demonstrated no desire for this change.

  12. How many times do we have to suffer through your take on the lesser evil argument, Chris. It’s quite a shallow argument not matter how you frame it.

    And the worst part, that argument led us to trump.

    If the left actually had a spine, and actually stood up for what was morally right, we would not have a disgusting candidate like trump in the race.

    The real problem, and why h.r.c may lose, is that they make enemies out of the people who question, they have made everyone who is uncomfortable about h.r.c, the corruption, lies and manipulation into the enemy camp.The demand unity, rather than work for it.

    Mind you why as an anarchist should I be surprised, and I know I should not be, because that seems to be business as usual from the authoritarian left.

    Mind you at least there is a sane voice in the presidential race, Her name is Jill Stein, and she wants to remind us what it means to be progressive, humane and what a GREEN New Deal would look like.

  13. Hillary is not the ” next best thing ” and she does not deserve to be president.
    There is a lack of awareness of Hillary Clinton and her criminal past and who she is beholding to and her plans for the U.S.
    She talks a load of cr___ that stupid / gullible americans believe and she lies now and then in the futurre, she will change like the chameleon that she is. If most really knew the facts, they would want to charge her and bring her to justice instead of crowning her.
    Look at the list of banks and Wall St. and actors and musicians and major organizations etc. that support Hillary and then find out that the majority of them are connected with the Illuminati in one form or another.

    The real and honest revolution was and still is about getting rid of this power elite / corporate and banker criminals who own most worldwide governments and most of the worldwide MSM and foundations and on and on — Rothschilds / Illuminati. They are in control, not Hillary and not the people. The elections are mostly rigged and fraudulent ( Check out the most current Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp). We need more real; unbiased and honest research and journos who are not bought and controlled.

    The Democratic party is not what you think either. They are mostly controlled and dictated to by special interests; Unions; Bankers ; foundations ; corporate lobbyists writing laws; attorneys and massive amounts of money to keep them in line and doing what they want. How many crooked politicians have been hugely paid off and rewarded by them ? How many good people – wholistic doctors etc. are murdered by them to keep the truth from getting to the people ? How many deaths and likely murders in the wake of Hillary and Bills entire political past ? Check it out.
    The Democrats do not work for the people anymore than the Republicans do, it is a huge con job and the facts are there for those wanting to do more in depth research. Democracy and the two party system are dinosaurs and dying out rather quickly.

    You sugar coat Hillary and U.S. history and though your history lesson sounds good on the surface, it lacks in depth and a deeper honesty and understanding.
    Most all wars are orchestrated and not really about what we have been told in outdated and misleading history books and references and biased research. The majority of people are ill informed and believe the MSM tripe and a corrupt education system promoting mis-info and lies.

    We need more ( dig deep and honest ) journalists like Glenn Greenwald ; Abby Martyn ; Ken O”Keefe ; Nicky Hager ; John Minto ; Christine Rose ; and those on the show – ” Watching the Hawks ” etc. who tell it like it is and not sugar coat to build up egos and continue the mis-info brigade.

  14. I would not vote for Hillary Clinton if I were American – under the current circumstances I would probably vote for Jill Stein. But I don’t think Sanders did the wrong thing. To start with, supporting the chosen nominee is part of the agreement of running for the role, and his failing to do so would have simply added to overall chaos, without giving rise anything beneficial. Secondly and more importantly, just a glance at what has been happening in the world shows that the job of successfully opposing neoliberalism is HUGE, and extends way beyond the presidency – Syriza’s capitulation, the continuous hounding of Corbyn, etc. Sanders’ job now, if he is still up to it, is to convince others that the revolution has only just started, and that there are effective bases, apart from the presidency, to be taken. According to Tony Benn, “Winning an election without winning the argument may well frustrate at least a part of your purpose; and conversely winning an argument may be sufficient to solve certain problems by creating an atmosphere favourable to the achievement of your objectives…” Sanders did not win the election, but needs to press on with the argument.

  15. The US needed Bernie. The country’s broken. Clinton/Trump. There’s no real different really. Both War mongers and psychopaths. The only real benefit Trump will bring if he gets lucky? He’ll bring us lots of laughs! Clinton on the other hand will do what the neo-cons want which is defacto conflict 3.0 with China over the south China Seas, Russia for existing & upping the anti in Syria, Turkey, Iraq spilling over into Jordan, Israel & Palestine. If we think 2003 was wrong when the US & Britain started an illegal War in Iraq. This mess which is on top of the collapse of globalisation which is happening slooowly & massive migration across the world makes boarder control almost a sensible conclusion. Fuck have just agreed with the Rug Doctor, Trump? Haha!

  16. If criticism of Hilary from the right doesn’t get through to you, I can understand – some of us don’t like mixing our drinks. I would then refer you to Abby Martin’s Hilarydoxing, which will give you all the left of centre reasons to see that whatever you think of Trump, a victory for Hilary might be different to a Trump victory, but to pretend it’s a better outcome is self-delusion.

