$11m penthouse apartments, Tim Groser’s magic beans and why civil disobedience may be the only solution to the TPPA



If according to Tim Groser, the serious negotiations for the TPPA haven’t even started yet, then what the bloody hell is he doing?

My fear about the TPPA is that New Zealander’s are so blasé about what’s happening under John Key, that they’ll just believe any old crap Key says to justify signing our economic sovereignty away to US corporations and we have a compliant media far too frightened to challenge the narrative that this is a good free trade deal.

Let’s be clear – this is not a free trade deal, it’s a national security leash for America as a bulwark to Chinese expansion into the Pacific. This ‘free trade deal’ will stop Government’s from passing domestic law that breaches a corporations ability to make a profit here.

These billions Key promises us is a fantasy that doesn’t exist.

Tim is going to go off to market with our cow and will come back from New York to tell us that he’s sold our cow for 3 magic TPPA Beans.

We’ll all be like, “Where’s the cow Tim”.

And Tim will proudly show us the 3 beans and declare, “I sold our cow for 3 beans”.

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We’ll all stare at Tim in open mouthed shock and reply, “You did what”?

And Tim will rush to allay our fears by saying, “You don’t understand, they’re not normal beans, they’re magic beans”.

The horror on our collective faces will deepen as we realise this clown has signed our rights down the river to giant corporations who now loom on our shores like the Nazgul.

The TPPA simply can’t be allowed to be signed. There has to be protest the likes we haven’t seen before. We either shut the machine down from operating or we meekly accept this dismantling of our democratic independence.

The negative reaction to the Greenpeace protest on Parliament by the mainstream media highlighted how empty those organs have become in representing the interests of the people.

Pandering to the ‘breach-of-security-brigade’ regarding the Greenpeace activists allows Media to ignore message of dangerous climate change. Global warming is a bigger threat to Parliament than 4 people standing on its roof.

Protests are meant to disrupt, if they don’t they’re merely an eyewitness to acquiescence.

Meanwhile we paid $11m for a New York Apartment so our diplomats aren’t as cold and sick as children in our state houses are.

If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention. The lines are being drawn, which side are you on?


  1. So, what do you propose to do to shut the machine down? Protests have already been staged, and more will I’m sure, but people walking down Queen Street etc is not going to stop this deal going through. Civil Disobedience has power, but how and where do you target it to be effective? There is lots of talk, but there needs to be smart and organised direct action. I tried to organise a TPPA Action Group in my local area via their FB page, and I had NO responses other than a few likes. How are we ever going to get the serious kind of resistance that is required to start making this deal feel uncomfortable for the Government, if people simply aren’t that concerned or alarmed? Anybody have some practical ideas?

    • I think there should be the protests that were organised all around the country against TPP run again and soon. They should be publicised in blogs like TDB and dare I say The Standard. Call a truce and work together on this one.

      More satire and songs into popular culture against TPP.

      More to FB pages of Labour – they seem Nat Lite on the issue.

      But quickly.

      Apparently Groser wants a job at the WHO which is why he is so keen to sell us out for the beans.

    • The for another wharf strike!!!!!

      That will hit them where it hurts as my family was affected by the 1951 wharf strike but this heralded another movement afterwards of Walter Nash and fairer Government who were prepared to listen to the workers voice and not ignore them as this NatZ mob are doing today as they slowly allow the lid to sink on workers voices and rights while shutting down Government jobs and unions also.

      Time for action n so a major strike is needed folks as it is the only way now as Government has declared a war on the workers without saying so.

      Matryn well said here;

      “My fear about the TPPA is that New Zealander’s are so blasé about what’s happening under John Key, that they’ll just believe any old crap Key says to justify signing our economic sovereignty away to US corporations and we have a compliant media far too frightened to challenge the narrative that this is a good free trade deal.”

      I then say “We are otherwise slowly becoming tenants and slaves in our own land.”

    • Me too…. I am tossing and turning at night with what the Nats are continually getting away with and more so because of the willfull ignorance of the majority in this country whom are letting this happen.

  2. Will Kiwis ever wake up. Where’s T spirit that made us Nuclear Free & stopped the last lot of fascists, T Apartheid RSA Govt reps during T Springbok tour.
    Seems as if Kiwis are now as bad as Brits, Euros, Americans, Russians, Chinese, I.e selfish & only interested in self betterment & tough shit on T other poor.
    When did it change, as I for one don’t & didn’t support the change.
    Wake up NZ, all it takes for evil to suceed is for good to do nothing.
    Wake wakey NZ your late & have nearly missed T show. You’ll wake up in chains from TPP & corporate fascism & say, what happened.

