NZ leading human rights is a myth



New Zealanders believe we’re leading the world for human rights while study author Judy McGregor says its time to face modern day realities regarding this. Metiria Turei says this very sentiment is a myth.

It is hard to argue that we’re leaders in human rights when parents can barely afford GP visits because mortgage rates are through the roof. They then have to wait until the situation is out of control and visit the emergency room where it is free.

According to an article by, GP visits are a luxury item, which is shown by free clinics having to close off to new patients because of high demand. It also says one patient owed $890.

We’ve all delayed seeing the doctor for one reason or another. But any country where you have to pay to receive basic healthcare, and where you have to delay seeking healthcare is not exactly what I would call a human rights leader.

No family should have to compromise healthcare to keep a roof over their heads. GPs are currently working based on a business model, which we should all be questioning.

For someone to be in healthcare debt, you’re essentially punishing him or her for being sick. Being in debt due to healthcare costs is probably one of the most barbaric aspects of our society. It’s not a luxury, as if a person accumulated a massive debt from a shopping spree. Healthcare is a necessity.

This government simply cant expect us to afford soaring mortgage rates and basic life necessities. What’s left after that?

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  1. Doctors visits are not a human ‘right’. They are the privilege of a wealthy society. Free speech is a human right. And ‘soaring mortgage rates?” Are you kidding? Where were you in 2008, Latifa?

    • Spoken like a true ACT member, Nehemia/Intrinsicvalue…

      Of course, if caring for the sick, disabled, elderly, etc, is not a human right – then neither is free speech, Nehemia/Intrinsicvalue. Because in the final analysis, human beings establish these rights – they are not ordained from On High. So if Free Speech can be a human right – then so can free healthcare.

      I hope you understand that.

    • Nehemia (against the) Wall –

      Have you never heard of Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

      Article 25.

      “(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”

      “(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.”

      Medical care is covered there, same as food, clothing and housing, I suppose you just conveniently ignored this, or did not even bother to check.

      Latifa may have mixed up mortgage rates with mortgage payments, as interest rates may be lower than many years ago, but due to exorbitant house prices in the main centres, housing affordability is a real issue affecting more and more people.

      And re interest rates, they may be “low” compared to NZ historic rates, but on the international scale they are always higher here, so NZers are always paying higher interest rates and debt repayments based on them, than many people in comparable, developed countries.

    • Consulting with an orthodox medical practitioner is, I agree, not a ‘right’, as such.

      However, due to the officiousness of the Good and Great, the alternatives have been demonised, legislated against, and caused to be unduly expensive.

      There is absolutely no guarantee that a ‘qualified medical practitioner’ is any good, or has the best interests of clients at heart. ACC pays out for the consequences of malpractice often enough.

      As a free-to-choose proponent – can you do anything to stop the Establishment from tilting the playing field and reducing choices?

      Or did you give up that particular right – to be heard and heeded by those ‘governing’ on your behalf?

  2. Thank you Latifa for your insightful blog on what NZ is definitely Not. A long, long way from the egalitarian nation it once was.

    The high cost of medical treatment in this country is a disgrace, when considering most medical practices are profit orientated businesses more than anything else. The reason so many folk are either left to suffer, or as a last resort, attend a public hospital!

    As for the latter option above, which is discouraged.What is someone to do when they are unable to afford the cost of a GP visit and they or a close family member is in desperate need of medical attention?

    Nothing to be proud of is it Mr Key?

    But then what does he care?

    Impoverishment is through poor lifestyle choices, according to him!

    So those at the lower end of the food chain he treats with disdain and contempt, simply because they don’t have the opportunities granted to some!


    • Mary you read my mind, except I would not call him Mr Key.

      I think traitor rather than Mr is appropriate.

  3. Hah, this country is full of “myths”, a migrant friend with lots of insight told me years ago, New Zealand is a country full of wannabes. He also said, it is a bit like a pauper dressed in a fancy dinner jacket, pretending to have a same size wallet as the ones it likes to dine with.

