Chinese sounding name data may be politically motivated xenophobia, but there is an issue of Chinese influence in NZ


enjoy communism

Being lectured on divisiveness and racism by the National Party is like taking fire safety tips from an arsonist.

Cough, cough. Don Brash anyone?

Beyond the obvious politically motivated xenophobia of naming Chinese buyers as the issue, Labour have struck a deep chord with middle New Zealand.

Which it should.

How waka Aotearoa juggles two Pacific giants like America and China are the two big issues right now. America wants the ability to dictate domestic law for their corporations benefit through the TPPA and China has listed NZ as a country where residential speculation is State sanctioned. To these ends the Communist Party has invested hugely into the National Party...

There are real question marks over the economic and political influence of China. They are our biggest market now meaning our economic well being is locked into place by Beijing. This influence carry’s over to our Political institutions. Jenny Shipley, Don Brash, Ruth Richardson and Chris Tremain are Director’s of the China Construction Bank, Judith Collins interaction with Chinese Officials to help her hubbies Chinese Company, Oravida, to gain more Chinese money is now a thing of legend, and Maurice Williamson’s love affair with  Donghua Liu saw him become Liu’s personal handyman when doing up Liu’s batch and heavying the Police to drop domestic violence charges.

The National Government are as dependent on their Chinese friends as the entire economy now has become.

Key has put all our cows in Beijing.

…the National Party need property speculation into Auckland to keep the pretence of economic growth alive so have no interest whatsoever of seriously cracking down on any foreign speculation, and certainly not from a country who they are so personally benefited  by.

Whether that issue gets discussed will be down to how much the media decide to make this a debate about racism.

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  1. Hmmmmmm…….

    Premier Key and the Communists….that’s got a ring to it…make a good name for a punk rock band…

    Or Premier Key and the Popular Businessman’s Front…ecckh! …sounds kinda stuffy to be honest…not to mention slightly rude….

    Premier Key and the National Party ?

    GET OUTA HERE !!!!

  2. +100 Good Post…NZ is caught between two giants…and honesty about both is the best if we are to keep New Zealand green and egalitarian

    …as a lawyer once said “Lie down with a giant and you are likely to get crushed”

  3. While it is about China and buyers from there, it is no about racism. You are right to bring up the matter of the involvement of China’s government

  4. The fact that the media includes ‘ commentators’ like Mathew Hooton your money will be safe thinking that racism will be the smoke screen used to mask any serious debate.
    If anyone had any doubts about Hooton ‘ s mental well being, today’s so called ‘panel discussion’ on National Radio would have confirmed that he is completely bonkers.
    His incoherent rambling meandering diatribe left Mike Williams speechless so devoid was it of any rational thinking or Intellect.
    I can’t for the life of me see where racism comes into this discussion.
    If Chinese foreign ‘ investors’ don’t want to be accused of buying up our houses, then stop buying them.
    Why is there a giant ‘Land For Sale’ sign next to the motorway on the North Shore of Auckland, written in Mandarin ? I thought we spoke English in N.Z.
    Is that racist against Kiwis?
    And why is it that Kiwis can’t go and buy up the property market in China.
    Is China being racist ?
    ‘Know ideas National’ has once again been caught with their pants down around their ankles.
    They chose not to create a foreign ownership register to allow the dodgy dealings to fly under the radar.
    Someone had to go into bat for the younger generation and Labour has stepped up to the plate on this issue .
    Testicular fortitude rules!

    • @ Grant: “If anyone had any doubts about Hooton ‘ s mental well being, today’s so called ‘panel discussion’ on National Radio would have confirmed that he is completely bonkers.”

      Yes, it was weird, wasn’t it! I had to switch off in the end, while he was still rabbiting on. It was un-listen-to-able. If you get what I mean….

  5. It is not racist to say that the Chinese are buying up Auckland real estate. It is simply true. China’s position is unique. Although there are speculators from Australia, UK, Switzerland etc, they are mostly just opportunistic individuals, so their impact is not great. They will buy , then sell, and pocket the difference.
    China’s position is different. It has literally billions of surplus foreign currency from its highly favourable trading surplus. How are they to use it? They dont need any more of our goods than they are taking already – thats how they got a trade surplus in the first place.
    They will buy up real estate where-ever they can get a good deal. NZ is currently the best deal in town. Price is no object.
    They will buy, and buy. They will never sell. They can buy all of NZ without blinking if we let them. So the right move is to not let them.

    • …it is invasion and takeover of sovereign nations by sheer mass of population…and they expect us to believe the baloney that it is not ….and that we are being racist !

      Tibet, Malaysia, PNG…are just a few that have population invasion issues…invasion disputes issues on the seas around them are Japan, Vietnam and the Phillipines

  6. “Racism”…as in playing the “race” card (=manipulation)
    (and . by the way – “xenophobia”- NO such thing!!! – just a new word invented for use as a manipulative tool)
    – Are today merely POLITICAL TOOLS :
    Used to manipulate public thought, induce “guilt” and shut down VALID observations.

    REALITY: Chinese ARE buying up NZ real estate, big time.

    To deny this is obfuscation of the TRUTH.

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