    • The rot started in 1984 in this country Kevin with the election of the Longe/Douglas Labour government! The present Labour party is still Natlite.
      To change things you must support unions and the party of your choose: Mana, Greens even NZ First.
      Get involved.

      Finally: I salute those protesters at Parliament yesterday. They are our real heros! MSM stands condemmed! They never examined the issue of why these heros protested. Just parroted the line “Go back to sleep New Zealand….”

    • New Zealanders have in essence become like laboratory mice, with the scientists (the National government) experimenting to see how much torment the mice can stand before they become men again (no insult intended to women). To National’s amazement and delight, they have discovered that the mouse qualities of New Zealanders are greater than they ever imagined and they now think they can do anything and every three years they will get a new mandate. Sad truth is that they probably can. New Zealanders have seen so much lies, corruption and dirty politics that they have begun to accept it as normal. This is certainly not what New Zealanders used to be like thirty years ago. We stood up against apartheid, against nuclear proliferation, against imperialist wars and against whaling. Now most of us seemingly don’t give a monkeys as long as our own little nests are not ruffled. We have become the ultimate nimbys.
      So some of us want to change the flag to reflect modern New Zealand do we? OK then, put on it either a dozing kiwi or a National Party logo incorporating a raised middle finger – because this is what REAL New Zealand is all about in 2015.

    • “Will Kiwis ever wake up”?

      Oh, fear not, they already are. They just know that the old adage of “Feather the nest and fuck the rest” holds fast and serves them well.

      Sadly, they are very much awake.

  3. Agree with most of what you say. Magic beans is the perfect description of what NZ will be gaining from TPP while allowing the Giants to enter to consume us.

    Everyone must start to protest more and also link to other protests in other countries. The TPPA marches were very successful last time.

    One thing I don’t agree with is that NZ is blasé about John Key. Nope people hate him. Look at Northland even the conservative public have had enough.

    The reason Nats keep winning is that they cheat and are keeping the public from knowing what is going on via the MSM (i.e. getting rid of Campbell live, not reporting any real news etc), and are keeping many so poor or a paycheque from poverty that they are frightened of change.

    The other major problem is that Labour are the same as the Nats but a bit lighter and their split personality needs to be addressed before they gain the 15% support they have lost.

    Greens have also fallen into a careerist path in my view. One of the best of a bad bunch but when rates have gone up $1000, food and power increasing, parties that advocate putting up taxes to a public that can’t afford the cost of living now are not helping themselves into power.

    I think a message of the Government being audited and cost cutting from the 11 million apartments in New York to the Sky City handouts and so forth is where most voters either right or left would want to see the message of cuts first.

    Otherwise the idea of taking more taxes off the public while not bothering to control the governments own crazy spending is not a message most of the public wants to hear.

  4. Oh the irony.

    You claim that our democracy is under threat where you talk of “meekly accept[ing] this dismantling of our democratic independence” , yet you ignore the fact that the TPPA is currently being negotiated on our behalf by a democratically elected government. You suggest that your view, arguably the minority one, shall prevail come hell or high water, and that civil disobedience may be necessary to ensure that occurs.
    Time I went back to the dictionary to look up the meaning of the word “democracy”. It seems to have changed.

    • If it is so democratic, as you claim – then why are a lot of the details kept secret?. Commercial sensitivity? rubbish! It is because it is a sell out to the American corporations and National are afraid that joe public might get a bit cross if he finds out how much.

      • If you read my post carefully you will see that I don’t express any judgement on whether the TPPA is democratic – I simply point out that it is being negotiated by a democratically elected government.

        • .

          I simply point out that it is being negotiated by a democratically elected government

          Just because something is done by a “democratically elected government” does not;

          (a) make it right

          (b) justify the insane secrecy surrounding it

          (c) prevent criticism of it

          Especial Point C – do we stop criticising governments just because they are “democratically elected”, SGThree? In which case, will you be criticising the next Labour led government? Or staying silent? Or, more likely, simply changing your pseudonym, and putting the boot in?