  17. The Kahn family are suffering from grief and anger, its not unusual to lash out in those circumstancis .
    Hillary Clinton put them on the stage to get at Trump,she politicised their grief.
    Mr Kahn attacked Trump by saying that Trump was a draft dodger,Trump being Trump retaliated,as usual he goes too far.
    Trump didnt say he wants all Muslims stopped from entering USA permanently , only until they could check that they werent terrorists,Clintons spin twists that to suit her cause.
    When the Kahns entered USA there wasnt the ISIS threat so much and Trump wasnt in any way involved in a war ,in fact he spoke against it. The Kahns entered legally not as refugees, so were accepted as welcome immigrants, they have been an asset to USA.
    ISIS are not welcome because they want to kill people, the Kahns are in no way classed as offenders ,so why did they attack Trump?
    Maybe encouraged by Clinton .
    The so called draft dodger is entitled to object to fighting in a war they dont believe in . Defending your own country is not the same as fighting for the big Industrial Military Machine who are in it for profit and controll,
    and they use patriotism as a tool to guilt people into fighting.
    Bill Clinton “dodged the draft ” because of ear and eye problems. George Bush never entered the military.
    The military these days is a career not a patriotic duty,if its someones choice fine. Losing a member of the family is the worst thing that could happen , but attacking others is not on in a personal sense.
    All the talk is that there is going to be a big recession , worse than any before, in the past a war followed a recession ,which made heaps of money for the military arms makers, somehow things improved financially after a war . !
    Clinton has been chosen by the elite to be the best one to encourage war,she is always knocking Russia who is not responding no matter the profication.Russia dosnt want war.
    Clinton helped sell uranium to Russia and made $140 million on the deal, so she has already made a profit from a Russian war.
    Politicics is a dirty business,not for the weak , Trump is not weak , if he could controll his retalliation at a critisism he will be fine and his interest is looking after America,not like Clinton whos only interest is self interest.
    Clinton said Obama trusted her to be secretary of state, as most heads of states or countries are said to be just talking heads controlled by the elite, i think she was their choice not Obama’s.

    • Hmmm, another Trump enthusiast?

      “The Kahn family are suffering from grief and anger, its not unusual to lash out in those circumstancis .”

      So, anyone who dares question the Great Coiffured One, is automatically “lashing out”?? Oh dear, Elle, you ARE smitten aren’t you?

      • Getting personal much Theodore?just because i see things differently to you dosnt make me “smitten”,
        I can see Trumps faults and i can see Clintons, Clinton is very dangerous, she would put us in a war with Russia ,she dosnt recognise lies when she utters them ,Trump is far more honest and well meaning.You may be smitten with Hillary you talk from her playbook. Either way makes no difference we cant vote for either.

        • Oh, I remember you now, Elle! You were on another blogpost, ranting against muslims.

          Well, I guess you and The Donald are suited to each other.

  18. There may yet be an alternative. From
    And so the great disaster movie of 2016 commences: Godzilla Versus Rodan the Flying Reptile. Which one will survive to completely destroy the sclerotic remains of our nation? The good news is that voters are moving to the Third and Fourth party nominees, Gary Johnson (Libertarian) and Jill Stein (Green) in droves, herds, flocks, porpoise pods, and stampedes. Perhaps both of these relatively sane candidates will show enough polling strength to make it into the Great Debates. Won’t that be fun?

  19. Why did the Khan’s son go to Iraq to fight for the interests of the U.S.A., Israel, the U.K., France, Germany etc. Was he conscripted? Did his family object to his involvement? Was he a Sunni who wanted to fight Shi’ites? Did he consider, who exactly, funds the Islamic State army? This entire story begs too many questions for me.
    Everything coming out of the U.S.A. now is no more than the theatre of the absurd.

    • Fox news this morning on Alan Colmes interview, a woman said the Iraqi’s would view the Kahn son as an appostate meaning I think that he was not following islamic religion. (dictionary does not contain the word)
      It was hard to hear her explanation because Colmes as a democrat talked very fast over the top of her ,a trait most democrats have,seems they are trained that way so people only get democrat view.
      Mr Kahn is an employee of immigration in usa, suggested he had an axe to grind, it seems there is more to this story than we know.No Theodore, not my slant so please dont upset yourself,you either Frank .

        • and if looking for a local textbook-apostate-example – think paula bennett..

          who as a sole-parent used the various education ladders available art that time….to better her lot..

          ..and then when she could..kicked/took them away from other sole-parents..

          ..that’s apostasy with a big ‘a’.

      • Kahn has an “axe to grind”???? So basically anyone who threatens your hero, Elle, you dismiss?

        One eyed much?

        Then again, you’e following Trump’s style, attacking anyone who dares disagree with you.

        Why is is that demagogues inevitably bring out the worst and nastiest in their followers??

