Parliament rams through laws to retrospectively re-punish prisoners and steal from the poor



NZ – less like a democracy – more like an absolute monarchy 

This Government huh?

National ram through under urgency laws they know they have no real support for. It’s one of the deep problems of having just one chamber of Parliament, any crazy thing a National Politician wants can become law by simply forcing it through with a majority of one after reading it into law.

Tonight the Government are ramming through 2 laws under urgency. The first law is aimed at NZ citizens who have served their jail time and are being returned to NZ from Australia. The law is retrospective and will effectively be a second punishment to people who have served their time.

The publics hatred towards prisoner rights means no one will point out the abuse of process and port that it is.

Remember, these are prisoners who have served their sentence, they will now be forced to hand over DNA, finger prints and have the constant threat of re-imprisonment over them if they breach their conditions. REMEMBER – these people have served their time, this is now a secondary punishment on top of the one they have already served. They’ve done the crime and they’ve served their time and now the Government will punish them again.

The second law the Government are ramming through under urgency is legislation to stop the repayment to beneficiaries of under payments WINZ have been keeping from them for 18 years. Note – this is the fault of WINZ and instead of paying the money back, National will just pass laws to steal it from those beneficiaries.

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Re-punishing prisoners and stealing money from the poorest NZers – that’s what National are ramming through under urgency – what a proud day for our democracy.


  1. Those benificieries should take a class action for theft.

    This government is getting beyond their remit ,anything they don’t want to happen they pass a law under urgency to prevent it happening.

    If Key changes the flag , he has to stop the previous constitution under British law,and he writes a new constitution for the new flag,in fact he has already ordered the new constitution be written. Maybe it will favour corporations .
    We need to be very vigilant with the vote because John Keys people has shown attempts to rig it.
    Have we ever had a PM so blatently working against the people as this one.

    • John Key got rid of the concept of having legal aid to represent you if you can’t afford a lawyer. In legal terms, that means that unless you are rich or middle class you can’t afford a legal defense if you commit a crime.

      The prosecution has the unlimited resources of the state, and defenders have to rely on resources of charities and human rights groups, which are relatively minimal. Eventually NZ’s legal system will become worse than America’s, as even the US offers legal aid to the poor – and the US has corrupt judges and institutional racism.

      But this is National’s plan, as they need to create prisoners for their private prison buddies, and the best way is harsh sentences and putting the innocent behind bars. Humans are only numbers on a balance sheet to National, and that’s the sad truth.

      • ‘and still we do nothing, we are so apathetic always waiting for someone else to do things,people say oh we can vote them out in two years time,thats so easy dosnt require much effort,and no guarantee it wont be rigged.
        It will be too late, the TPP and NWO will own us, if they don’t already.
        Key is so blatent with his schemes,he knows nothing can happen to him, he has Obamas backing.

    • “Those benificieries should take a class action for theft.” – they wouldn’t get far in our legal system, even if they could find competent counsel to represent them. Our judges hate poor people even more than our politicians.

  2. Hmmmm….a Jewish Pharaoh…

    Not so far from the truth …the Hyksos were considered by some to have been Jewish nomadic invaders whom the Egyptians hated…or at least just tolerated..

    And then after a while they got their arse’s booted out of Egypt … perhaps NZ could do the same with Pharaoh Key…

  3. If it were MPs who had suffered a reduction in their salaries, super payments or benefits due to an accountancy error, they would certainly do the same to save the country money, wouldn’t they? Yeah right!

    • You got it Mike.

      And just after the politicians go on their summer break, an annual “retrospective” pay increase will be announced in their favour! The timing is deliberate, so no challenge can be made, due to the long Parliamentary recess!

      • 100% Mary A, government and hangers on believe they are the only ones who deserve extra money ,the Robin Hood system backwards, take from the taxpayers to give to the crooks who call themselves law makers,law fixes is more correct.
        If the beneficieries owed tax they would be hounded for payment well into the future,as we all would, its only people with money that wont be made to pay.

  4. This country along with the rest of the world is in deep shit. When, when, when, when, WHEN! Will we get rid of all the lunatics running everything into the ground globally? Can someone please throw an egg at Key’s stupid head every time he is in public?? Humiliating him will be the best way to get rid of him, nice and simple does it.

  5. Taking from the nation’s vulnerable is about as low and as deviant as any government can get and NatzKEY is proving it is tainted by the all consuming foul stench of sewer politics!

    But how do we rid ourselves of this filthy bunch of corrupt, devious, thieving, cesspit wallowing reprobates?

    Time to begin stocking up on the pitchforks perhaps?

    Because in all honesty, I can’t see this FJK driven snake pit of venomous vipers being removed through legal means such as casting a vote now. I’m beginning to believe our electoral system is as corrupt, dirty and toxic as the NatzKEY politicians who manipulate it are!

  6. Too right – kiwisonfire – New Zealanders are just numbers on balance sheets, to the National Party…this slogan may have to become a bumper sticker for the message to get out there, because why the heck do NZer’s vote for a Party with these morals?

  7. Well, I’m going to write to the Governor General and tell him I don’t want him to sign these disgusting pieces of legislation and make them law. I know it won’t work, but it will make me feel better and I’m right – he shouldn’t, considering the abuse of democratic process and human rights abuses involved.

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