Four Limericks For A Friday Afternoon




A secretive lawyer named Whitney
Looked after the interests of John Key.
Till the sloppiest lob
Nearly cost him his job.
Not-to-mention the trust of I-R-D!


A hapless old lefty named Little,
Growing tired of the Government’s spittle,
Hitched a ride to Iraq
Where, protected from flak,
He accomplished, it’s said, very little.


The chastened Republican rump,
Who failed to sail early with Trump,
Are now rowing like mad
To catch up with the cad
And fall on their knees with a thump.


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The after-effects of Mark Weldon,
When set alongside Armageddon,
Make the latter seem small –
Prompting Lucifer’s call
That he’d seldom seen Hellfire so well done.


  1. He he he

    One for you Chris

    A scamp of a lad named Trotter
    Drew on his desk – not his blotter!
    with a pinch on his ear
    and a whack on his rear
    His teacher did reform our young jotter.

    Of course I made it up and just a reminder of what school life was like in our corporal punishment days.

  2. Well spoken , I say…

    And if it twasnt for those indomitable bards
    From the Left wing heaping scorn with regards
    To corruption and vice
    From the right wing device,
    We would all have been so much the poorer.

    Now some people among us would say
    That Little had entered the fray
    Others would say
    In the most kindly way
    He’s flip flopped in the broad light of day

    And while all that may be quite true
    Just how this affects both me and you
    Is the fact of the matter
    May 10th is a-clatter
    With war funding through trusts we didst not knew

    So in ending this frightfully devious folly
    With govt wheels come adrift from its trolley
    So th’ lawyer twas cut off
    And the media laid off
    Alas ! We have no one who fire’s us a volley !!!

  3. A hapless old lefty…really? In the week that the Healthy Homes Guarantee bill passed it’s first stage in parliament, this seems so vindictive

    • Agreed Barbann. Not to mention that Little and Labour have also landed a number of big hits against key and National. Maybe that’s why CT is angry. Little didn’t deserve to be attacked, CT can’t help himself. Notice key, who is a crook and a liar got a complete free pass and even his lawyer, who is not a lawyer anymore, who was never going to lose his job, got off lightly as well.

  4. There once was a political commentator named Trotter

    Who at times appeared something of a rotter!

    Politically hopping from bed to bed,

    His principals appeared to be dead,

    Which makes you wonder why he’d even bother!

  5. There once was a political commentator named Trotter

    Who at times appeared something of a rotter!

    Politically hopping from bed to bed,

    His principles appeared to be dead,

    Which makes you wonder why he’d even bother!

  6. There once was a political commentator called Trotter

    Who at times appeared something of a rotter.

    Politically, he hopped from bed to bed

    And his principles appeared to be dead.

    Which makes you wonder why he would bother?

  7. There once was a political commentator called Trotter,

    Who at times seemed something of a rotter!

    Politically hopping from bed to bed,

    His principles all but essentially dead.

    Which makes you wonder why he’d bother?

  8. There once was a man called Trotter,
    Who turned into a cynical jotter ,
    Though his praise of Key ,
    Was a mere mystery to me ,
    Others thought he was a bit of a rotter.

  9. There once was a Party called National,
    Who’s trick was to appear very rational,
    When a man from Panama,
    Tripped up their star,
    They soon became very factional.

  10. Here’s a variation on a well known children’s limerick about a donkey.

    Inkey Pinkey Ponkey
    Daddy voted for John Key
    John Key lied
    Daddy cried
    Inkey Pinkey Ponkey

  11. A congenital liar called Jonkey
    Pinned his soul to the tail of a donkey
    The donkey constructed
    Some trusts so corrupted
    That Jonkey was left looking shonkey

  12. There is a faux writer called Chris
    Whose articles are a bit hit or miss
    His ego’s a tad big and hefty
    Not a good thing in a leftie
    Don’t worry I’m just taking the piss

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