BREAKING: What really happened inside Mt Eden Prison



Speaking with sources inside Prison, the Mt Eden Prison riot that has been hushed up this week is just the beginning of a season of prison riots about to explode because of dangerous levels of over crowding.

As our incarceration rate looks to hit an appalling new high of 10 000, another rumour from the tip line is that Police have been geared up to start a crack down with no leniency on anyone who can be thrown inside prison until after the next election. It’s a politically motivated clean sweep of the streets so National voters feel safe in 2017

Expect that prison population to soar. With that exploding rate, prisoners are becoming enraged and angry by the over crowding. that’s what caused the riot in Mt Eden.

Here are the words from one of our sources…

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they wanted to transfer about 30 up to Pare cos of overcrowding. The whole of unit 2 in the west division is now remands,and also a landing in c block in pare max. Naturally they didnt want to come to this shithole. Prisons nation wide are at bursting point, especially the womans prison at Wiri which is holding about 400 Psychiatricly disturbed women who should be at the at risk unit,  are being held in the ordinary high security unit, where they are not receiving the specialist care they should be. Likewise the remand units are always full so remands are being held in the management unit where they are only unlocked a cpl of hours a day and are subject to other restrictions, that remands shouldn’t be. In the meantime Corrections propaganda machine feeds the public good news stories of some of the woman doing yoga classes and training dogs for the disabled.

…add a structurally racist justice system alongside a corporation who profits from incarceration and a Police force prepared to be a political tool of the Government, and you have a Prison Empire ready to implode.

‘Tough on Crime’ Politicians and headline screaming crime porn news media have turned our anger at the pain crime causes into something dark and damaged.

If riots start spreading throughout the prison network because that prison network is bursting at the seams, we will have ourselves and this Government to blame.


  1. “Prisons nation wide are at bursting point, especially the womans prison at Wiri which is holding about 400 Psychiatricly disturbed women who should be at the at risk unit, are being held in the ordinary high security unit, where they are not receiving the specialist care they should be.”

    I can’t believe this criminal behaviour against humanity????

    These folks must be represented by a legal Advocate to take this case to the UN Human Rights Commission at the UN HQ!!!

    Don’t use the NZ Human Rights as they are just a “stool Pigeon” for the nasty NATZ cabal and will just say “Move along, nothing to see here”.

  2. Before the advent of the modern police force (the British model which we adopted) there was only a loose locally funded system of local constables, watchmen and bounty hunters.
    The crime rate in pre-Bobby Britain was very high because the justice system relied on savage punishment as a deterrent and it wasn’t a very good deterrent because the likelihood of getting caught was low.
    The police force was supposed to keep people out of jail and away from the gallows by simply being there.
    National are becoming famous for their Victorian policies. Back to the system of leaving it to the locals and when they get lucky throwing the crims in jail and throwing away the key.
    National’s fight is against criminals, not crime and they are not the same thing. If you prevent crime then you don’t have so many criminals, National seems to have forgotten this and that’s why there are so many little town police stations with no-one in them. Gangs of hoods striding through the main streets robbing and smashing and the locals having to organize volunteer groups to protect themselves.
    National panders to the “lock ’em up and throw away the key” redneck brigade so they undermine the police force and build concrete and steel bunkers instead.
    Incompetent government that doesn’t take its obligations to protect its citizens seriously – that’s National through and through.

    • @ Mike

      This: “National’s fight is against criminals, not crime and they are not the same thing.”

      explains it perfectly and can be used the next time your right wing brother in law starts banging on about being tough on crime

  3. Prisons are for mugs and the people that get housed in these shitholes have committed crimes against other people or broken the laws of the land?

    But the system is coldhearted and calculated in dealing with these offenders and couldn’t give a rats ass about inmates as they’re depicted as the lowest in our society and therefore should be treated accordingly?

    There is no excuse for the way our Justice system treats inmates as overcrowding, long locked downs, and intimidation and scaremongering tactics that some prison officers utilize in their job capacity to get things done.

    Most inmates are humans that have made mistakes and after being imprison most see their ways were wrong and change their behavior? some don’t and shouldn’t be excused for that? and the people that shouldn’t be let out are a small minority

  4. I know this is a bit off topic, but next Monday there will be a series of protests outside courthouses up and down the country, coinciding with the sentencing of Baby Moko’s killers, to call for a change in plea bargain laws. This is run by Sensible Sentencing

    • Fair enough the horrendous tally of child abuse be rallied against.
      however sensible sentancing are a far right group who invite fascists to attend.

      I hate the violence in our country against our kids.

      however I hate the right wing and fascists even more.

      • +100

        It feels like the appropriation of a situation by the SST, without any true regard for a real solution.

    • That sounds like what McScrooge English would say!

      Like he also said (2010) “We cant afford road and rail as well”!!!!

      • Can’t hold two thoughts in his head at once – McScrooge English is not a great multitasker is he?

        He was no good as PM, and now he’s just a tool for the National, ACT, Maori Party and United Future oligarchs. Tax cuts for the rich at any cost, hands off rampant asset-stripping and sell-offs of state assets. You know when there’s an election coming up when the National Alchemists create surpluses out of moonbeams and fairy glitter.

        Brownlee is a better multitasker though isn’t he? He can be eating breakfast and be thinking about elevenses, contemplating lunch and have a grand plan for dinner. I loved the picture of him as Seargeant Schultz…”I know nothingk!”

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