        • sgthree Simple answer;

          A rigged election you idiot, haven’t you heard of vote rigging yet????


          Try The Bilderberg Group is that Democratic and why did PM Key attend it in 2011-12 as NZ prime minister and hide the fact??


          Why didn’t PM tell NZ he was into Bilderberg?

          List of Bilderberg participants 4

          New Zealand

          • John Key (2011-2012), Prime Minister of New Zealand


          “No Bilderberg meeting agenda has ever been made public. “It is the epitome of low-profile dark ops, a shadow government hidden in a doorway.” According to critics and close observers, it’s agenda is to weaken all world leadership but their own. It is also, according to a U.S. law called the Logan Act, [15] illegal”

          Do you know about Bilderberg being the most secretive global elite power of corporates on the planet and did you know key attended it then??

          • A) No I don’t know the election was rigged. Perhaps you should tell the Electoral Commission.

            B) It is nice to know that it is permissible to call someone an idiot on this blog. I have been tempted to do so on many occasions, but withheld comment altogether as I was under the impression personal attacks were not permitted, especially when made under the cloak of anonymity.

            • SGThree – I agree with your last comment B) – but guess we have to agree to differ on most of your other statements. Sadly most NZers only read/see the Main Stream Media headlines – if they even do that. And it is understandable – many are just so busy ‘putting food on the table’. Deeper research is only possible for those that have the time – and it does take time. I can quote 19 examples of where Corporates have sued countries under the ISDS clause in their so called trade agreement – that leaks suggest these same clauses are in the TPPA – they are only the ones I have been able to locate after much research. That is why I am very concerned. That is why I want to have the conversation about the message, not about the messenger.

        • National might have been democratically elected, but they are a corrupt and lying administration; but as long as they are democratically elected – I suppose you think that is OK.

          • this is where the irony comes in. I am being roundly condemned for suggesting we have a democracy, for suggesting the current government was democratically elected, but it was Martyn who first suggested that we had a democracy with his assertion that the TPPA was going to dismantle our democratic independence.
            Do we have democratic independence or don’t we? And if we do, is it consistent with that democratic independence for the minority to rule through civil disobedience?

            • ,

              I am being roundly condemned for suggesting we have a democracy, for suggesting the current government was democratically elected

              No, SGThree, you are not being “roundly condemned for suggesting we have a democracy” nor for “suggesting the current government was democratically elected”.

              You are being criticised for your slavish obedience to the current government and worse still, expecting us to share your slavishness.

              No thanks.

              The price of freedom is eternal vigilance – not meekly lying down and taking whatever a government dishes out to us, democratically elected or not.

              • I don’t see the point in responding to the substance of what you have said, as you are criticising me for saying something I didn’t say.

                • Don’t mention democracy up here in the Kaipara District.

                  The Natz have put one of their little cronies in to rule us.

    • While you’re working on your literacy look up Fascism … I can assure you that meaning hasn’t changed. You can hang the label of democracy anywhere you like, but it won’t make it any more meaningful when it is used to subvert the interests of the citizens by deception. Oh and while you’re here, please explain … what is it about global corporate fascism that you find so appealing?

      • Another person who failed to understand what I wrote. I will spell it out for you

        A) Martyn decries the TPPA as ‘the dismantling of our democratic independence’.
        B) Martyn states that the TPPA must be stopped at all costs, which could include civil disobedience, notwithstanding the fact that the TPPA is being negotiated by a democratically elected government.

        A + B = Irony.

        • “notwithstanding the fact that the TPPA is being negotiated by a democratically elected government in total secret, so we don’t know what our governments are signing us up to.

          There. Fixed it.

          It’s more accurate now,SGThree.

    • You are ridiculous.

      When MPs of the government are putting stories out to destroy their competition. What do you call this?

      You are one of the stupid sleeping kiwis who know nothing.


      • “You are ridiculous.”

        No, YOU are ridiculous.

        “When MPs of the government are putting stories out to destroy their competition. What do you call this?”

        It’s called Opposition. It is their job. If an incumbent government is not questioned or brought to task by the opposition, then you should be screaming bloody murder about where your tax dollars (that pay the opposition their salary) are going.

        Anything less, and I might say that “You are one of the stupid sleeping kiwis who know nothing.”

    • SG three there is no such thing as democracy in NZ or America its been destroyed by the corrupt and greedy

    • You seem to be claiming that because this government was democratically elected that therefore everything they do must be democratic.

