So John Key is worried Max will get a lot of cyber bullying.
Cry me a river.
The audacity of Key dragging his son into a soft media More FM interview bemoaning the level of abuse these days is jaw dropping because what about the real bullying Mr Key? What about you participating in prison rape jokes? How about you touching a young woman at her place of work on over 10 separate occasions? How about screaming that Labour MPs were supporting rapists and murderers? How about those female MPs with the courage to stand and be thrown out of Parliament for discussing their sexual abuse? How about those NZers rotting away in Australian detention camps because you don’;t want to look soft on crime? How about calling Nicky Hager a communist? How about attacking Laila Harre? Edward Snowden? Glenn Greenwald? Jon Stephenson? Bradley Ambrose?
How about those beneficiaries thrown off welfare? How about those prisoners beaten in private prisons? How about those kids failed by your idealogical Charter Schools? How about those workers unable to get ahead because you govern for the rich? How about the kids freezing to death in state houses? How about the state house tenants forced to move?
How about your friendship with Cameron Slater, a far right hate speech merchant who loves to sadistically torture people online. How about that John?
How about those people John? But no, it’s a whinge and a bleating about how his son, who has leveraged much off his father’s reputation, has to put up with mean texts.
That’s not to excuse or forgive abuse sent to Max Key, it’s not his fault who his dad is, Â but rather than fall for the protective dad concerned about his son routine, how about we expand our gaze above that narrow horizon?
Max and Stephanie are sons and daughters of the Prime Minister in a social media world. It is the attention they self generate and the backlash of privilege in a once egalitarian country that is playing out, not a sudden polarisation of politics.
The real issue is perfectly displayed by Audrey Young’s pathetic bullshit this morning where she dutifully plays mouthpiece to the establishment.
In Audrey’s world, which is also the world of Planet Key, the legislation rammed through by John Key under urgency wasn’t mass surveillance.
We know there are still huge question marks over what the mass surveillance powers rammed through under urgency actually do, but Audrey doesn’t think so. The PM told NZers the law turned the GCSB into a glorified anti-virus program while the GCSB told the NSA it allows for loop hole mass surveillance.
Audrey picks Key’s version of reality.
The Police Commissioner revealed last year on Waatea news that the Police had an unconscious bias towards Maori and we learnt this year that the SIS and GCSB were recently reprimanded for sharing racist and sexist jokes. But such racism and sexism is someone else’s reality, not the privileged world Audrey and Key inhabit.
We know 300 000 NZ kids are in poverty, inequality deepens, the economy built upon dairy is failing (while degrading our environment), entire generations and classes of NZers  are locked out of home ownership and climate change is as ignored as our abuse rates and skyrocketing prison populations.
The media are clucking about how terrible the anger towards Key is and makes the issue a ‘polarisation of politics’.
They even allow Matthew Hooton, a man who once handed over Nicky Hager’s address details so that Hager might get assassinated by Chinese crime gangs, to become the moral high ground in the left’s disgust of Key.Â
It’s all grade A Bullshit!
It’s not a polarisation of politics we are seeing here, it’s a polarisation of reality! Those inside the Press Gallery live in a bubble world of privilege, their view of NZ are the same as Key’s while the politically aware see a very different NZ and their fury at the whitewash of that reality by Key and the media project only heightens that anger.
Allowing a damaged person like Matthew Hooton lecture about hate is as fraudulent as listening to a bully like Key complain about bullying.
Portraying it as a ‘polarisation of politics’ allows us to avoid the truth that there is a NZ being failed by the Government.
Oh thanks so very much Martyn. I couldn’t believe the tsunami of whiney brat/bully bullshit masquerading as journalism by the usual impostors to that profession in today’s Herald. How much more of this shit are we expected to take?????
Hear, hear.
Hear, hear
This once great country has gone to the dogs.
The egalitarian paradise I knew in the 70’s has descended into a surreal warped dictatorship and Key playing the victim is the last straw. How dare he swoon and whinge call “No fair” when it is his dictator’s cabal, his tame trained media and now his son that are attempting to change the narrative so that Key and his ‘Keydashian’ family are the victims, not the callous neoliberal perpetrators and bullies that they are.
