Q+A review



There’s no point watching The Nation on TV3. We know after the killing off of Campbell Live for political reasons that it’s a network that is biased towards the Government and with Patrick Gower a de facto member of Cabinet, The Nation provides all the critical analysis of the NZ Herald.

The other big issue is that no one watches The Nation – which makes Q+A the only game in town.

Corin Dann has Bill English on, Bill’s boring enough to make everything seem fine. Needed to be taken to task on the Government’s cheerleading of Dairy transformation. English could make the second coming of Christ seem dull.

English effectively sings ‘always look on the bright side of life’ for the entire interview.

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There’s a story about water bottling. Incredibly commercial bottling of our water is so easy we have large corporations effectively stealing our water. Another horrific example of the stupidity of our local council.

Marama Fox and Stuart Nash make excellent points about the stupidity of the current situation. The Government are too frightened to charge because it puts their bullshit argument that nobody owns the water on its head.

Migration discussion with people who no one knows, bit of a yawn. Another book that no one will read. There’s a lot of folk out there who seem to think writing books makes a difference, very few people read books, it’s all very worthy but totally ineffectual to the masses. The reality about  migration is that our free market open system allows so many in and NZs entire history is built upon cheap and easy migration. Ignoring the history and the idealogical framework that creates the migration problems means the solutions become Wellington policy wonk speak.

Worthy but rudderless.

Jack Tane does another good interview examining why Trump is so popular.

The Panel is only Raymond and Corin, that’s a bit weird. Not much of a variety of opinion there. Good points on how Winston benefits from the Dairy meltdown and how lost James Shaw and the Greens have become. I don’t want to be a trolls troll but it seems the Greens have real internal issues with their communications and strategy plans.

Interesting discussion on how the flag referendum could be damaging to Key.


  1. Yes the NZ Green Party are certainly lost for sure.

    On behalf of our east coast communities I have asked for green party support for rail till I am blue in the face.

    All we wanted was for the greens to stand up for our regional freight/passenger rail.

    No response ever come back from them since the last election.

    But the Green party were quick to embrace John Key taking our regional railways and ripping them up and using them for cycle ways.

    Why even Russell Norman was featured riding a bike with Key after the line was ripped up and graded into a cycle way, so yes they are lost for sure.



    I wished the current NZ greens would go on the UK Greens site and see how they devote pages of policy to restoring freight/passenger rail there but greens here are clearly off the rails and need to get back onto them to save what is left of our shrinking rail system.

  2. Yet Marama Fox refuses to walk away from the Key National government of destruction. The Maori party is not walking the talk.

  3. Its much better with a balanced panel discussion which was missing this week
    Looks like some re branding has taken place lets hope not at the exspence of the last format
    Dann a bit more aggressive with Bill but after 7 years he should be did not do any good though Bill as arrogant as ever with the born to rule facial expression still selling the snake oil and trying to stay awake…
    And its all still all Labours fault still
    The Trump segment which is all we seem to get its like he is the only one running for President Jack interviews a kiwi businessman for his perspective
    I would have prefered an American expert on this race and what effect this is having on the American voter i am sure he could have found one being based there
    And surprise surprise our water is being harnessed and sold for free around the world
    We are missing out on the monies for this not one cent being collected for the government accounts and Nick Smith doesnt give jot
    Hey its only money unless you dont have any !

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