A review of The Bachelor Season 2 from someone who hasn’t watched one episode



I haven’t watched one episode of season two of the Bachelor. Beyond the giggles and snark and cringe faux political gendered veil of sarcasm that allowed us all to enjoy the first season so much, going back to dine at this establishment crosses the line from sadist to masochist far too quickly for me.

So I didn’t watch one episode. What I did watch was the media synergy that such conglomerates engage in now. There were updates on all the contactually obliged networks including radio tie ins.

This juggernaut of homogenised clickbait culture rolled flat any other offering in the entertainment section of the news so gleaming what I can from the nauseating wall to wall coverage of this weird sexist medieval tripe, here is what I understand as the main plot points.

Some bloke called Badger? (I’m not sure, I think it sounds like Badger, haven’t really bothered getting to know his name) – so Badger seems to be a bit of a shallow player, there was a ‘funny girl’ who went home, the ‘prude’ who wouldn’t stay the night with him, she went home, there was this really mean girl with fake breasts that everyone seemed to hate. Then after the infantile nature of the show has run its course, the bearded spoilt man child called Badger decides to break up with the poor woman who he has led along like a show pony at a Crufts dog show and go out with the surgically altered one after all?

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Oh and all the woman seem to end up on Tinder afterwards.

Is that the gist of the show?

Does everyone want their money back now the whole thing has been shown up for the manufactured sham that it is?

It’s so gross. Like pus in a pimple that’s gone a bit yellow because it’s sweating through the pores of the clogged skin. Gross like that.

I honestly don’t allow my daughter to watch the show. I don’t want her thinking this grossness is the dignity with which one finds love, romance, sex or companionship.

Ugh. It’s as about as attractive as drinking a bucket of cold sick.



  1. Gee either have I Martyn,

    This trifle is just avoiding the truth that we are globally mired in a Corporate plot to take over the world while passing this rubbish off as stimulation for increasing our intelligence??????

    I would rather search the web for evidence of other counties fighting against corporate criminal enterprise and subversion, using hacking/election fraud and changing Governments through the ballot box by their “black Opps” activities as they tried to do, recently a couple of weeks before an election when they hacked the Philippine’s Commission of Elections (Comelec) website and stole contents of 55 million voters records!!!!

    Luckily Philippines Commission of Elections (Comecec) were ordered by their Supreme Court ahead of the election, to use a new electronic system (VVPAT) which shows verification of the voter record anytime a voter needs to check their verification of vote preference, and see if their vote is being “altered/hacked/flipped” by anyone and (VVPAT) is used now in many countries now to quash voting manipulation by those to win an election.

    Look up (VVPAT) as it saved their election two days ago, so that is what we in NZ need also!!!

    It is called a Voter Verification Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) verifiable voting system

    Below is a compilation of the recent Philippines Election which shows that we in NZ need a Voter Verification Audit Trail (VVPAT) verifiable voting system Or we may have the 2017 Election rigged or tampered with by this or any other Government agency.

    Our NZ Election Commission has no voter verification system for voters to check validate their vote was correctly represented by Electoral Commission, so we have no way to check if any election is tampered with and rigged and according to experts and overseas courts have lost our democracy as anyone can tamper with our election results and we cannot verify this occurring which is a crime.



    Jimenez the Philippines Election spokesman said, QUOTE ; “the Comelec (commission of Election) would print lists of voters with corresponding photographs to ensure quick validation of voters on Election Day.”

    “We will have a personal verification system on Election Day. (VVPAT) The Comelec will not come out with polluted lists of voters coming from outside sources,” he added. unquote;

    TO Opposition: Please protect our human right and democracy.

    Opposition; Our NZ Election Commission has no voter verification system (VVPAT) for voters to check validate their vote was correctly represented by Electoral Commission!!!

    So we voters have no way to check/verify if any election voting is tampered with and rigged and according to experts and overseas courts, we will have lost our democracy as anyone can tamper with our election results and we cannot verify this occurring which is a crime.

    Opposition; please protect our human right and democracy.


    Data of 55 million Philippine voters hacked

    News (Philippines)

    Data of 55 million Philippine voters hacked
    News 24 · 19d

    The data dumps include 15.8 million records of fingerprints, it added. There are 54.3 million registered voters in the country and 1.3 million living overseas. The hacking scandal comes amid an investigation into the cybertheft of $101 million from the Bangladesh central bank’s account in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and the money’s transfer to the Philippines and Sri Lanka.


