A brief word on the saddest part of the Skypath victory




Skypath has been green lighted, and finally punters can bike and walk across our Harbour Bridge, but the saddest bit about all of this is how long it’s bloody taken to be able to do something as simple as put a walk way and cycle path on a bridge!

While we should certainly celebrate some progress, that it’s taken this long is a weary reminder of the pace of change.

It’s like cheering the electrification of rail, ‘yay – Auckland’s caught up with the 19th Century’. Hardly much cause for a ticker tape parade right?

Well done everyone who helped make Skypath happen but this tiny step seems to be a reminder of how backwards our planning is and how far out of touch the needs for our sustainable growth are compared to the reality.


  1. Equally sad that its not getting funded by government, and that users will need to pay for it.

  2. Wait for the God fearing folk of Northcote Point to appeal this. And it was reported that the Health minister Dr Jonathan Coleman had set up a meeting last year to fire up locals against the project.

    Clearly the good Doctor sees walking and cycling as unhealthy, well in his suburb anyway!

  3. Yes it’s sad that it’s taken fifty six years for the powers-that-be to realize people should also have foot and cycle access over the bridge!

    But even at this late stage, it’s a good move to assist alleviating Auckland’s traffic congestion. A small step in the right direction.

    Let’s hope it doesn’t take too long to get the Skyway up and running.

  4. I’m not a Jafa or even a Pig Islander, but even my prehistoric far flung brain from the Mainland can see what’s going on up there.

    The original bridge design was inadequate when built (but we saved money).

    We got the Nippon Clip on but look how long that took and it hasn’t really met Auckland’s traffic needs. (But we saved money.)

    We electrified rail around Auckland some 20 years after the Main Trunk electrification. (But we saved money.)

    We’re putting another clip on on the bridge for cyclists and pedestrians but look how long it took (and remember it ain’t there yet. If the North Shore Ku Klux Klan get their way it won’t happen).
    But we… yeah yeah.

    Stop trying to save money (it never happens anyway) and face reality.

    No wonder visitors to New Zealand/Aotearoa feel they’ve stepped back in time. My dad used to think it was about 20-30 years back in time and once again you’ve proved him right (much to my consternation).

    Can’t you just get on with it and think forward rather than backward? The whole history of that damned village of yours is one of too little too late. We canna afford tae be extravagant! Aaargh! Spare me days mate!

    You claim to be a vibrant busy city so bloody well prove it. Try getting out of the 19th Century for once.

    Or just accept being a little village in Erehwon…

  5. Interestingly (or should that be ironically?) this is exactly the same argument that National is using to attack the Resource Management Act.

    But yes, horray for Luke Skypath.

    PS can we just do everything the Netherlands is doing, now instead of 40 years from now.

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