Dear Canon NZ – Malevolence should induce revulsion, it shouldn’t be celebrated


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Giovanni Tiso’s analysis on Slater is possibly the best in NZ

It’s been a good week for some of us. A week of feeling vindicated, offeeling galvanised. Where it goes from here will depend on several factors, some of which are largely outside our control. What’s playing out is a quiet struggle within our media, and within single media organizations. A battle between people who want to continue or, in some cases, go back to doing their jobs, and those who are trying to cauterise the wound, so that in time – not long: a week, a month – they can go back to presiding over the status quo.

His impressions from the Canon Awards night are insightful and the idea that he had to put up with people who had the gall to come up and tell him the best blogger won is a testament to his patience.

I read and re-read the book when ever I’m not writing, and the alarming amount of times the plotting of these ends up winning is deeply concerning.

Tiso’s interaction with Rick Neville shows the love he witnessed being bestowed upon Slater by the establishment and Neville continues to defend Slater keeping the award…

In the 40-year history of the awards, none has ever been withdrawn and it would be an extreme, highly unusual step. The only justification for even considering this would be if concrete evidence came forward of illegal or highly unethical methods having been used to obtain the Len Brown story.

So what does Dirty Politics have to say about the illegal or highly unethical methods used in obtaining the Len Brown story?  It is damning.

The manipulation of Beven Chuang by Slater and Wewege to gain details of the affair are sickening.

August 28th 2013, Beven is texting Wewege apologising that she can’t and hasn’t recorded her phone sex with Len after he has pressured her to do so and has even provided her with an audio recorder. This is what she says to Wewege after apologising that she can’t do this humiliation for him…

TDB Recommends

“I absolutely undoubtedly love you. I just don’t know if you do”.

…here is what Wewege replies with…

“Not true! You just make me sad sometimes….you know (what) you can do to change my life and you won’t do it! All it is…is just shred of evidence and I promise you are fully protected. Baby, I have everything set up, people are just waiting for you”.

…how is that level of emotional blackmail acceptable as a dishonourably brutal form of ‘Journalism’ to the Canon brand and the wider Journalism Industry?

Malevolence should induce revulsion, it shouldn’t be bloody celebrated!


  1. Seemingly Canon don’t care about their brand image.
    I wonder how the share holders are feeling about that?
    Until Canon come out and categorically distance themselves from Slater, they are tarred with the same (unappealing) brush.
    How to ruin a company in easy steps, the Canon way!!!
    Wasn’t Kodac a big company once too???

  2. I don’t think Canon should be getting slated [sic] here – They sponsored the event in good faith. Perhaps as a form of damage control they could demand that Slater remove their logo from his site as a retrospective move, and just put this whole mess behind them. In my opinion though, I say let him keep his precious award- Everyone knows it’s worthless now, and he can just sit there staring at it every day as a reminder of that. I think if anyone should be getting dragged over the coals for this, it’s the judges, and Slater himself, but not the sponsor.

  3. To be honest?….any old common garden thug could act as Slater has…dime a dozen…

    He’s nothing to celebrate…and neither is any bogus award…it was just a misappropriated award, that’s all.

    Poor Canon.

  4. I’m surprised Canon are letting their logo appear on a hate site ( this is going from what I have read … I never visit the sewer, ever ).

    That sleazy story about Len Brown looks to have come about by emotional blackmail amongst other things.

    Do canon endorse this kind of shit ???????????

  5. The reply from Rick Neville could mean “Give us the evidence of highly unethical or criminal behaviour and we’ll take it off him.”

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