    ‘Leaked info can’t be used to rig elections’

    “We will have a personal verification system on Election Day.(VVPAT) Comelec spokesman James Jimenez said.

    By Sheila Crisostomo

    24 April, 2016

    ‘Leaked info can’t be used to rig elections’

    “There is no way voters’ data hacked from the official website of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) can be used to rig the coming May 9 elections, poll officials said yesterday.”

    “That’s one of the things we’ve always been sure of because the elections will not be run on the same servers (as the website). We will not even be using that (defaced) website,” Comelec spokesman James Jimenez said.

    “Jimenez said the Comelec would print lists of voters with corresponding photographs to ensure quick validation of voters on Election Day.

    “We will have a personal verification system on Election Day. The Comelec will not come out with polluted lists of voters coming from outside sources,” he added.

    Last March 27, Comelec’s website http://www.comelec.gov.ph was defaced twice and voters’ personal details were later found uploaded on various sites, including http://www.wehaveyourdata.com.

    The website had allowed Internet users to search voters’ profiles like full name, birth dates and addresses.

    In some cases, passport details and even biometrics data were reportedly exposed.

    According to Jimenez, the Comelec’s Information Technology Department (ITD) is still verifying the accuracy of the leaked data.

    “We never denied that the breach happened. What we are saying is we hadn’t yet at that time verified 100 percent whether the breach was completely accurate,” he clarified.

    Jimenez said the Comelec database is undergoing forensic examination to determine how the hackers penetrated the system.

    “We want to make sure our future steps are better suited to protect us against that kind of attack. The Comelec does not want it to happen again. It’s not true our website was not protected,” he stressed.

    “No one in this day and age would put up a website without some sort of protection, but we have to remember that the hacking attempts were continuous attempts over time,” he pointed out.

    The hacking story first got public attention after the emergence of a user-friendly website that allowed Internet users to search for their personal information.

    Owners of the website, http://wehaveyourdata.com, said they used the database dump of the LulzSec Pilipinas containing information on 70 million voters.

    “The database contains a lot of sensitive information, including fingerprint data and passport information. So, we thought that it would be fun to make a search engine over that data,” they said.

    Meralco, through spokesman Joe Zaldarriaga, also clarified the alleged hacker Paul Biteng is not a son of an employee. “Based on our records, we do not have an employee surnamed Biteng,” he said.

    ‘Genie out of the bottle’

    But for cyber security experts, the data leaked can never be contained and will forever be in the public domain.

    “Once this information is out, it’s impossible to recover. It’s not like 55 million Filipinos can change their fingerprints,” Bryce Boland, Asia-Pacific chief technical officer of cyber security firm Fire Eye, told Bloomberg.

    “I think it’s very serious. We’re talking about the personal details of about 55 million Filipinos. And it’s not just names and address – their email address, their passport information, their height, their weight, their parents’ names, even their fingerprint details. This is very significant,” he added.

    Boland noted the leak, now called Comeleak, is one of the largest data breaches of government information in the world.

    “The problem here is that it creates a lot of opportunities for malicious attacks, and we can see (possible) fraud attacks,” he said. “It’s just a matter of time before some criminal groups work out that they can use these information to get access to that.”

    Web security expert Troy Hunt – founder of website “have I been pwnd?” – also said the leaked personal information is now perpetually in the public domain.

    “There’s the potential to do serious damage to those involved and we need to remember that the same classes of data are held by all our governments in our respective corners of the world,” he wrote in a blog post.

    Despite the removal of the original website, Hunt said the original database is still being shared online.

    “Not only has it been readily available for download from multiple locations on the clear web, it’s been quite extensively torrented too,” he added.

    “The genie is well and truly out of the bottle and it won’t be going back in,” he added.

    Read More


    The Diplomat

    The Many Surprises of the 2016 Philippines Elections
    Poll results point to several outcomes few would have expected just months ago.


    By Mong Palatino for The Diplomat

    May 12, 2016

    According to the initial estimate of the Commission on Elections (Comelec), more than 40 million Filipinos were able to cast their votes on May 9. The number represents about 81 percent of total number of voters, surpassing the voter turnout in the 2010 presidential election. Meanwhile, overseas absentee voting went up by a whopping 300 percent.

