Evening Report: Extended Video Interview with Green Party MP and co-leader contender Kevin Hague


    Evening Report: Episode 6, May 15, 2015.
    Host/Interviewer: Selwyn Manning
    Duration: 33 minutes
    Syndication Approved: Yes, feel free to circulate widely with credit to EveningReport.nz – Episode 6.

INTRODUCTION: After the pending resignation of Russel Norman, the Green Party co-leadership is being hotly contested. One the two top front-runners is Kevin Hague and he is here with us for an extended interview to talk about: the co-leadership campaign, economics, solution-based politics, and how to make a difference even if your preferred partner in politics is not occupying the treasury benches.


a) The co-leadership campaign – some pundits have said that should you become the new co-leader then it locks the Green Party into the left, that it will only influence government policy should Labour’s fortunes improve.

What is your response to that?

b) If you become co-leader how will you utilise the skills James Shaw brings to the party?

c) What do you make of the mantra: we are not left, we are not right, we are Green?

d) The Budget… It is expected the National led Government will fail to meet its surplus target. What is your take on this situation?

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e) What would be your intended contribution to discourse around finance, the economy, should you become co-leader? What about if you become part of a government in 2017?

f) Auckland Housing – the market is not providing the answer. What is your preferred solution to this huge issue?

g) West coast mine closures – regional development impact.

Syndication Approved: Yes, feel free to circulate widely with credit to EveningReport.nz.


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