Dear NZ – remember dirty politics and how ‘it’s just politics’ allowed so many of you to turn a blind eye and vote National?



Here’s a reminder to how power uses dirty politics to manipulate the mass media message, read what this political assassin does to twist elections and consider the things Nicky Hager showed us was happening in Dirty Politics by John Key…


…listening to National voters defend Key’s record as honest and sincere and trustworthy when this ponytail hair pulling, Tax Haven building, mass surveillance lying, gutter tactics Politician has no moral high ground whatsoever would be amusing if it wasn’t so widespread.

A large chunk of NZ is in denial over Key, so wedded are their property portfolios to his crony capitalism, it is time to start reaching out to those missing million voters who are so dispossessed with the system they refuse to participate and force radical change.


  1. I’m sure many of the missing voters would make an effort if Labour actually sorted themselves out. I justify voting for them by saying it is a vote against the Natzi Party. Unfortunately, most sheeple here seem to forget that.

      • If they started on building alliances with the Greens and NZF to get rid of Dunne, and sabotage the Nats efforts in Epsom. Then ACT and UF will go the way of the Dinosaurs. Some smart voting and out they go. And get rid of this FPP mentality that I saw last election. That worked so well for them.

    • You are dead right. The the left are (generally) pro cannabis, use swear words on blogs I cannot explain to my 9 year old when he is looking over my shoulder while I am on this site, are critical of a lot, but not at all constructive. There are issues out there worthy of attention , for example the suicide stats directly linked to the Christchurch earthquakes but they would rather go into bat for prisoners moaning about their choice of milk. There are plenty of worthy issues, and the next party to address them or even raise them may well govern.

      • There are issues out there worthy of attention , for example the suicide stats directly linked to the Christchurch earthquakes but they would rather go into bat for prisoners moaning about their choice of milk.

        Because it’s not an either/or situation, Dave.

        One would like to think that activists can focus on several issues and problems. (Indeed, you and many other Righties often refer to left-wing activists as a “rent-a-mob” for being involved in so many causes.)

        However, I suspect your either/or critique is simply code for not deflecting from an issue you find otherwise inconvenient to deal with. If we all did start talking about “the suicide stats directly linked to the Christchurch earthquakes” and referenced National’s role in the re-build debacle, I’m guessing you’d point to yet another problem instead, and not wanting to focus on Christchurch.

        Deflection – the strategy one uses when you can’t deal with the topic at-hand.

        • You are deflecting. There are plenty of issues an opposition could get some mileage out of, but for what ever reason, the opposition or left choose not to, The opposition is either too lazy or too stupid. I have said there are lots of issues worthy of attention so hardly a rightie as you put it. In fact I wonder if the left just enjoy moaning, and have no interest or intention of debating real issues.

          • …and have no interest or intention of debating real issues.

            And yet, you’ve not made a single reference to the blogpost you’ve posted under, Dave. Instead you referenced “prisoners moaning about their choice of milk”, which is indeed a deflection from the issue Martyn raised here.

            Manipulated elections: what is your view on how National has managed to engage in this dubious practice.

            • My issue is that the opposition steer away from issues that are important and concentrate on silly we things that do not help anybody, they are like a squeaky wheel on a shopping trolley, their to maintain the status quot but irritating and providing little direction. f i was in opposition I would pick say 3 relevant issues (not conspiracy theories) and go for gold. I have already said what I believe one serious issue and there are many others.

              • Nope. You still come across as pointing your finger into the sky and trying to divert attention from whatever issues/problems/scandals are being discussed.

                And you still haven’t even commented on the close nature between National and several businesses.

                If Labour enjoyed a similar relationship with unions and left-wing organisations, you’d be screaming “VESTED INTERESTS! VESTED INTERESTS!” at the top of your lungs.

                The fact you don’t regard (for example) New Zealand’s participation in the tax haven racket speaks volumes about your priorities.

              • More of Daves gobbeldy gook that makes no sense and has even less truths in it. It appears you intentionally mislead and try to cause confusion and division. Be impeccable with your word like Frank and other non trolls.

