So where are all the demands for the white community to denounce a white shooter?



Whenever a mentally damaged Muslim goes on the rampage, the media demand where is the Muslim community denouncing such violence.

Whenever African-American communities riot over the latest cold blooded murder by Police of unarmed African-Americans, the media demand where is the Black community denouncing such violence.

So when a white supremacist goes on a shooting spree and kills 9 African-Americans because he wanted to ‘kill some blacks’…

Black church shooter suspect in custody
A white man who joined a prayer meeting inside a historic black church and then fatally shot nine people was captured without resistance after an all-night manhunt, Charleston’s police chief said.

Dylann Storm Roof, 21, spent nearly an hour inside the church Wednesday night before killing six women and three men, including the pastor. A citizen spotted his car in North Carolina and tipped police, Chief Greg Mullen said.

…where is the media demanding of the white community to denounce these hate crime based murders?

The reason there are no such demands is because white privilege means never having to say sorry.



  1. Have to disagree with you this time Martin. There are a lot of white people appalled at this behavior! It is the fruit of American gun laws and a people who are losing their way.
    Thanks to a commentor on one of your earlier blogs, I have discovered Bill Hicks, (unfortunately 19 years after he died) but check him out on You tube. e had it summed up then and you can see it even more now!

  2. Agreed Martyn, but I think that white privilege is only part of it. I have been following the recent story of Rachel Dolezal in the United States and her so-called “pretence” of being of Afro-American heritage when her parents have publicly stated that she isn’t.
    The outcry in the US over how a “white” person can somehow get into the position of being a leading activist for “black” rights started me wondering what is this country we call America?
    Why is your racial situation so important there? Is it wrong in the United States for a person of one race to stand up for members of another race? It seems so.
    I compare it with New Zealand? I doubt such a controversy could occur here because no-one expects a person to be solely concerned with his or her own race. In other words, if you are Maori you don’t have to be concerned solely with Maori rights, although it is natural that this would be your main focus.If you are Pakeha, it is perfectly acceptable for you to champion the rights of other racial types – Maori, Pasifika, Asian, etc. and generally they welcome such support.
    Whether you are white, black, yellow or otherwise simply does not become an issue to most New Zealanders. If you prefer to think of yourself as any one particular group you are free to do so. If I want to think of myself as Maori then it is my right to do so, even if I am not, or I am not certain.
    This, I believe, is what most New Zealanders think. There are always exceptions of course, notably our own Paul Henry who in 2010 thought that having an Indian-Fijian governor general wasn’t right and he asked John Key if they could find someone who looked more like a New Zealander next time. But cretins like Henry aside, most New Zealanders think that race is not a defining factor in wanting to speak about racial-based problems. We have examples here: John Minto and Sue Bradford active in Mana Movement. No-one says they shouldn’t be there because they don’t “look Maori”
    But back to the US, it really appears to be a deeply racially divided country. This huge economic power that boasts how it is the land of the free and the international bastion of democracy still has not come to grips with its own institutionalised racism.

    • “Rachel Dolezal in the United States and her so-called “pretence” of being of Afro-American heritage when her parents have publicly stated that she isn’t ”

      “The outcry in the US over how a “white” person can somehow get into the position of being a leading activist for “black” rights”

      It is not the fact that she is white. It is the fact that she lied about her race. She is not African American as they say… She says that she is, then says that she isn’t when she needs to.

      “it is perfectly acceptable for you to champion the rights of other racial types”

      I agree with this, anyone can stand up for anyone…

  3. Our whole world today is becoming less sensitive to cultural sovereignty.

    In the 1960’s and 70’s I travelled the globe on my own learning of other cultures and leaned great respect for their ways.

    But today we see large foreign corporations planting their global hand print all over the world and ignoring these cultural sensitivities where ever they go.

    As you have always correctly pointed out today Corporations have no humanity, as they are driven by greed only for their shareholders so new are being trampled by these Corporations that impose their will eagerly, and without any human concerns so what we are now witnessing is a result of autocratic Corporate influence within our society today.

  4. What a load of offensive bullshit. Last time I looked white supremacists were regarded as pariahs. It’s like after a major gang rape asking why there isn’t demands from the “male” community denouncing it.

  5. This doesn’t really sound like an endorsement… [Roof’s uncle] shook with anger at the thought that his nephew could have carried out the crime with which he is accused. “I’d be the executioner myself if they would allow it,” he said.

  6. Your mate Paul Henry said on his radio/tv show this morning that the gunman should be executed , and probably will be because that is possible in the state where it happened. This is a solo act, clearly. A bit of a silly post this time Martyn.

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