Shhhhh – it’s not mass surveillance, it’s an all encompassing cuddle from big brother



NZers really are very easy to manipulate. Here is proof positive that the government now has mass surveillance capabilities yet it’s all dressed up as some sort of glorified ant-malware programme…

GCSB ‘Cortex’ system aimed at ISPs
The “Cortex” system Prime Minister John Key made public to counter claims of mass surveillance of New Zealanders is now being aimed at the internet service providers handling the emails and online data of everyday Kiwis.

…let’s remind ourselves what the Guardian had to say from the ‘Moment of Truth’…

…despite all this evidence, the event was portrayed as a failure even though Snowden later provided the evidence that proved what was said was in fact true.

Now we have Cyber security credentials scheme proposed for SMEs.  all this new ‘cyber tick’ will tell you is that any and all information stored with that company is immediately available not only to the NZ intelligence community but also handed over directly to the NSA.

The deep state just can’t believe their luck with the way Key can con NZers into accepting mass surveillance powers. It is a sad indictment of us as a people that the very freedoms and rights of the individual that we have spilled blood for in foreign wars can be handed over with such ease.

Shhhh sleepy hobbits, dream about the All Blacks and untaxed property gains.


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  1. What a horrible, nasty controlled world we are handing on to our children and children’s children.

    Seems most Kiwi’s now believe it is a SEP… SOMEONE ELSE’S PROBLEM.

    And while the term is borrowed from Doug Adams and the Hitchhikers guide to the Universe…

    That is indeed the correct term here.

    ‘It wont happen to me , ‘I’ll never have a car smash ‘ , ‘Dying in a war only happens to someone else ‘….

    Fill in the blanks.

    The Titanic was touted as being unsinkable. Until its maiden voyage.

    Our govt cant be corrupt. Not here in NZ. There’s nothing to worry about.They wouldn’t spy on me, I have nothing they want. That’s only for the bad guys. I’m honest. It’ll never happen. I’m too busy to worry about all that sort of thing.Look – our leaders can be trusted. There’s no need for all this panic. It’ll sort itself out , it’ll come out in the wash. We’re an honest county , basically.

    And on ,and on ,and on it goes….

    Its called ‘self speak’, folks.

    And a fair dollop of self interest and complacency.

    And just because you ‘feel’ as though all this hullabaloo doesn’t directly relate to you…think again. You only exist thus far protected in this country because of the hard work of individuals in prior generations fighting for your freedoms .And as you move into this unprecedented era of loss of personal freedoms and electronic surveillance – even the more so you should be vigilant of any govt initiative that may threaten that sanctity of personal privacy and human rights.

    To monitor the monitors and ensure out of control leaders do not hijack your freedoms and human rights is being strong.

    To capitulate like gullible naive children and accept any words from any govt at face value is incredibly weak.

    You owe it to yourselves to question and if necessary confront and remove any govt that threatens these liberty’s for the sake of yourselves and future generations.

    No matter what govt is in power .

  2. Ka kite, Wild Katipo

    Yet, there is something in the breeze…there are many things to inspire us…

    I loved those photos of the Paris Climate March – all the shoes, a diversity of shoes….

    El Nino is coming, there’s going to be a massive drought, but wouldn’t it be great if we could have a wonderful summer of consciousness raising, let’s make it a green peace

    maybe call it The Pacific Rising

  3. John Key is doing this to protect NZ and our people from the evils of this world, he wants to keep NZ as Godzone.

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