    That is Aotearoa NZ on the international stage also, with hardly any defence forces, unable to defend itself, but sitting now on the UN Security Council, because its government was full of vanity, and wanted to be seen to be important.

    How important we are, that we can see in Key and his lackeys rushing to serve the Great Powerful Master from Washington, to send “trainers” to Iraq, training a corrupt military that stands by when Shiite militias do the same as ISIS fighters do, when they kill and decapitate civilians and other innocents.

    Human Rights, transparency and corruption, and 100 percent Pure too, all stuff soaked in endless amounts of cow urine, and covered in shit, I fear. The shine is coming off fast, off the false “gloss” that does no longer stick to the surface.

  4. A nation quakes when a slave becomes the King .


    Also , during the middle ages , and feudal lords and peasant serfs ,only the wealthy could afford physicians. Basically , this is what we have returned to.

    Blame the rock star economy under John Key.

    And every other neo liberal since the days of Roger Douglas.

  5. Latifa’s blogpost mirrors that of someone we know, on a welfare benefit, who last Thursday had a doctor’s appointment.

    She cancelled it, citing “she felt much better”.

    We suspect the true reason was being unable to meet the doctor’s bill.

    Right wingers like Nehemia/Intrinsicvalue may believe that this doesn’t affect them, and society has no obligation to enact a right to free healthcare…

    But right wingers forget that poverty-related diseases are no respecters of class, income, wealth, and good suburbs. Even ACT members can catch a virus or bacteria from a sick unemployed person or solo-parent, as they pass him/her in the street…

    • “can catch a virus or bacteria from a sick unemployed person or solo-parent, as they pass him/her in the street… ”

      I wouldn’t breathe on the likes of Nehemia even if they were gasping for air!

  6. Clean and green, 100% pure and natural, Godzone, safe for tourists, free education, racial harmony, egalitarian, the land of opportunity – the list of myths goes on and becomes less and less accurate as time rolls on. Perhaps the biggest lie is about the lack of corruption here. New Zealand is deemed by as one of the least corrupt countries in the world. They can’t ever have actually visited here, they must have only spoken to John Key and his spin doctors to believe such unholy crap. It would be nice if all the myths were true, some of them probably were largely true once, but they are not now. But by pointing out the truth I am now obviously a traitor and should be suitably punished. The people really responsible for destroying the fabric of New Zealand just get knighthoods for their “services to New Zealand”

  7. There’s hardly ever discussion of dentists bills which I would rate as more of an issue than doctors bills. Going to the doctor costs around $40 for an adult whereas dentist visits start from around $150 for one filling and go on from there. I’m on near to a minimum wage and have regularly been in a position where I could not get the dental care I needed because I couldn’t afford it. It’s a huge issue for many New Zealand adults.

    • Dentists, hearing checks and hearing aids (ouchwards of $3000+ for some), and affordable glasses.

      For dentistry – too many people having extractions and going gummy because dentures are not affordable either. In Britain people are resorting to DIY – either with a quick fix temporary filling product, or (noooo!) taking their own teeth out.

      Plus basic care for hernias.

      And dealing with illiteracy.

      And every one of those issues can stop a person moving into income generation.

      This government is sooo short-sighted/stupid.

    • I agree. Most dentists are the biggest con artists and over charging professionals there is in this country. Shame on their greed. Many of them do not even do great quality work to boot. We have missed the boat here in NZ as far as taking care of our most vulnerable with fair priced medical care. I am ashamed of so much here when long ago I was very proud of this country on many levels. Its all about taking care of number one and to hell with everyone else and this is damaging us and hurting so many. There are a very few and rare – kind and fair priced dentists but most of them are not worth half of what they charge and they always charge way more than they should. Fast, in and out patients quickly quickly as the buck rules supreme. Shame on you dentists.

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