      Which is actually not necessarily so.

      The TPPA is not only being negotiated in secret, but it may be signed by John Key without the rest of parliament seeing it. Still in secret. And after signing, much of it may remain secret for a further 5 years. Which does NOT look democratic to me.

      Just because a big proportion of NZers voted for Key and National does NOT mean that everything they do must be democratic.

    • Once signed no new government can change it ,its set for years.surely a smart type like you has heard that ?so your idea is redundant.

    • I seem to recall prior comments by yourself about the legality of binding contracts Gosman?

      Something about prior trade agreements signed by NZ not being able to be broken lest we end up on the wrong side of international law?

      You do understand the concept of a binding contract, right?

  5. If you really believe the parroting melody that Labour is National-lite then we really are stuffed. The only way to make social progress or even avoid the slumping standards we are seeing at the moment, is for the Left – all the Left, not just the flavour-of-the-month Left – to work together to agree on a way forward which is positive as well as corrective.

    All this “National-lite” crap will have to be replaced by genuine co-operation among the various groups.

    Let me be plain: unless you all drop the above divisive bullshit, we will have literally no chance of eventually replacing a government who is doing more harm to our infrastructure and our reputation every day.

    If you think Labour is too timid, then join them and put your own shoulder to the wheel. Because the Left cannot win without a confident and vibrant centre, and that centre can only be the New Zealand Labour Party.

    You may not like this message, but you all know it’s true.

    If we lose the next election after another two years scrapping among ourselves then the next exasperated coroner demanding the cause of another loss will only have to go as far as the mirror.

    I agree that the country is near having had enough of the Nats, but they will only jump when they can see the sheet.

    As for the TPPA, if we scream and rail and stage massive protests now, aren’t we somewhat jumping the gun? It is probable that it is not a helpful agreement, but if we complain too vociferously when we don’t have the content, who will listen to us when we do?

    • Still trying to smother all others under the Labour umbrella, or else?

      Or else what?

      Don’t tell me I can guess. Or else Labour will again put more effort into crushing the smaller parties to their Left than they will on getting rid of the Nats.

    • “If you think Labour is too timid, then join them and put your own shoulder to the wheel. Because the Left cannot win without a confident and vibrant centre, and that centre can only be the New Zealand Labour Party.
      You may not like this message, but you all know it’s true.”

      Spoken like a true sectarian demagogue.

      My Party right, or wrong. Eh Nick?

      It is a wonder you didn’t use the common sectarian sign off; “Tribal Labour”.

      The only ones who think the above is true, are the narrow sectarians who hail from the right wing of the Labour Party, who would rather see National in power than make any concessions to their Left.

      The truth that sectarian believers in the one true religion like yourself Nick, refuse to acknowledge, is that the wider Left can no longer be encompassed, or represented by the Labour Party. Not been since the days of Rogernomics, and even more so, since the Labour Party shat on Maori to take full title of the seabed and foreshore to hand over rights to our EEZ to foreign fishing companies, deep sea oil drillers and sand miners, to rape it as they please, and not have to worry about pesky concerns over Kaitiaki

      How about this instead Nick, try accepting that there are other parties on the Left as well as Labour and that it would be a good idea to try and work constructively with them, rather than continually demanding that they join Labour, or else.

    • The NZ Labour Party spawned ACT.

      It’s not left wing and hasn’t been since 1984.

      And if you still think it’s a left wing party… I have a wee bridge in Auckland to sell you…

  6. US Congress have granted fast-track authority on the TPPA. That means we need to fast-track our resistance.
    Lobbyists from big businesses will be bending the ears of our MPs, desperate for TPPA to get as little opposition as possible. But that’s where ActionStation members come in: MPs represent us, so we can drown out the shady lobbyists.
    We’ve only got a few days, maybe weeks, so the best chance of getting through to our MPs is to phone them. We’ve set up a really easy tool to search MPs phone numbers as well keep track of how many phone calls we collectively make and provide you with a script.
    If dozens of us phone a few MPs, every MP could walk into Parliament next week knowing why TPPA is so dangerous, and what we’re expecting from them.
    Imagine the impact we can have.
    Pick up the phone and take action now:
    ActionStation’s photo.

    Call Your MP And Say #TPPANoWay

  7. “Meanwhile we paid $11m for a New York Apartment so our diplomats aren’t as cold and sick as children in our state houses are.
    If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention.”

