PM John Key and his National government say most Kiwis support the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and those who don’t are ignorant or manipulated.
Show him he’s wrong.
Hear dynamic, funny, and scary US former trade attorney and TPPA expert Lori Wallach, Director of Public Citizen Global Trade Watch, on how the US politics may sink the TPPA.
Jane Kelsey will explain the highlights of the expert papers saying what the TPPA would really mean for Kiwis.
A political panel will tell us why they oppose the signing of the TPPA:
Grant Robertson, Labour; Metiria Turie, Greens; Marama Fox, Maori Party; and Fletcher Tabuteau, NZ First.
The event is live streamed on The Daily Blog from 7pm
For details of Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin meetings see here.
The speaking tour is being sponsored by Its Our Future, Action Station, NZ Council of Trade Unions and First Union but donations are needed to cover costs.
You can contribute to these events and the ongoing campaign here.
+100 – will be watching via the live stream. Really interested in hearing what everyone has to say, especially the opposition parties.
Hope the opposition parties have clear words and strong direct action and a plan. In particular hope this is not an opportunity where the Natz claim ‘Labour supports it too’. Labour should make it clear they don’t support TPPA. Likewise the Maori party.
Forget the manufactured distractions – this should be the ONLY thing that the opposition parties talk about – this nightmare for the public is about to be signed on 4th Feb in NZ!!!
(Which shows what the other countries think about NZ, just sign the bad agreements here as NZ have a politically compliant media and police), as if it was really such an amazing economic agreement it would be signed in Washington!
That is the oh oh politician moment – lets do it NZ where hopefully nobody will notice the F up.
The Maori party speak with forked tongue. Saying they won’t support the TPPA particularly if it undermines the treaty, (which it does), while stubbornly and arrogantly refusing to step away from the toxic National government, whereby they continue to give it their support, shows the Maori Party are 2 faced hypocrites and liars. The Maori Party have been warned and not for the first time, and deserve to be consigned to the political rubbish bin. Quite simply, any support for the Maori Party is support for National.
Yesterday at Ratana, the way John key stood and was raising and dropping his arms, he looked like a wooden marionette puppet, and he was rightfully laughed and booed at when he said that he was there to tell the truth. No one believes the words of the puppet anymore, and trying to blame Labour for his lies and treasonous betrayals doesn’t wash either.
this years ‘moment of truth’–will Labour have a firmer position on TPPA?–if they do the 2017 election will be ‘on’ again as it will be a point of unity with Greens and NZ First
streaming is a great way to bypass the moribund “you know who” msm channels that would not cover this type of event till hell freezes over
Thousands protest against Pacific trade deal in Malaysia
John Key is a liar. All polls thus far, shows over 80% of Kiwis OPPOSE the TPPA.
If the agreement was so good then it would have been put to vote in the parliament to get a majority vote. If it was an honest ‘trade’ agreement that did not compromise our land sovereignty and the supremacy of our parliament, then Key would have put it for discussion, debate and vote in the parliament. If it was as wonderful as Key makes it out to be, then he would have been able to honestly counter the salient objections and warnings from Prof Jane Kelsey and many other concerned citizens and he would have put the agreement to vote in the parliament.
But, no! He is not doing that at all. Instead, he has deceived and marginalised the people and the nation by making it possible for his CABINET ALONE (and not parliament) to agree with and ratify this momentous, far reaching, multi national, so called TPP ‘trade’ agreement.
It is less to do with ‘trade’ and MUCH MORE to do with transferring power and control to powerful foreign countries and foreign big capitalist corporates. THAT is the truth, not the ‘truth’ that Key says he is uttering!
If you disagree, please reply and explain why you disagree.
And let’s not forget that John Key himself is very much involved in foreign big capitalist corporates, and will be personally profiting from the TPPA even after he is gone from NZ politics.
It is interesting that this comment has received so many negative comments! Why?
Oops, I meant, ‘down votes’, not negative comments.
WE are not against Free Trade Deals but the TPPA is not a Free Trade Deal especially the ISDS Clauses are extremely dangerous for the Government ie the taxpayers. Don’t know what National are actually thinking could be their Archilles Heal?
WE are not against Free Trade Deals but the TPPA is not a Free Trade Deal especially the ISDS Clauses are extremely dangerous for the Government ie the taxpayers. Don’t know what National are actually thinking could be their Archilles Heal?
WE are not against Free Trade Deals but the TPPA is not a Free Trade Deal especially the ISDS Clauses are extremely dangerous for the Government ie the taxpayers. Don’t know what National are actually thinking could be their Archilles Heal?
JK one step too far this time brother, we have given you the benefit of the doubt up until now.
WE are not against Free Trade Deals but the TPPA is not a Free Trade Deal especially the ISDS Clauses are extremely dangerous for the Government ie the taxpayers. Don’t know what National are actually thinking could be their Archilles Heal?
Bernie Sanders doesn’t like the TPPA these days either?
I have to work but I’ll be there in spirit and watching the live stream.
Will a recording of the live stream be made available for those who weren’t able to watch it live, as it was with the GCSB town hall meeting?
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