    There were several surprises in the election results: First, the landslide victory of Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte who is now set to become the Philippines’ 16th president. Second, the close race between Senator Ferdinand Marcos Jr and neophyte Congresswoman Leni Robredo for the vice presidency. And third, the possible entry into the senate of new and young leaders.

    Duterte’s electoral success is phenomenal since he will be the first president from Mindanao in the south, the country’s second biggest island plagued by extreme poverty and numerous local conflicts. Duterte, who first became popular last year because of his image as a crime fighter, defeated four other prominent and resource-rich candidates. Duterte introduced himself as a man of the masses and an ordinary politician from the province who is prepared to rid the country of crime and corruption in less than six months. Frustrated by the repeated failures of Manila-based politicians, an overwhelming number of voters gave their support to the tough-talking leader from Davao.

    As stipulated in the constitution, if Duterte is proclaimed president, he will take his oath as leader of the country on June 30.

    If Duterte’s victory is already accepted by many, the vice presidential contest is not yet over as of this writing. In the Philippines, the vice president vote takes place separately from that of the president.

    • That’s why we have so much of this “click bait drivel ” so people don’t start thinking and wake up their minds

  2. The story will sell a few womans mags. I preferred washing dishes as opposed to watching the dribble.

  3. Never watched and never would, and why it gets so much air time and print I will never know.

    Why does any female get involved , it is so demeaning to females.
    Brain dead crap.

  4. Not so fast.
    I plan to approach NZ on Air to set up a televised competition so punters can battle each other to get a chance to drink that bucket of cold sick.
    There are bound to be a plenty of takers.

    • I vaguely recall that being a sea scouts initiation ceremony back in the day. Modern youth don’t know what they are missing, so might be a winner.

  5. I’m looking forward to REAL reality TV; child poverty; damp houses; kids with rheumatic fever; and maybe a bit of hard-corn porn to really bring in the punters.

    Too much?

    Ok, what about “Wedding Night Blues”, where tv cameras follow couples into their boudoir on their wedding night, and in the morning each spouse gives a critique of how their partner performed??

    Hmmm. Nah, not edgy enough.

    What about a reality show on a polygamous family with a guy and his dozen wives….

    … shit, that’s been done.

    Ok, what about camera crews following terrorist groups around in the Middle East and Africa, filming atrocities, and seeing love-at-first-sight as terrorist fighters grab under-age girls for their sex slaves??

    Plenty of material here for the likes of Julie Christie to work with. And it wouldn’t be any more offensive than what we are served up on the telly each night.

  6. This shit is not only making headlines in our truly pathetic daily papers such as The Herald, it’s also “breaking news” just add a final assault on the intelligence. I don’t think a merger can make NZ’S media any more appalling than it already is!

  7. “….the Public wants what the Public gets….”.
    Lyrics from the song “Going Underground” by The Jam.

  8. The biggest irony about so-called “reality TV” is that it is as far from reality as you could possibly go, for about 99% of the population.
    Reality for most people in this country is that they go to work, eat their lunch, go home, eat dinner, go to sleep, get up, go to work…….
    That is what most of us do five or six days a week.
    That wouldn’t make good television would it? It is unscripted boring dullsville.
    That’s why we have programmes like the Batchelor where we can all join in the mystery and imagination of watching people choose their mates with the all the drama of The Young and the Restless.
    If that is reality TV then so is WWWE Raw.

  9. My 11 year old said this morning, at seeing some ‘news’ headline online re the Bachelor, said,” I think there’s at least 1000 people who have a really broken heart today, have something to be really sad about. Did she really think it was real? ”

    Even with no television or newspaper it is near impossible to avoid this crap, great job TV3. At least we still kept our heads. Off with theirs.

    Vive la revolution!

  10. Or how about a ‘true’ Survivor? One where someone is stuck on an island, with only their relatives-the ones they DON’T get along with.
    Anything except straight out killing.
    And for whoever survives, a letter from WINZ, saying that their benefit has been stopped because they left the country . . .
    I can hear the screams now . . “That’s not fair”
    Maybe not, but it’s REALITY.

  11. Grammar kills!
    “The juggxrnaught of homogenised clickbait culture rolled flat any other offering so gleaming what I can from the nauseating wall to wall coverage of this weird sexist medieval tripe, here is what I understand as what the main plot points were.”

    Maybe slow down while you write these rants Martyn and or get a proof reader.
    Otherwise a great piece. 3/5 😛

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