Not all men? Really? That’s your response? A brief word on Elliot Rodger and the failure of masculinity



“You girls have never been attracted to me, I don’t know why you’ve never been attracted to me, but I’ll punish you all for it. It’s an injustice—a crime. I’m the perfect guy, yet you throw yourself at all these obnoxious men instead of me, a supreme gentleman… If I can’t have you, girls, I will destroy you. You denied me a happy life, and in turn I will deny you a life.”

To my mind, Elliot Rodger’s misogynist hate crime is a failure of masculinity not a failure of feminism. Rodger’s Aspergers while another factor for his deep alienation, is not a cause.

The weird American culture of gun fetishism meeting invisible privilege and warped consumer masculinity has produced yet another horrifying reality check of the deep seated misogyny so many intimidated males seem to have consciously regressed to.

As women’s autonomy grows, consumer masculinity becomes increasingly threatened. The Pick Up Artist philosophy is the self conscious knee jerk of fragile male egos as hollow as consumer feminism.

Men have to look at themselves if they want answers to Rodger’s actions.

Yes, all men.


  1. Poor bugger – probably had female teachers all thru school, his mother insisted he play with dolls and he was probably told that he was homophobic because he liked females and that he wasnt a queer.

    No wonder some males run off the rails with all these anti-male ideas around the world.

    • This has got to be a parody. Surely people outside of Russia, Islamic countries and America’s hate belt don’t think this way anymore.

  2. This made me think of what was said in Guyland by Michael S. Kimmel about this entitlement to women and sex, as is outlined in the quote above. Which leads to things like, murdering a girl you couldn’t get because you feel she has no right to reject you and of course rape culture as well for the same reasons.

  3. Men have to look at themselves if they want answers to Rodger’s actions.

    Yes, all men.

    Speak for yourself. I had a good look, but can’t locate any internal feelings of either a sense of entitlement to sexual intercourse or murderous rage at womanhood in general. To misquote Freud, sometimes a creepy murderer is just a creepy murderer.

  4. Quite right Physco Milt – what a load of rubbish he has spouted.
    The trouble with all these liberal wets is that they have spent far too much time looking at themselves because they are being told that being a male is all wrong. Its not being male that results in these halfwits running around being all lost in the crap that people like Bradbury spout and finsih up not being able to find any sort of rock to hang onto.

    • while PM above is right – you are utterly wrong

      “Poor bugger – probably had female teachers all thru school, his mother insisted he play with dolls and he was probably told that he was homophobic because he liked females and that he wasnt a queer.

      No wonder some males run off the rails with all these anti-male ideas around the world.”

      i bet its the girls fault aye?

      do i feel some sort of male guilt – nope
      do i blame anyone other than the sick little fellow who decided to shoot people because he didnt get his way – nope, theres no one to blame BUT him

      you see that bit barry – the bit where we blame the offender for the crime they commited?

    • Onya Barry! Mate! At last, a man’s man, who thinks the way I do, is calling all this liberal namby- pamby left wing wet behind the ears bs for what it is. How dare Bradbury suggest that men take responsibility for their own behaviour, and start developing what he hopes will be an educated and enlightened version of masculinity which challenges our so-called prejudices and mindsets. Nothing wrong with your mindset mate, carry on! Women have been the problem, always have been, always will.

      • Thanks Kingi – I always knew I was right.

        Good God – what have you been smoking…..All this bloody self analysis and carry on is just crap.

        If you havent got some confidence in yourself then one does finish up all fucked up in the head – and thats the problem with a lot of males today – theyve been screwed over in the education system – that did to them such things as constantly telling them how great they were (when they werent) – like a certificate for coming second to last in the race; or how imaginative they were when all theyd done was draw some sort of mess; and then when they get into the real world they cant handle reality.

        The best thing that ever happened to me was when a secondary school teacher told me that I was wasting my time training for a certain sport because i wouldnt make it – that got me going – and I did make it.
        I learned more from that than months of other lessons.
        And of course it all involves respecting other people – so no I dont need to go around thinking that I need to rape some random female, etc.

