Introducing a new free service for NGOs and progressive movements



The Daily Blog raw feed service allows your NGO or Progressive movement free press release publicity.

The Daily Blog is one of the largest left progressive wing blogs in NZ, and is the only one to beat Kiwiblog in the blog rankings. If you would like free publicity for your press releases, please contact us here with your request.



  1. Hi Martyn,

    This will be a good service for NGO’s if we can have a friendly platform to present our (quote) “Progressive movement free press release publicity.”

    Our NGO has a library of hundreds of cases of NZ Public health & environmental issues dating back 15 yrs.’ to speak up about that this current Government is either ignoring or deliberately causing us all harm with.

    Every time we try to present our NGO case before the MSM, they either ignore our request for coverage, or cut the content until it is meaningless.

    Thanks for the opportunity Martyn our NGO has sent today our last press release for you to cover for us if you may. We have just updated the April 2014 version with a modified acceptable update.

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