MANA – and, or, or not – DOTCOM

Source: Mana Movement – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: MANA – and, or, or not – DOTCOM

Both MANA and the Internet Party share goals in common with other parties, like getting rid of National and reining in the GCSB. There are also differences, as there are with other parties as well.

MANA accepted a request to talk to the Internet Party in good faith, and those discussions are continuing, but any alliance must take into account our determination to maintain faith with our kaupapa and with our people.

If after listening to the pros and cons, we choose to walk away from any arrangement with the Internet Party or any other party for that matter, then that is a decision that MANA will make. Mind you, if we choose to enter into an arrangement with the Internet Party or anyone else, that too is a decision for MANA to make.

We will be discussing arrangements with other parties at our AGM this Saturday. I expect that debate to reflect the robust, challenging, bold, and innovative nature of the MANA membership, and I can confirm that it will be the membership and not the leadership, who will make the final decision on any possible arrangements.

We are grateful to the Maori Party for highlighting the pitfalls of badly managed coalitions.


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