TDB Political Caption Competition – spot the difference




  1. Presenting the hierarchy of the Natsy sleazy creeping perv society.

    Note the touching together of arms, one finger away from holding hands. Quite in character.

  2. Spot the difference:

    One is accused of harassing young women and girls, the other is… the Prime Minister? Hypothetically speaking.

    • [Dennis, it may be that the laws are farcical, but we still have to uphold them. As such, any comments that come close to breaking suppression orders must be deleted to protect the viability of this site. It gives me no pleasure to delete your comments, but TDB is bound by law. – ScarletMod]

  3. If anyone asks you a question hypothetically speaking Mike, just say “I can’t remember”.

  4. ‘This squint/smoile thing Crosbies got me doin’ Moike..’

    ‘ah no John ..Like this *winning squint/smile*..’

    ‘ooh Moike, looky..tantaloising young ponytail awn thet girl..scuse me..I just gonna..Mind out of the way Bronagh, I just gonna..ah fuck it..’

  5. Army-run assault course mistaken for training program by two well known identities.

  6. in the full image, both are wearing g-strings and are surrounded by young girls wearing only tee shirts

  7. Contestants in the new TV3 reality show to replace Campbell Live, Swimming with Whaleoil, have for some reason attracted the nickname ‘Pedos in Speedos’.

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