2 Government whitewashes



So the Public Health scientists that Cameron Slater and Carrick Graham slagged off and denigrated behind secret fronts apparently didn’t reach all the way to former National MP Katherine Rich.


I’m getting a queasy feeling that these Auditor General reports are starting to become so whitewashed as to be meaningless. The AG says there was no conflict of interest between Rich being a pimp for the food industry and also being on a public health board that is supposed to be trying to limit the power of the industry she pimps for.

How she has managed to escape being in a conflict of interest seems to be based on the AG claiming that such conflicts can be managed if they are declared and the person with the conflict doesn’t vote, unfortunately Rich has never declared a conflict and there’s no suggestion that she has actually held back her vote.

The check and the balance is there, however theres no proof that check and balance was checked or balanced.

This whitewash follows the Judith Collins report that astoundingly exonerated her…

Not every witness was called, the most damning evidence was ignored, who Slater was working for to undermine the SFO boss was never answered and the Police investigation into the issue was mysteriously shelved. 

… from whitewash reports, to being in the pocket of Chinese business interests, from mass surveillance to secret TPPA deals, from dirty politics to the PMs Office working with State Spies to smear the leader of a political party, the extraordinary level of political abuse occurring in NZ right now is as eye watering as Key’s popularity.

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Democracy in NZ doesn’t die with thunderous applause, that would require far too much effort. In NZ it dies casually over a BBQ with a couple of beers and a ponytail pulling Prime Minister taking a selfie on the Edge Morning Madhouse.




  1. Sadly the sleepy hobbits of NZ won’t realise this is important MB, hence without a quality NZ civil service JK has gotten away with this corruption.
    We have got the Govt we deserve due to the result of our collective voting.

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