How come Bill English’s inability to point to one new economic policy is less of a crime than Key lying to Cunliffe about CGT?



Further proof of media bias?

Key lies to Cunliffe about Labour’s Capital Gains Tax at a poorly moderated, ill produced drunken shouting match and that’s evidence of a ‘gotcha’ moment and Cunliffe is supposedly doomed.

Bill English goes on The Nation in the weekend in a quiet TV studio with none of the pressure of a live public meeting and is not able to point to one single new economic plan the Government are bringing to the election and barely a whisper.

A poorly watched live drunk shouting match where the PM lies about Labour’s CGT = the end of Labour.

A nationwide TV debate where the Economic Minister can’t name one new economic plan = no mention in the msm whatsoever.

The mainstream media of NZ is the reason we can’t have nice things, like a corruption free democracy.


  1. Big crime Martyn is that English/Key wont front an economic policy on climate change.

    At the CHCH live link below video climate change debate last week the National Party Minister failed to produce any on this subject but all opposition parties did.

    The Opposition should go after NatZ on this in the last days leading up to the elections.

    Every where else it is the biggest policy decision being made in the world.

    Within these following headlines and still there’s no MSM comments about lack of a NatZ policy press are doing us a huge disservice that will come home to roost in the end.

    Lack of a Climate Change policy is NatZ weakest policy along with credibility, that lacks critical glare of the press.

    PD Gluckman, Chief Science Advisor has done nothing to focus on Climate change however.

    12:20 June 10, 2010 Pacific Press Releases Gluckman: Integrity in Science – Climate Debate Speech – Prime Ministers Science Advisory Committee. “If we overestimate, then in 2050 we might find that we have overinvested in climate change mitigation, but most of those mitigation strategies, such as sustainable energy generation, will help to meet our other challenges. The equation is not equal.”

    Importantly this refusal to make a meaningful stand from National coincides with a climate Change debate taking place this week in the pacific Islands. July 2014 climate debate

    United Nations predicts climate hell in 2050 with imagined weather forecasts ‘Reports from the future’ warn of floods, storms and searing heat in campaign for climate change summit

    • Bill English likes a low wage economy,
      For all his foreign investors,
      We scream ‘what about us?’,
      Now we’re adamant thus,
      Our Finance Minister is none but the court jester.

      He lovingly states, ‘You’ll all have to wait’,
      For the trickle down effect to kick in,
      There is none left for you , cept his neo liberal crew,
      And policy just ‘gets in my way ‘

      So to you ,Mr Bill,
      We wont take your pill,
      And all your neo liberal ways,
      In voting you out, your lies we will flout,
      And democracy will rule once again.

  2. I think we need to attack the media, it should be democracy’s greatest defender instead it is democracy’s greatest evil.
    We need to hold journalists to account. Gower’s Blunderbus article in the Sunday Herald was an absolute unbalanced disgrace!
    the other thing one doesn’t know to-day is did he write it?

  3. What does the climatic apocalypse mean for the likes of the Right Honourable John Key or the Right Honourable Bill English? They won’t be around to endure it. Therefore, so far as they are concerned, it is a non-issue compared with the bottom lines of their fat cat mates, and whatever form their own thirty pieces of silver will take.

  4. Thanks for this Martyn.

    I raised this topic of English’s inability to respond to a fresh policy plan question raised by Lisa Owen on The Nation, on the Opinion pages of both Stuff and the NZH recently, pointing out the crucifixion of Cunliffe for much less.

    Same as other comments I made on msm last week, this one has also failed to be posted! Is msm deliberately blocking alternative points of view to that of FJK and this government, to initiate a smooth run for him and the Natsies towards the election? I believe it is. Has anyone else noticed or experienced the same?

    I’m of the opinion now mainstream media is directing the way of this election through control, deliberately reporting misinformation, as instructed I’d say by FJK and WhaleOil, who I believe still has influence on this government as well as msm!

    Something in the period of a week has changed, after it looked like FJK and the Natsies were being knocked around by Dirty Politics. I can’t put my finger on it, considering it was during the same time frame that David Fisher, Fran O’Sullivan and Jared Savage from NZH, were virtually apologizing for, or attempting to justify their close association with Cameron Slater!

    Today’s NZH headline was yet once more shredding Cunliffe to bits! Yet still nothing about English’s failure to answer a simple question though!

    The vile stench of corruption and filth has not only infiltrated government, but also our msm I fear, courtesy of FJK, his vile ministers and his rotten WhaleOil buddy!

    I have been around for almost seven decades and I have never in all that time, known our political scene to be so corrupt, sleazy and slimy!

    Sorry to be so long winded on this issue, but I am very concerned for the future of NZ.

    • Mary I agree…”The vile stench of corruption and filth has not only infiltrated government, but also our msm I fear, courtesy of FJK, his vile ministers and his rotten WhaleOil buddy!”

      …and I think real National Party policy is actually what the Act Party is proposing…wholesale SALE of New Zealand land without restriction or documentation…John Key’s National Party is just too gutless to say it…they are selling New Zealand to their overseas mates…If you want National’s fresh policy plan, look no further than ACT

      “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

      • Yes Seagull.
        This is treason, and FJK is a Traitor!

        So what happens next about this?

        How do we report the pm and his cronies for Treason?


  5. @ Cleangreen . Heat you say ??? Hmmmm . I live in Southland and I can’t afford electricity , coal or firewood . Tell me more about this so called ‘ heat ‘ .

  6. In response to the Dominion Post’s headline, ‘It’s all over bar the shouting’, which accompanied the fairfax poll, which is historically skewed in National’s favour, and which made no mention of its sole reliance on landlines or the significant number of respondents who were undecided – can people at least go onto their facebook page (and the Press) and call them out on this. These tactics are a clear case of voter suppression and fairfax have a clear case to answer if we pressure them, maybe through a petition. there are tens of thousands of people in this country who feel like us about this issue. In the least detail fairfax newspapers should be stating that they are supportive of re-electing a National government.

  7. Sorry Country boy either can we afford power at those prices?

    In 1966 I was working on the Manapouri power scheme and afterwards Turangi Power scheme, which all together in the 60’s was going to make us the cheapest power in the developed world. Now these clowns have privatised we have TOU coming next year if you are one of the poor folks that got suckered into getting a smart meter with the bullshit that you will save power.

    Another Key lie. Our KWH rate now in NZ is the highest anywhere at 38+ cents a one kilowatt hour. Used to be 8 cents.

    Next year they are changing to TOU or Time of use power where the daily charge could treble and the only time cheap power will come around is when 11pm till 5am comes along so don’t forget if you still have an analogue meter (you know the spinning wheel model) hold onto it for your life.

    When they talk of Climate change they are not saying it will be hooter all the time. No No No.

    Sure we will have peaks on intense heat but we will have adverse cold weather also, so we are heading into extreme weather events not stable average temperate regions like we always had in NZ.

  8. Was it only me? Or did anyone else notice the venom in Patrick Gower’s voice ,on the ‘Nation’ , on Sunday when he attacked David Cunnliffe over the Lochinvar Land sale????

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