And you know what? Kiwis have seen what John Key and National have to offer on their barrow of lies and the flag referendum is the perfect vehicle to tell Key and his bully boys to get stuffed.
Key the emperor and bully has no clothes. Maybe he can stitch together some old flags on 22nd March to wander around with the back of his wrist on his forehead whining and whingeing that the people don’t like him.
No they don’t like him. They loathe him. They loathe that New Zealand has become the land of the rich white crowd.
This once great country has gone to the dogs.
Just got a “Vote for Change” pamphlet through the mail today. Authorised by L Holden Upper Hutt.
In it, Lt Col (Rtd) Chris Mullane in the pamphlet writes “On active service no one is “fighting for the flag”. In fact you are fighting for the values which you hold dear, your family and friends and especially your mates alongside you and on whom your life depends.”
So people who want to keep the current flag want to keep it for the same reason, values of my family and friends. We don’t want John Key’s values. Bullying a waitress. Making light of prison rape. CReating the most unequal NZ society ever. ( Selling assets we used to create a safety net for kiwis less well off. Borrowing over $100 billion for tax cuts for the rich. Ignoring Waitangi Day 2016. Using sport and flags for panem and circenses instead of creating a decent egalitarian society.
So. Vote to keep the current flag and the current values that the soldiers fought for in wars. Egalitarian NZ.
Tell Key and his self-centred cabal who want an us and them unequal society, where to jam their fishy corporate flag.
Aint’ that the truth Martyn? Excellent piece of journalism. Thank goodness for alternative media such as TDB and the like, having the guts to tell it as it is and it’s not pretty reading.
So FJK is upset that his son is becoming a victim of cyber bullying. Oh dear, what a shame, never mind. It all goes with the territory of inviting publicity to oneself! Take the bad with the good. If not, then get out of the public eye and keep a low profile. Simple really. All comes down to personal choice, (as FJK once said about the impoverished)!
Max and Stephie Key are NOT children. They are supposedly responsible adults, seemingly ready and willing to put themselves out there in the public domain, attempting to attract attention to their activities. Like father, like son, like daughter!
“Like father, like son, like daughter!”
If they relied on talent rather than media I doubt if we would have heard of any of them.
Not quite ‘like daughter’. Stephie Key supports the Greens.
Wow does she?
Then now that ACT have gone Green, Steph can vote ACT with a clear conscience, knowing she will be voting ACT and still be Green.
Yeah right. Bet when push comes to shove, National gets both ticks.
“Max and Stephie Key are NOT children. They are supposedly responsible adults, seemingly ready and willing to put themselves out there in the public domain, attempting to attract attention to their activities.”
Good points. I normally never comment on posts about them due to the idea that they are still children but you are right, they are not and Max Key seems to be being groomed to pump up support Key in the youth vote. I’m tired of hearing about his girlfriend!!
Once again Martyn you have got it right and summed the two different realities of life in our country and it could not be more polarising.
I dont at this stage see these people who have a strangle hold on our society and whats left of our democracy being seriously challenged by an alternative.
We could be looking at several more terms of this appalling government before a watershed general election takes place and sweeps them away.
Make no mistake they are well funded and it will take a massive effort to dislodge them.
I cant beleive these National MPS call themselves New Zralanders they are blinded by there own arrogance.
As usual a Labour led coalition will have to come in deal with the damage and begin a series of enquiries once the true scale of what Key and co have got away with here are revealed.
thats what really worries me is what we don’t know about like Greece had off balance sheet debt we wont the truth until its to late and you can bet natz will say we bid our best excuses as they run for the hills
A top class article there, Martyn! Fair, bold and heartfelt.
The Herald cannot see the wood for the trees. Their subscriber base is dropping because of their poisonous relationship with the National Party and worse Key. Audrey Young articles are probably filed by National Party chimps chained to key boards.
But for our sins we have to get wall to wall Max and girl Key. These two are pawns in world of the Keydashians, both court attention well above their pathetic stations and probably both are used. I do not want to see some drippy woman with an equally vacant look on her face covered in bits of fruit, FFS!
