DRUGLAWED 2 – Kickstarter campaign


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Following the successful release of DRUGLAWED (which is currently doing the rounds in film fesitvals throughout the world) new developments and untold stories emerged that demanded a sequel be produced! We have already: PRODUCED A FEATURE DOCUMENTARY, BEEN ACCEPTED INTO FESTIVALS, FILMED NEW MATERIAL IN ISRAEL, AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND – NOW THE PRODUCTION MUST GO TO URUGUAY TO FILM HISTORY IN THE MAKING! This Kickstarter is to fund PART 4 OF DL2… IF YOU PLEDGED TOWARDS DRUGLAWED 1 YOU’LL KNOW THAT EVEN THOUGH WE HAD A SHOESTRING BUDGETOUR PRODUCTION VALUES ARE VERY HIGH AND YOUR $$$ WILL GO A LONG WAY

Four principal stars from four vastly different countries will form the backbone of another epic film documenting the war on cannabis, and how the tide is finally turning after almost a century of prohibition.

Kickstarter link here.