                Labour and the Greens ( and others ) are dealing with the issues and have some good solutions – where have you been Dave ? The Natz are an ” out of touch ” train wreck and taking us further down into the mire of despair; more poverty and suicides ; chaos : debt; privatization and lies. Their support of perpetual wars and militarized police state ; the UN and selling off our assets makes them the clueless ones with no direction and no morals or integrity. Come on – our PM is a serial liar.

                Dave – Do you even know what the term ” conspiracy theories ” means and who coined that term and why it has been intentionally misused for many years ?

      • Dave, clearly you must shield your son from those uncouth left wingers who swear on blogs. In direct contrast I guess to all those polite, constructive comments made by the right wingers over at kiwiblog.

        Actually, I’m guessing because I’ve stopped reading over there, it wasn’t nice.

      • So what is not constructive about…
        Smaller class sizes in schools.
        A ban on non N.Z residents rorting the housing market making it impossible for our own born and bred to buy.
        Affordable tertiary education no matter what cards you are dealt in life…….etc etc etc
        Can you please list National’s ‘constructive’ policies. Oh how’s National’s major education policy, (the super nova headmasters mentoring the less fortunate schools policy) going .
        Any graphs available on it’s success, or is it ‘too hard to quantify’ ?

  2. Ignorance is very wide-spread, wilful ignorance included. I am so often astonished when I hear people tell me their view about the government and John Key, and how little they actually know about their dirty deeds.

    There is also a wide-spread attitude of opportunism, of servitude and mercenary like thinking among so many, if there is something to get for free or a cheap price, they rush out in droves.

    If there are protests and pickets raising issues, you find only small numbers of people bother, and bystanders just look with confusion and detachment at such people taking part.

    They cannot understand why people go to such lengths and actually dedicate their personal time and resources to stand up for some principles, as so many have few principles these days.

    Commercialism and consumerism rule every aspect of the majority’s lives, it seems, and politics is only frowned upon. The media is complicit in what the government does, and only few dare raise real issues and report on them.

    Hence the government gets away with it, that is National and John Key, their brand face now.

    • Until you can show the middle of the bell-curve people a better game that is easy, panders to the human desire to avoid pain and wallow in pleasure – ‘the Left’s’ story is not going to resonate or get traction.

      National’s marketing is better by a zillion percent than Labour’s, or the Greens. They are giving people the illusions they want. No sackcloth nor ashes.

      The current monetary system is a crock. To change it requires both intellectual effort and practical real world effort. The results would be a fairer deal for the planet and all its species.

      National has closed down the ‘intellectual’ part of the equation.

      And all the so-called social-carer politicians can do is – well, what do they do? Pointing out the obvious unethical and rights-stealing of the current shysters is not working.

      Stop. Huddle. Plot and scheme. A better story. A better hearts before minds story.

      When will the ‘Left’ actually get it? Or are they too lock-step in this Dance of the Doomed to strive for the changes we need?

      ‘Just asking.’

  3. National are coached and covered smoothly by a very skilful MSDM as their backup.

    Without the media covering their bad ass actions every day National would be dog meat by now so National are only there while we have a complicit bought media propping their corrupt government up.

    About time the opposition got some balls and rightfully returned half the public media RNZ/NZTV back under their control to tell the other side of the story and give finally a balanced coverage on how our political system really is preforming here not just covering the cracks all the time until we all awake to realise we have been had!!!

    • Mediaworks are so favorable in their stories to the National government because the government bailed them out, it appears now that it might have been one of the conditions of the bailout.

  4. Yes to that earshot, and Government used our Taxpayers to bail them out and we are paying for them to be given their National propaganda?

    Opposition must now wake up to this social engineering NatZ are engaged in, as they slip in the polls, they need to correct this by taking back half of our public RNZ/NZTV as our rights demand equal time for politics in NZ!!!!

  5. You can’t vote anyone out! because they are allowed on a list even when they are voted out of the constituency. Just make it illegal to stand on both list and constituency, then they can be voted OUT. At the moment the worst politicians get straight back in without this rule. This is why our government has ended up so bad.

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