Amnesty International presents… The SECRET POLICEMAN’S BALL


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By Brad Fagan, Media Intern at Amnesty International.

I wouldn’t call myself a hilarious person. But I like to think of myself as a comedy connoisseur, a person who can appreciate the finest humour on this planet. I am a fan of satire, dark humour, the irreverent, dirty, offensive, even the odd spot of toilet humour (there’s still a five year old somewhere inside all of us that gleefully enjoys stupidity).

But we all know that five year old has to grow up and every once and a while we all have to laugh to keep from crying. The state of the world these days leaves us in no doubt that terrible things do happen. Human rights will be abused and against wave after wave of negative news stories and constant problems, sometimes all you can do is laugh. Amnesty International invites you to help them out a little bit by coming to The Secret Policeman’s Ball and enjoy yourself by connecting with your funny bone.

All of the proceeds are going towards Amnesty International’s continual work for human rights. Sometimes we forget just how easy it is to take these rights for granted. NZ comedy for example can be pretty offensive. There are few social, cultural or political boundaries that we view as sacred. In some countries I could be carted off to prison for writing something as dry as this. I could be separated from my love of cricket, rugby and that fine take-away cuisine that my native country has raised me on.  So I have provided a list of rights that you are totally welcome and free to express at our show:

  1. You have the right to laugh (as frequently and as close to sounding like the barnyard animal of your choice).
  2. You have the right to find irreverence funny (and welcome to show that by shooting projectile liquids out of your nose at a rapid rate).
  3. You have the right to freedom and that means kicking back and relaxing safe in the knowledge that you’re being a good sort, helping another good sort, sort out freedom for every good sort the world over.
  4. You have the right to help provide others with these freedoms. At Amnesty International, we think freedom is a pretty awesome thing.

The Secret Policeman’s Ball is on Sunday 3 May for one night only. Tickets are $40 and you can find out more here.

We’ve selected a very diverse and multi talented group of superheroes who are also pretty funny, such as Billy T James Comedy Award Winner Nick Gibb, winner of the NZICF Best Beard 2014 Award Jamie Bowen, funniest Indian in New Zealand Tarun Mohanbhai, winner of Best Newcomer at the 2013 NZICF and 2014 Billy T nominee Tim Batt, Most Offensive Gag Winner Vaughan King, 2013 and M2 Magazine Comedian of the year Andrew Clay.

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