        But hand-wringing and navel gazing never got anyone anywhere – except a sore neck.

  5. Read his manifesto. He declares his own divinity at some point in it, and wants to abolish sex except for reproductive purposes. It makes the Unabomber look reasonable

    Sure, he hated women, but he was also barking mad.

  6. since barry’s been posting here I’ve learnt he thinks the way a girl/woman dresses is an excuse for rape …. ( I’d hate to see barry at a european topples beach )

    And now he’s sticking up for a mass murderer and blaming female teachers or something …………

    your a rather sad sick old prick barry ….. back to whaleoil with you

  7. Yes , speak for yourself Martyn .
    I pride myself on having endearing and healthy relationships with the women in my life thank you very much .
    I think I kind of know what you’re trying to say but you picked a crap analogy I’m afraid .
    I don’t think a gun toting psychopath is the best example to use to say ‘ Hey you guys ! Chicks are people too . ‘

    Hahaha !

  8. Nicely picked up Martyn.

    I know that US culture is quite different from NZ culture, but there are rather a lot of similarities.

    I’ve always found it rather interesting that the vast majority of mass killers within the USA were white males.

    Why is that? And just as interesting, why is it that mainstream US media does not comment on this?

    You can be sure that if the vast majority of mass killers in the US were black females that MSM there would comment incessantly upon it.

    There’s something in gender norms, and something in class differences (most of these perpetrators are upper middle or middle class) that forms a white male killer.

    Why is that?

    • I’ve always found it rather interesting that the vast majority of mass killers within the USA were white males.

      Sure. You find it rather interesting in the same way Kiwiblog commenters find it rather interesting that the vast majority of terrorist killers are Muslim males, and for the same reason – there’s nothing quite so tempting as negatively stereotyping the Other.

      • Actually…the vast majority of murders in the USA are carried out by black males, and the mass media have consciously chosen not to comment incessantly on it.

        Just sayin’.

  9. What is “consumer masculinity”? That is a bizarre concept. We know about the issues with the gun culture and the easy access to guns in the US, which is a major reason for disturbed persons or criminals to go around shooting people.

    I sense this is more about mental health, and also about a modern day self focused, individualism driven culture replacing traditional culture that may in whatever form have offered some sense of “security” and stability to persons with vulnerabilities.

    It is all about “me” and being part of the “me culture”, where showing off, where go-getting behaviour and satisfying own needs are the utmost of values, reinforced by commercialism, that seems to leave some behind, feeling lonely, left out, marginalised and thus perhaps “punished”. Hence we have more of these “revenge shootings” happening.

    Perhaps the modern technology of the internet, the widespread use of interactive games and so also play a role, leading to detachments in the emotional areas, so for some extreme cases, where mental illness has developed, it is easy to go and live out anger, by killing or otherwise harming people.

    I find this highly disturbing, but looking at how so many live their lives, social interaction and cohesion are amiss in wide circles also in modern day New Zealand society.

  10. Reckon we should look at banning knives, too. Elliot stabbed 3 to death first. Oh, and they were men. That dreadful misandry requires that all women take a good hard look at themselves.

    • In the USA, there are more murders committed using hands and hammers as the primary weapon than murders committed using assault rifles, shotguns, pistols and hunting knives combined.

      Ban hammers and cut off everyone’s hands!!! Do it now! For gods sake, think of the children!!!

  11. Not all men, but definitely some.

    Sure, they don’t all end up going on a killing spree, but I’ve definitely encountered more than a few who share Elliott’s self-entitled attitude and misogyny. The type who genuinely expect that a woman owes them sex if they take them out for dinner, and call her a bitch or tease if she doesn’t. Or who make blanket statements about “all women” and who hate female teachers for somehow emasculating them, aka the above commentator.

    It’s sad that some men are so miserable but even sadder that they make others suffer alongside them. I am just glad I had a dad who loved my mum and genuinely likes and respects other women too, and that I have been bloody lucky to find a man who loves and respects me too … because my dating experience was that such men are pretty rare. And that’s pretty sad.

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