  20. *Someone* needs to catch up on what’s really going on in the Democratic party – and it certainly isn’t me!
    The ‘Bernie or Bust’ movement is now moving on to the ‘or Bust’ part of their revolution. They’re working at turning their grassroots campaigning skills elsewhere, and the general consensus seems to be either towards;

    A) Helping ‘Berniecrats’ (New Democrats who share Sanders’ political values,) who are still running in local, congressional, or senate elections.

    Or B), Leaving the Democratic party in order to campaign and/or vote for 3rd party candidates, like Jill Stein of the Greens. There has been a mass exit of Sanders supporters from the Democratic party. #Demexit has been trending all over social media platforms for close to two weeks now. (Where the hell have you been, Chris?)

    As for Clinton and her VP pick, they’ve already bombed at one public speaking event, – drawing a small crowd of about 200 supporters. They also had to withdraw from another event in Ohio, but managed to stop briefly there to talk to just a few dozen supporters.

    So far, her voter support base for the General is not looking that great in comparison to her opponents. And let’s not forget, she’s never managed to draw the large crowds that Sanders or Trump have. Refusing to give concessions to Sanders supporters in order to earn their votes isn’t going to help her in the long run either.

    Add in the recent scandals surrounding her campaign, the wikileaks releases and Election Justice USA’s primary election fraud report – well, it’s hard to believe anyone would voluntarily pick her as POTUS. About the only thing that she’s got going for her right now, is that she can fear-monger about Trump winning instead. But even that won’t work for much longer.

  21. Frank.
    Wow you really believe your infallible as a journalist. Congratulations you have graduated to the MSM
    John Pilger, Chomsky, Pinter,Tariq Ali,Howard Zinn, Chris Hedges,Paul Craig Roberts are all wrong. Only the great Frank Macskasy is right. Responded like a true narcissist.
    Your no better than Trump Frank, anyone that challenges your myopic view is guilty by association .

    • Once again Frank has taken over another persons article.
      Chris Trotter should be the one countering comments.
      Frank is entitled as a reader to reply but as a TDB writer it would be good if we had Chris Trotters replies.

      • writers of articles in the main never respond to questions/comments on their work..

        i view it as (totally unwarranted) arrogance on their parts..

        ..and a major failing..

        (as in ‘who the f*ck do they think they are..?’..that their words cannot be question by the/us peasants..?..)

      • Pedro, are you telling us that Frank (and the rest of us) can’t hold differing views and interpretations from John Pilger, Chomsky, Pinter,Tariq Ali,Howard Zinn, Chris Hedges, and Paul Craig Roberts? That we all have to “tow the party line”?

        Screw that.

        Elle, Frank is entitled to post here, just as you are. More so, in fact, going by the amazing work he puts out for our benefit.

        All we get from you is racist sniping at muslims. Yes, I remember the last blogpost comments section YOU TOOK OVER with yourracist diatribe against muslims. I can link to it it you like, it’ll still be in my computer’s History.

    • Pedro, you really need to take a chill-pill mate. You’re starting to rant like Donald Trump.

      Your post above is an ad hominem. Frank raised issues, you attacked him on a personal level. Congratulations for descending to Trump’s level

      Elle, I take your comment that “Frank has taken over another person’s article” as a sly attempt to gag opinions that conflict with yours.

      It seems the Trumpists are here today emulating their dear fascist leader.

      • OOh Sam you think you are right as usual, I dont agree with Franks views, he dosnt agree with lots of peoples views.
        I didnt attack his views, i said he takes over other writers article/articles. Im sure Chris Trotter could reply if he felt the need to ,but he puts his opinions out there and he feels thats enough.
        You and Frank make a good team as usual. Trump is no facist but Clinton is liar etc etc.

      • You take what you like Sam i had forgotten we must all spout your line or we are wrong.
        Gosh this fun, the usual know- alls out in force. We know nothings as far as you are concerned must agree with you or go away , fat chance

        • Elle, “usual know-alls”?

          Do you include yourself in that? Not very tolerant of other views, are you?

    • Pedro, how dare you. Frank has given you the courtesy of replying to your often-childish, repetitive posts and you spit the dummy when his answers don’t fit your own Donald-loving worldview?

      In invoking the likes of John Pilger, Chomsky, Pinter,Tariq Ali,Howard Zinn, Chris Hedges,Paul Craig Roberts doesn’t lend you credibility. It just means you’ve run out of ideas.

      By the way, I checked what Pilger had to say about Trump. He wasn’t very flattering, calling Trump a far right-wing domestic populist. Can’t be arsed finding out what the others said, but so what? We’re not worthy to hold opinions because Trumpists like you don’t think we’re entitled? Damn, doesn’t that sound like a certain Donald raving against his critics.

      I may not always agree with Frank, but he puts the effort in with his investigative reporting. I’ve learned more from his writing than I’ve learned from yours. (Except that you don’t seem to cope with dissenting views very well.)

      The only “true narcissist” here is you, mate.

  22. If the USA was Democratic, neither Clinton nor Trump would be in the running for President.

    Highest unfavourable ratings of any presidential nominees ever!

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