    Yeah, I’m angry about it. The argument is that it’s a good “investment” but since when has the ministry of foreign affairs been involved in property speculation?

    And so far no one has shown me why it’s necessary to house a diplomat in a 3 room luxury apartment close to the UN building when a one bedroom apartment will do. As far as I remember when Michael Moore was in NY where he was living was so basic he had to wash his gruds in the sink. And they can always take the subway.

    IMHO, it stinks of McCully feathering his nest for himself and his cronies.

  8. What’s interesting is that when we listen to the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, we the audience really do believe the beans are magic and the mother is deluded. Aristotle and others called this “the suspension of disbelief”. It’s a very interesting faculty that all humans seem to possess – to be believe that the unreal actually is real.

  9. When we see current official like TPPA photos of John (donkey jonkey) Key proudly standing right next to Obama, I wonder how many New Zealanders know that it is an insult to our democracy and our sovereignty to have a puppet PM who is more out of touch with his country than Obama is out of though with with his country ?
    The US constitution is dead and Ken O’Keefe and Noam Chomsky and Glenn Greenwald and Ralph Nader and Rosa Koire and Bernie Sanders and Max Keiser and George Gallaway were and still are right.

    We should be appalled that John Key is more pro TPPA ; more pro corporate and more pro – kiss up to Obama that he is pro New Zealand citizens and what is best for us and our environment and our assets and our resources and those in need. He is a lying ” sell out ” to the highest bidder all the while claiming it is in our best interests. Mammoth liar !

    Donkey Jonkey – a corporation in disguise of a man who has been proven to deceive the public. Iceland kicked out their banksters and criminals. Take a hike back to Hawaii and suck up the radiation from Fukushima there and leave us to run our country with sanity and integrity.

    Fascism – in the dictionary – tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one National or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy; an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader ( leaders ) and a strong demagogic approach.

  10. Agreed Blake – lets do an Iceland, otherwise we, and future generations are at the mercy of faceless corporations.
    Everyone who voted this monstrous government in should hang their heads in shame – they have helped in the killing of this country.
    Sad days.

    • I notice Iceland has been considering an alternative currency…

      Alternative to an interest bearing currency.

      Very smart indeed.

  11. The real problem here is the neocon regime in control of the USA. Nobody can say the US political system is a democracy and yet they are directing world events and coercing other countries to an unparalleled extent at this time. This is why labour is “National Lite” on the TPPA because they know they would be subject to the full force of the fascist surveillance media controlling state that is the USA and thus can say goodbye to any hope of being elected. Just like the American people NZ’ers are largely complacent and mis-informed and think they will be better off under America’s unipolar model of world domination

  12. Yet another photo op in the link below, for John Key to sit right next to Obama. Boy Key really likes to be photographed next to his main hero.
    Cozy little duo marching hand in hand to force TPPA through no matter what its overwhelming negative impact will be on so very much.

    It’s Nafta on steroids and corporations are as happy as clams.

    I am not proud of our PM nor should anyone else be when he is a suck up puppet to the worlds most horrific terrorist – Obama. England and the US have been the biggest terrorists using the most weapons/drones and killing the most civilians ever.
    Key and Obama have their corporate connections dictating to them heading over the cliff into the abyss. Bernie Sanders go ! go ! go ! and it appears he may be ahead of Hillary Clinton now. Too bad we do not have someone in politics here in NZ that comes close to the guts ; integrity and ethics of the likes of Bernie Sanders and/or Ralph Nader and/or Elizabeth Warren . . etc.. . . .

    Maybe Jacinda Ardern or ? ? ? Not many here to look up to and support.


  13. This is a quote from The First Global Revolution
    In searching for a new enemy to unite us,we came up with the idea that pollution,the threat of global warming.water shortages,and famine and the like would fit the bill.

    A report by by the council of the club of Rome written by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider .1991 (www.globalist agenda.org)


    Object of these internationalists is nothing less than the subjugation of everyone on the planet as servants(slaves) to THE ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

    Does anyone not think that John Key is not involved in this? He never discusses the TPP never mind explain it except to lie about the results of this so called trade deal.

  14. I am so relieved at the $11m, because I would have hated to think what NatzKEY might have spent on an apartment in NY, if austerity measures hadn’t been in place!

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