Check this one out though:–fine-wine-nice-food-and-lots-of-face-time.
It’s a rather illuminating look into the rarefied world of the media and Key, how taxpayer-funded Air Force jets cart these out of touch morons around the globe, how Key plays the media like a banjo and why the likes of Tracey Watkins are so loyal to this clown. And why Key hangers-on go into bat for him in times of perceived need, the head of that strange and worrying company Xero a prime candidate. It’s almost impossible to believe.
And there are still people around, in 2016, who say, well Key was a banker, he must know what he is doing!
What do we do about it people?
One thing we can do is vote down the John Key flag and keep the New Zealand flag.
Another thing we can do is get more people to sign the anti TPPA petition.
Another thing the left can do is to start organizing strong credible candidates and strong campaigns for next year’s election. Start now.
Small steps, but small steps are better than no steps.
We have to drag the sleepy hobbits of this country out of their blissful indifference to the demise of a once positive and dynamic New Zealand society.
National stands still, enriches itself and laughs at how pathetically stupid we are for continuing to embrace them no matter what they do (or fail to do) for us.
We should not tolerate it.
Well said Martyn excellent …………… If Labour and the Greens can get that message out to the youth – under 25’s and put policy in place that allows them to buy a house/flat and a future of a fair wage. It’s time the Left promoted modern Socialism – Fair play for all……….
Poor Poor Baby John Key and his kids getting picked on with all the abuse lately. Poor Poor sad little victims.
Poor Baby jonky donky getting just what he deserves for being the bully and the ” out of touch ” lying / unethical leader we are so unfortunate to have now. He is a massive phony with a smile and humour that makes skin crawl.
Good job Martyn to continue to focus on his disgusting behavour.
Shame on Matthew Hooton and the Herald but then what do we expect from low class ( bought and owned ) biased journalism.
Keep up the good work Martyn and TDB , much appreciated.
Audrey Young…so very easily manipulated
The Gospel of bullying, according to St. John Key: bullying is what you call it when the powerless resist the boot, not when the powerful tread on the powerless.
It is interesting I remember the Bolger children not having a problem, the English children used to go to school up the road from Parliament, all of the previous Labour PM’s – no security guards. Helen Clark used to go climbing around the world with no security guards – the protection squad hated her as they had to do normal police work over summer break. It has only been Key and his family that have demanded protection up to a presidential standard – but his country loves them all!! Is that a case of watch my actions not my words? Possible slightly off topic but the love fest between Key and the Herald needs to slow down before their circulation go further through the floor.
Incredibly hypocritical of John key saying he is worried about bullying, when he is an active bully himself, both politically as in parliament, and his treatment of the opposition and others who do not agree with him and privately when he repeatedly, over a period of months, bullied and harassed a young woman at her place of employ. She lost her job and got publicly viciously criticized and dragged through the mud by John key’s media friends and supporters, and key got off Scot free. if it had off been anyone else, that person would have been charged with a number of offences including physical assault. If it had of been a PM from another party for example, then the media would have hounded that person out of office and that person would have been charged. John key is above our laws.
And it is John key who is giving approval and pushing for the media, in particular the NZ Herald and Stuff etc to promote his children. The Herald recent gave Key’s daughter (instead of his son this time) another promotional self interested piece, Portrait of an artist, which should have read “Portrait of the useless, do nothing privileged” What a waste of space and time, and there is only one reason why the Herald etc are putting out this rubbish, and that is because of John key.
Another 5 star article from you Martyn !!!
Audrey Young et al at the Herald, Stuff etc have shown themselves up over the years under this key National government, and I have noticed that as John key continues to lose favour, the more sycophantic and shill Audrey Young et al have become. Try as they might, they can’t halt key’s downward slide. They have no credibility whatsoever at all now, and they have become just a sickening joke. They have literally shat on their profession for John key, who has gutted and destroyed NZ’s media/broadcasting and it’s standards for himself and his National party, and they deserve the ridicule and contempt now shown towards them. The house is in need of a big clean out. The quicker these hacks are removed from NZ’s media the better.
Thanks TDB and Martyn Bradbury for bringing us a real current affairs program every evening.
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