Daily Chomsky




  1. Mr Chomsky is right ,the general public need educating,a doctor I visit has never heard of TPP,thinks Obama is good, Putin bad.
    .Where would they get info from if they never look outside of TV or Herald.
    Maybe some bright spark could organise a leaflet drop on the negatives about TPP, lots of negatives.
    The suicide rate has increased in NZ, hardly surprising with the job situation , the housing situation,the fear of future,all down to National.i hope they are proud of themselves.

  2. +100 – people have to remember that, before they slag off the public.

    When someone has 4 kids, 2 jobs, an increasingly hectic life, elderly parents to look after, rely on MSM reporting a very skewed picture of reality in this country, many people simply do not know what is going on or how to find out.

    But also in my view National did not WIN the last election, Labour LOST the last election.

    People in this country don’t like National, but they just don’t know who they can vote for that represents them and a decent society for the future.

    National is not so much winning than the opposition losing, ironically by trying to get more votes by being active on non contentious issues, while trying to say nothing about big issues and not much about how to solve any issue either.

    Like in Northland and the last election many people can smell a rat in NZ politics even if they don’t know where the smell is coming from.

  3. “The General population does know what’s happening, and doesn’t even know that it doesn’t know.”

    Yes well we can blame only the MSM for dumbing down our entire population so effectively.

    This will bring an empire down as we know from history that;
    “the price of freedom & Democracy is constant vigilance.”

    And if the general population is unaware of any bad stuff happening they cannot fight to save our society, and the MSM is therefore bringing our country down.

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